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Is BHO to Cannabis what Crack is to Cocaine?


Active member
I only came upon this thought after reading a through a BHO bashing thread where people were saying things like "BHO makes poor growers look weed worthwhile" and "Shitty growing = Shitty bubble"

Honestly, BHO AND Bubble are overrated (IMO) I could be happy with a nice selection of decent herb and nothing else. Do I like to top my stems/wands with some kief? Of course - but my point is (myself personally) is neither one of them are necessary in my rotation.

But it would appear that for a good many, BHO is worth the dangers of making it. Granted most accidents happen due to stupidity, the fact remains that its dangerous.

Please dont take this as a BHO bashing thread or pro ANYTHING (save Cannabis) thread. Just a thought...


natural medicator
No, its just easier for idiots to hurt themselves while using flammable chemicals than it is for them to hurt themselves watering a plant.


i dont think id use that analogy, maybe BHO is to weed what Brandy is to wine.

crack is whack.

bud, bubble, bho, kif, as long as it dont got sticks and seeds im fine with it. the variety of smoking buds is nice but sometimes you just want that strong lasting high. i dont get that from bud anymore.


Countless amounts of people hurt themselves doing simple tasks everyday. Making BHO requires some common sense. Ask anyone who has blown there place up if they have also messed up Mac N Cheese... ha

Crack kills, BHO gives you thrills. Should not be compared. Ever.


Is BHO to Cannabis what Crack is to Cocaine?

in a shitty motel with hookers it's not


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Owie! No wanna cracked hip

Owie! No wanna cracked hip

hippie crack

Wait! What?!
It cracks yer hip?

Well, no thank you please.:D
I'll jus' smoke dese here trees.
April red1.jpg

I like me some B.H.,
And it's treated like weed under Hawaiian medijuana laws.

BHO, on the other hand, and it's production, are felonies!

Fine by me, never tried it, prolly never will.
Allus felt that;

"If ya gotta get dat high, dat fast, you are gettin' high for all the wrong reasons."

No get excited, it's just an' old 'zard's opinion.

Aloha, y'all
Wee 'zard



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Absolutely not. I have been making Oil all types for over a decade. I dont have any burns. I never blew up anything. Cannabis/BHO will never Kill you (Unless some asshat blows himself up)
I would say, BHO is to Cannabis, as Beer is to Everclear.

6% Alcohol in Beer
11% Average in Bud.

95% Alcohol in Everclear
85% Average in Top BHO

Some people like beer, some like hard alcohol.
All depends on what your needs are.

Thing is, I think, if given the opportunity and cheaper prices, more bud smokers would smoke BHO, because bud is usually not strong enough unless you smoke a lot.
we always called it hippie crack.

Nitrous Oxide is Hippie Crack. Always has been , always will be.

Nothing can take it's place. 1st Place, that is, for Hippie Crack. N2O

One day on Dead Tour on the east coast could tell you that.
They first got us kids hooked at the Dentists office, then we go on tour and they tell us it's no longer good. We disagreed unanimously. $5 balloons all day speaks volumes to hippie crack.

I remember one day, making about $7500, and getting arrested. Then I saw my friend, he bailed me out for $350, and I went back to work with my crew and we made another $7500, all in one day. That was repeated over and over throughout tour. That's what I call Hippie Crack.

I remember getting into Eugene Oregon in the middle of the night. Setting up tent, and selling a few balloons. Then waking up the next morning to a line formed from our tent, over 15 tents down the road. That was like 100 people lined up before we woke up, all waiting patiently, for Hippie Crack! - What a surprise that was!


I think medgreens got it best with the beer to everclear analogy. It is a more refined product rather than alternative delivery product. I think there should never be a comparison of the two, medicinal Apples to rotten Oranges. Not to say coca hasn't had it's place in history for thousands of years plus the very recent refinement/synthesis of Novocaine.


bho is to cannabis as what 30x extract is to salvia divinorum

crack is to cocaine as what distilled alcohol is to hooch


i like the quote
"Cannabis is the messenger and Hash is the message"
Also I think it is more like turning grapes into fine wine


i look at it like this.

cannabis is simply a plant, that's it. it produces flowers with the active ingredients we all enjoy. taking different FORMS of it (IE, hash) is fine, but when you start adding man-made chemicals (butane) to the picture, you are altering it's form as without butane, the oil is unobtainable. i have to agree, BHO is to cannabis as crack is to cocaine.

Once mixed and heated, the bicarbonate breaks down into carbon dioxide and sodium carbonate, which then reacts with the hydrochloride of the cocaine molecule, leaving cocaine as an oily free base. Once separated from the hydrochloride, the cocaine alkaloid floats to the top of the now leftover liquid. It is at this point that the oil is picked up rapidly, usually with a pin or long thin object. This pulls the oil up and spins it, allowing air to set and dry the oil, and allows the user and/or maker to roll the oil into the rock-like shape.

explain to me how making BHO is any different...you are using butane to extract and produce a concentrated form of the drug while you use baking soda to extract and produce a concentrated form of the drug as well...yeah the processes themselves are different, but thats obvious because they are different drugs, but the idea is the same.

personally, i've made BHO once and although it got me really high, i still prefer good ol' flowers and (when i have access), hash as well. no need for butane or other shit.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Dont even compare the two. BHO IS NOT LIKE WEED CRACK. Thats like comparing drinking water to drinking bleach.


Dont even compare the two. BHO IS NOT LIKE WEED CRACK. Thats like comparing drinking water to drinking bleach.

Crack is a faster acting, more potent form of cocaine.

BHO is a faster acting, more potent form of THC.

I don't understand why people are taking this and thinking that we are comparing the effects of cannabis to that of crack. Big difference. Two different drugs in 2 way different categories. It's an analogy.