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Is cannabis addicitive?

Is cannabis addicitive?

  • It's addictive, for people who self-medicate

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • It's a habit like coffee, but won't give you a seizure.

    Votes: 22 31.9%
  • It's addictive, where you will gamble or not buy food instead of it.

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Cannabis, is like cigarettes, without bad feeling of fiending that goes away when you smoke

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • It has more safety, less addictiveness and more benefits to alcohol and caffeine.

    Votes: 23 33.3%
  • If a person's life is consumed with a drug, it's not the drug, it's the person

    Votes: 29 42.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active member
The reason I am asking this, is not because I need to know.

I was going to write more of an explanation, but I am looking for a solution to the problem of cannabis being addictive and it's effect on the cannabis law. :dance013:

My poll options are different, you will see contradictions.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I just quit two days ago after 3+ years of smoking every day and mostly all day because I ran out of the kind of weed I like to smoke. Absolutely 0 withdrawal symptoms of any kind...not even a headache like you get from caffeine. I've done this a couple of times staying 'clean' for over a month...there's no point in 'quitting' and there is no addiction whatsoever imo. People with addictive personalities on the other hand get addicted to things mentally so maybe they experience some sort of addiction /shrug

PS I didn't bother voting in your poll because there is no way to answer it is not addictive...

lost in a sea

of course not!... now please excuse me i need another hit from the bong!

thats my bong!

man im getting itchy !!!

not the baby on the ceiling again !!!!!!!!!!!


ahem no seriously though ganja's good stuff :rasta:

neural plasticity in the brain is the reason why animals can become addicted to anything if the process is repeated enough times,,, many people are addicted to sex and food but it isnt pointed out that the exact same dependency within the brain has been formed as is with so called addictive drugs,,, that is why drugs like ibogane can be used to cure heroin addicts of their mental desire for opium because the pathways in the brain have been rewritten,,, its the persons weak mind and desire for crutches to lean on that decides the strength of the mental dependancy,,, and you would have to be really weak to become what you could call addicted to cannabis..


Active member
Of course it is. We're all posting on a forum made up almost entirely of people who are mentally (and/or physically) dependent upon cannabis to get through their daily lives, myself included. Anybody who says otherwise is deluding themselves.

That said, a lot of things are addictive, so maybe that isn't necessarily the question that needs to be asked.


Active member
well i have never had withdrawels. but i also havent ran out of weed in a long time. but when i did i didnt freak out or anything . i was just like damn i wish i had a j.


Everything can be addictive. Plain and simple.

Cannabis? I smoke it, grow it, think about it, and dream about it. What's the definitional of addictive? Every time I've had to quit for one reason or another I've never had any withdrawal symptoms other than a couple nights of restless sleep and a couple days of slight changes in appetite.

I guess I'm addicted to water and food, too.


When i'm out of weed, i definitely find myself wishing i had more, but i can still go about my day as usual. It's not like it's the only thing on my mind. To me it's just an all around enjoyable thing to do, like eating ice cream. I'd eat ice cream every day if i had a lot of it, but if i don't have any in my fridge i don't really care. To me weed is like that.

bench warmer

Is cannabis addicitive?

The prohibitive factor keeps me from being able to vote in this poll. ie. If it was legal I probably wouldn't have been smoking up with the other rebels in the park as a teenager.
It's almost a certainty my inner-rebel influenced my decision to hang out with cannabis users during my school years.
After graduating high school (pun unavoidable) it did not take long before I quit using weed for several years without relapse.
Now, I'm addicted to collecting seeds.


Living with the soil
I've had to stop at various points over the past 30 years,and the only thing that sucks about refraining from partaking is NOT wanting to stop. No withdrawals,maybe just a short spell of the body expelling carbon due to chonging down on a pro level non-stop for decades,and a little of getting used to not having the munchies all the time..bummer man!

It's serious medicine with real relief form serious real ailments and symptoms...and it just so happens it makes the human being feel waaaaay better in the head than a lot of pharmie prescriptions. I don't buy that cannabis is a addictive due to my own personal experience with cannabis for those past 30 years.

Laugan Gaucher

cannabis is the most addicitve drug I know. psychical certainly and physical too ( less that opiate for sure )

I can't imagine lucidity without cannabis

and I think sativa like haze are more addictive than other species

lost in a sea

when you look at someone you like your brain releases serotonin and dopamine and you feel happier,,, people are addictive,, and everything is a drug,,,

almost everything we do our brains reward us with different neurotransmitters,,, so the level of addiction to everything is in your hands and up to you how much you raise the importance of that chemical,,,

all mind over matter.


Active member
Of course it is. We're all posting on a forum made up almost entirely of people who are mentally (and/or physically) dependent upon cannabis to get through their daily lives, myself included. Anybody who says otherwise is deluding themselves.

