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Is cell phone "texting" making us stupid?

(I should have phrased it "is texting ruining the English language" sorry guys)

We all know for whatever political reasons, they love to keep us dumb and in the dark, and we always see politicians "FIGHTING" for more education in schools, while more and more schools keep shutting down and teachers getting laid off. And for the money that does get allowed for funding, we still see desks from 1986 in classrooms and teachers salaries never going up.

So aside from school education, you can see everywhere that texting is the new craze. It's deeper than a 'LOL' here and there a 'ROFL', 'LMAO', 'BTW', or 'IMO'. We can read those and understand those well.

But wat hapinz wen we try 2 tok 2 sum1 in tex?

You can see the younger generation texting while driving (it's illegal in most areas now) and texting for like 50 minutes back and forth when you could have had a 2 minute phone call (I am a victim every once in a while) but it's not the text I'm raggin on. It's the quality of English from the abbreviation of words were using.

Go to Google right now and type in "is texting ruining the English language?" and you wouldn't even be able to type out the whole sentence before Google finishes it for you (that means alot of people have typed that in) or type in "is texting making us stupid?" and you'll find all kinds of links from Professors explaining what texting can do over long term use.

Are we going to continue on a cycle of abbreviation and short spellings until we go back to the caveman era of just grunting and hoping the other person understands? Or "cyber grunting" since technology is so rampant?

Is texting ruining our vocabulary? Or do we just not care about how things are pronounced or spelled anymore?

R'member, dis culd B yur kid sumday. Jus sumthin 2 cunsider......


idk... when i had my old phone where i had to multi tap the letters, and had limited letters to use (67) i tended to abbreviate words as such... but now with my "smart phone" i have a key board, so i usually type out the whole word...


Well-known member
Personally, I don't understand why people sit around and text one another, when they can talk on the phone?



No, that isn't the problem, the problem is a younger generation that is unable or not wanting to hold a fluent conversation, texting has replaced that because lets be honest, it's just easier a lot of the time. I know some ppl that don't even like talking on the phone & avoid it bc they've grown off the teet of internet/text communication for the majority of their lives, it's kinda pathetic but whatever...you can't stop the world from this kind of communication...!


idk... when i had my old phone where i had to multi tap the letters, and had limited letters to use (67) i tended to abbreviate words as such... but now with my "smart phone" i have a key board, so i usually type out the whole word...

Limited letters? I thought there were only 26?...


Limited letters? I thought there were only 26?...
i was trying to say that i could only have 67 total characters in one text message...
so i would have to abbreviate some word to accommodate the limitation... if that make sense.... idk, iv smoked so much hash today, i cant even think str8... :kos:


as a part of the younger generation, the thing that annoys me most ist leetspeek-using numbers a LOT more than necessary.
im jpm on icmag
leet:1m jpm 0n 1(m49
you can see thats annoying

Owl Mirror

Active member
... and we have to try to understand each other -> more effort

Take a look around, how's that working out for our society ?

I think all this instant communication is a detriment to society.
Recently I watched a pool game (for $$$) and both players were on their cell phones throughout the game and, then some.
I see people sitting at a table full of their friends yet, they are constantly texting other people elsewhere instead of enjoying the company they are surrounded by.


I think texting is both good and bad.

Good in the way that you can communicate without talking on the phone (IE, if youre in class, or at work, etc.)

Bad in the way that it interrupts people and I actually will say to people if they stay on there phone texting while they're supposed to be with "me" (say a girl im dating) i will straight out say "Hey, did you come over to hang out with me or to text all night?"

I've had girls apologize and cease texting the rest of the night...but then also i've had some flip on me saying i can't tell them what to do or who to talk to.

It depends on the person. My mother whos 58 text messages - only important shit though, not basic conversation.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
texting is stupid and impersonal.
it is also recorded by all cell phone carriers.
so be careful what u write.

kids these days are too engrossed in their pc's.
kids today are all skinny and pale.
wtf happened to going outside to play?
we are fucked as a species w/ these youngins.


ICMag Donor
I only text if I have something quick to say, I dont really like talking on the phone in general, so a fast msg to say you are on the way or whatever works for me. I was just talking to a co-worker and she tells me she was going to call me last night and put her hand of to her face like she on the phone. I thought that was funny, like I needed hand gestures to know what she was saying hehehe
ppl are quirky hehe

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Texting is good when you want to flirt with someone all day long, or you have a q and you don't want to interrupt them. It can't replace a conversation though.

Back when I was in high school and cell phones were the new biggest thing, there would be 4 of us in a car and all of us would be talking on the phone to someone else. Sometimes if 2 were on the phone the other 2 would call each other for shits and giggles and talk to each other sitting right next to each other.


Bush Doctor
It seems like a lot of people who text are younger girls. Those are the only people Ive ever received texts from.



All the people that say "well it's good because..." are actually pointing out the reason why it's a horribly stupid idea.

"I can text during class, or work!!" You're right, heaven forbid you listened to your Professor after you paid, excuse me, borrowed 50K from the government to be there and learn. But work, oh man, who needs to be productive when I can text!!

"It's quicker" LOL can anyone honestly text faster than they can talk...? I won't even include the fact you have to type it, send, wait for them to receive it, wait for them to type their short response, send, wait for you to receive it. You're right, works in a jiff!

"I don't have to interrupt them" <--- Bogus claim as receiving the text is an interruption in itself.

"I don't like talking on the phone" .. heaven forbid you're forced to pick up social skills or be able to speak in complete sentences and carry on a conversation!! Who wants to do that anyway?!

I am waiting for the day they create a "Speak 'n Text" application for cell phones like the speak 'n type software on PCs... and then I'm officially bugging out to a 3rd world country and you can all wallow in your own stupidity.

End/ rant

I actually saw a teenage girl texting in MID TURN driving the other day... head down, one hand with phone, one hand on wheel... I shat myself.


i was trying to say that i could only have 67 total characters in one text message...
so i would have to abbreviate some word to accommodate the limitation... if that make sense.... idk, iv smoked so much hash today, i cant even think str8... :kos:

Sorry bro, my bad.


I don't think texting makes us stupid . But I do think its a excuse to communicate when you should be paying attention to whats going on around you .its definitely an added distraction to a hectic life .

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