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Is a Volcano a complete waste of money?

Is a Volcano a complete waste of money?

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I thought about buying one after I started getting my own crops. Then I saw how much they were. The only reason I thought about one was because I smoke so much tobacco with my weed in spliffs. If I roll a fat, neat, blunt, however, and say I will make it last, instead of smoking one joint after the other, I always end up smoking the whole blunt straight away and end up skinning up all day long again. Same would go if I had a Volcano or I smoke cones. At the end of the day, I like a spliff too much. What is the point, IMO, of growing the herb only to vaporize it so you can hardly taste it or nothing. I like a hit off my smoke. I haven't tried a Vaporizer so I might be wrong but I can't see how they give as nice a taste as weed smoked properly? I dare say they dish out a mean buzz though. They look like a novelty to me though. An expensive novelty that is bound to pack up on you.

blazabud said:
I thought about buying one after I started getting my own crops. Then I saw how much they were. The only reason I thought about one was because I smoke so much tobacco with my weed in spliffs. If I roll a fat, neat, blunt, however, and say I will make it last, instead of smoking one joint after the other, I always end up smoking the whole blunt straight away and end up skinning up all day long again. Same would go if I had a Volcano or I smoke cones. At the end of the day, I like a spliff too much. What is the point, IMO, of growing the herb only to vaporize it so you can hardly taste it or nothing. I like a hit off my smoke. I haven't tried a Vaporizer so I might be wrong but I can't see how they give as nice a taste as weed smoked properly? I dare say they dish out a mean buzz though. They look like a novelty to me though. An expensive novelty that is bound to pack up on you.


I pretty much felt the same as you did, I thought I would miss the skinning up ritual and for a week after I got my vape I was unimpressed with it, but when you get used to the high it is great and the taste can't be beaten (it tastes pretty much how the weed you put in smells)and I now use about a third less weed than I did while smoking. Good Times!


blaza just throw in some tobacco WITH your green IN the volcano if you want to do a vapoblunt...haha..just made that word up.

i saw this youtube video this guy hotboxed himself in this clear little grow tent with a volcano. just take off the bag and let the volcano just push the vapor and u can hotbox. i'd imagine if u could somehow hook up your cano to the lighter in your car u could easily just hotbox there too, and it would be fun. hell u could even do it while driving as its stealth. but might be dangerous.


Registered Non-Conformist
Everyone has a right to an opinion....

Mine is that Nothing even comes close to the Volcano. I liked Vapezilla, but do not think I got as high, - Also, I do not like to be connected to a machine. I feel like some Star-Trek Drug addict... (Remember the Jem Hadar, sci-fi fans...?). I enjoy being able to carry it to the person on the other side of the room. If one uses a big turkey bag, there are like 6+ hits in the bag.

Just balancing out the negatives... Absolutely in no way is it a Rip off. It has lasted over 3 years. Almost nothing does that anymore..


Active member
Volcano saves your money AND your lungs!!

Volcano saves your money AND your lungs!!

You get about as much of the latent THC with the Volcano as you do smoking it, roughly half.* But rather than combust or lose the remainder in sidestream smoke, the depleted Volcano'ed herb can be baked into cookies, muffins etc. A half-OZ of the well-desicated and decarboxylated Volcano'd herb baked into a dozen Ganjabread muffins works VERY well, especially if combined with herbal butter, which can also be made with the depleted herb!!

IOW, you can pay for that expen$ive Volcano with the savings, if you waste not the used herb!

* http://www.canorml.org/healthfacts/vaporizerstudy2.html

btw My own Volcano mods consist of added spring-loaded hooks to secure the herb chamber to the heater-cone, plus the addition of a silicone "whip" to the standard "oven baking" bag. These mods allow immediate and continuous use of the vapors while the air-pump is running!

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Valcano FTW! I make a Bag to suit the situation. I have a small 4 hitter bag i normally use. Then when i know i'm having patients over i hook up the large bag that has like 6-8 hits in it. This is my ritual for using the valcano; I load about 1/2 to a full gram in the cylinder. Set the knob at 5.5 and let the element heat, once ready i put the bag on the burner and let'her fly.. I suck down the 4-6 hits in the bag, then turn up the heat to 6. After bag #2 is done, i turn up the heat to 6.5 and run it again. I just bump up the heat every bag full until i get the knob around #7.5. By that time the herb is pretty much done, and so am I.
To those who say smoking a doobie or bong rip gets you more waisted, I would ask you to try the vaporizer again.. Cause I can hit the Valcano like i said above, and be completely ripped for many, many hours (and i'm a heavy consumer). When I "smoke" herb now, i get baked for "Maybe" an hour. Which is fine, if thats all the med time you need. But for the more flavorful and powerful experience I would heavily recommend the Volcano.
It is true, that the Volcano is a pain in the but to clean, and upkeep. But after having a dirty nasty bong laying around for most of my herb smoking career, i'll take the Volcano's mess any day. And since having the Volcano, i have yet to spill bong water on my carpet =D.
I only tried the "heating gun / dry bong" method once,, and didnt care for it very much,, I could taste the dirty bong in the inhale. Also When I was hitting the vapo/bong I felt like a total crack head, due to me holding a fucking plastic shrink wrap heat gut to the bong.. this type of thinking belongs to the "Kick-n-Go" Engineers...
The Volcano is pleasant to the eyes and I have had no problems with it to this date,, and I have used it heavily over the last couple years..
Here is one of my personal favorite recipee for the volcano: 3/4 gram herb, dry kief, three drops of honey oil, couple small chuncks of scissor hash. I grind up the herb, and set half into the volcano cylinder, then i put a thin layer of the kief on top of that. On top of the kief i will drop the couple few scissor hash crumbs, then on the hash crumbs i will drop a couple drops of honey oil. Then i take the remaining herb and put it on top, like a sandwich (and who dont like sandwiches:). The rest is easy, sit back and flip the switches on the volcano to fill the bag.. I Duo bags like that.. as i could not finish a session like this alone, and hate to waist the herb.. The honey oil on the hash chunks makes it last for 6-8 bag fulls, and it is so super tasty it will blow your mind.. its like licking a freshly growing cannabis cola. Well, thats how i enjoy my Volcano,, but to each their own i guess.. I bit the bullet and bought it at 500usd and granted its alot of money for a fucking doobie lighter, but i dont inhale butane or smoke anymore.. and thats priceless. peace and happiness to all.