That said, a lot of things are addictive, so maybe that isn't necessarily the question that needs to be asked.

Very good, this is exactly the unprovoked response I needed.

40AMPs, many people with high schizotype features will naturally extend to marijuana. These schizotypes are a by-product of socialization in the mammal.

I am sure this subject has come up, but it is not resolved for myself an others.

The problem with so many people experiencing relief from anxiety in life with marijuana.

A person has a chance to escape into a different way of thinking, without anxiety. They could use marijuana as an escape.

The problem with using marijuana as an escape, is it's addictiveness. As a few have stated, people are so weird, they are going to become dependent on a drug, that offers relief.

By relieving yourself of negative emotions, you don't process them. A person with mental problems, with emotion involved, they have a chance to drown out those emotions.

The reason I bring this up, is because I am a person that recognizes that after I have done some really serious thinking or something has wracked my brain - I smoke marijuana.

I now know that when I am angry or worried, I do not say "I need a bong-hit." When I am worried though, subconsciously, I will try to drown out my emotions with weed.

I don't drown my emotions anymore. If I smoke weed, it is never for relief.

Marijuana is ineffective as far as coping with a drug goes - you can smoke yourself senseless, and you will feel negative emotion.

Marijuana is effective at framing a a problem and then giving you an entirely free view of it.

Therefore, my conclusion is that: Addicts, are going to be addicts and feel good with the drug, but in regards to marijuana being a coping drug it's a physical thing.

A person, whose emotions are out of whack or something, will never know what a sound mind is. Marijuana provides a your mind with a much more understanding, accepting stance.

So instead of saying someone is getting high to cope. You could say they are re-gaining an unfrazzled state of mind that is allowed to think about reality instead of remaining delusional.

Something about delusions, they aren't big and grand. They are not sensational like you see on TV. Delusions are small things like based off one action someone is mistreating you, when in all reality they were doing the right thing and you invented a motive for them.

I know that marijuana is illegal, for more reasons that money. It is illegal because of the way I can change a personality. It is hard to change someone's personality, but from what I can see....when you are high....you see much more. If you cannot see something, it will give you a view of yourself.

To me, that's gaining a conscious. A voice inside your heard, just a perpetuation of hallucinations of the reverberations of ghosts of the left and right hand.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
The only way to legitimately have this discussion is to first define the term "addictive."

Addiction a loaded term that has been the focus of many well financed multi-generational propaganda campaigns. It simply can't be used without provoking a visceral reaction in people. Better to outline the subject using different terminology and then proceed from there using that framework for discussion. The poll is a nice attempt but doesn't really do it.


Active member
it's all about personality

those that dont have strong will get addicted to everything easily

i am on a break again since 7 days , and i have been harvesting nice smelly buds and i dont feel the urge to take a hit

lost in a sea

addiction is a term used to describe the dependant effect of a chemical on neural plasticity and how the neural pathways are structured (how the webs of synapses are layered) as a cause of regularly altering neurochemistry,, i dont see how else it can be defined,,


Active member
As we go on crusader, we can find questions easily.

Addiction is not black-and-white. Addiction is not very hard to determine. Besides everything psychologically known, a person will put the well being of themselves at risk.

If a person continues to be attracted physically, or mentally, it doesn't matter physiologically or psychologically as long as it harms them.

If I were addicted to gambling, my job, picking at my skin....

Those affect me.

It is not hard for me to say cannabis is addictive. It is hard for me to say it is more addictive than caffeine. It is hard for me to say some throws their life away for pot.

A person, who needs pot in time of worry, will suffice with a few beers. This leads me to believe this person is addicted to pot and beer.

You will say this person enjoys relaxing, but they cannot relax themselves.

They aren't addicted to these things, they are addicted to anything.

So these people, who if they have landed on any drug, and it offers them relief, they take it.

It is complicated, physiologically, physically, habitual, out of coping...

The measure of addiction, is that it effects their lives. A measure of OCD is it affects their lives...you could be obsessive-compulsive, but if it doesn't interfere with your life, it's not diagnosed.

So, marijuana is less addictive than cigarettes, alcohol and less harmful. If the person smokes so much he doesn't get high or realizes it doesn't offer them relief anymore, the person might be addicted.

To be attracted to something, is to be attracted to it, for good reasons. Addiction, means the opposite.

I understand addiction is mental, and that a person "needs" it. Getting more technical, it's where the person cares so much about their drug, other aspects of their emotions, money, what their children see.....

So addiction is being attracted to it, but to a degree where it become detrimental.

The reason I define addiction like that, is because that is how you define insanity. So addiction is insane. If you don't get high, get no relief, get high too much, it's not working.....that's insane. Not "jumping off a mountain,insane." I mean it's the real defintion of it.
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