anybody who voted a waste of money is a fool IMO.
it pays for itself in medical costs later down the road, you save your lungs, your weed lasts longer, you can ever re-vape your vapings when running low, volcano has gotten me higher than anything, taste is there, and high is there, anyone who says it doesn't get them high is straight up lying or didn't hit a true volcano the right way. a volcano is the shit, and the new digi ones are even better IMO. but everyone has their opinions, but seriously, why would I have voted worth every penny and typed this 3 minute message to you if it weren't true! i love volcanos!



grapepunched said:
anybody who voted a waste of money is a fool IMO.
it pays for itself in medical costs later down the road, you save your lungs, your weed lasts longer, you can ever re-vape your vapings when running low, volcano has gotten me higher than anything, taste is there, and high is there, anyone who says it doesn't get them high is straight up lying or didn't hit a true volcano the right way. a volcano is the shit, and the new digi ones are even better IMO. but everyone has their opinions, but seriously, why would I have voted worth every penny and typed this 3 minute message to you if it weren't true! i love volcanos!

I voted rip off because you can get the same thing (a vaporizer, minus the bag part) that does the exact same thing and works just as well that isn't $500. for a vaporizer and considering the other very viable alternatives $500 is steep as hell. its just vapor that gets put into a bag. like i've said i have smoked both the volcano and regular whip vapes of various kinds and there ain't any difference. a vaporizer high is a vaporizer high any way you cut and putting my vapor into a bag is not worth the extra $400. if you think there is a serious difference in the high you get thats just the extra $400 talking IMO.


cannabudz said:
Valcano FTW! I make a Bag to suit the situation. I have a small 4 hitter bag i normally use. Then when i know i'm having patients over i hook up the large bag that has like 6-8 hits in it. This is my ritual for using the valcano; I load about 1/2 to a full gram in the cylinder. Set the knob at 5.5 and let the element heat, once ready i put the bag on the burner and let'her fly.. I suck down the 4-6 hits in the bag, then turn up the heat to 6. After bag #2 is done, i turn up the heat to 6.5 and run it again. I just bump up the heat every bag full until i get the knob around #7.5. By that time the herb is pretty much done, and so am I.
To those who say smoking a doobie or bong rip gets you more waisted, I would ask you to try the vaporizer again.. Cause I can hit the Valcano like i said above, and be completely ripped for many, many hours (and i'm a heavy consumer). When I "smoke" herb now, i get baked for "Maybe" an hour. Which is fine, if thats all the med time you need. But for the more flavorful and powerful experience I would heavily recommend the Volcano.
It is true, that the Volcano is a pain in the but to clean, and upkeep. But after having a dirty nasty bong laying around for most of my herb smoking career, i'll take the Volcano's mess any day. And since having the Volcano, i have yet to spill bong water on my carpet =D.
I only tried the "heating gun / dry bong" method once,, and didnt care for it very much,, I could taste the dirty bong in the inhale. Also When I was hitting the vapo/bong I felt like a total crack head, due to me holding a fucking plastic shrink wrap heat gut to the bong.. this type of thinking belongs to the "Kick-n-Go" Engineers...
The Volcano is pleasant to the eyes and I have had no problems with it to this date,, and I have used it heavily over the last couple years..
Here is one of my personal favorite recipee for the volcano: 3/4 gram herb, dry kief, three drops of honey oil, couple small chuncks of scissor hash. I grind up the herb, and set half into the volcano cylinder, then i put a thin layer of the kief on top of that. On top of the kief i will drop the couple few scissor hash crumbs, then on the hash crumbs i will drop a couple drops of honey oil. Then i take the remaining herb and put it on top, like a sandwich (and who dont like sandwiches:). The rest is easy, sit back and flip the switches on the volcano to fill the bag.. I Duo bags like that.. as i could not finish a session like this alone, and hate to waist the herb.. The honey oil on the hash chunks makes it last for 6-8 bag fulls, and it is so super tasty it will blow your mind.. its like licking a freshly growing cannabis cola. Well, thats how i enjoy my Volcano,, but to each their own i guess.. I bit the bullet and bought it at 500usd and granted its alot of money for a fucking doobie lighter, but i dont inhale butane or smoke anymore.. and thats priceless. peace and happiness to all.


Thanx for all the input on your volcano usage bro, I want party with you!


just do it
this is not about comparing a volcano to a bong or papers, it about whether its worth 500 when you can get a better (imo) vape for under 200, i like the volcano, its great for when buddies come over, but my buddies are lightwieghts and 2 rips off my vapor bros and thats enough, one thing i dont like about the volcano is not being able to easily consume small amounts (one hits) which my VB excels at, they both have there place, i just like the whip style better


I cannot see how the technology required to make one of those Volcanoes can warrant the price tag of $400. They're taking the piss, imo. I have seen different brands of Vaps going for £80, which seems a lot more realistic to me, but even that is a big ask for something that you have no hope of being able to return if it ain't your thing. $400 comes from the fact that Ganja is illegal in most countries so the manufacturers and retailers take the piss.

I would love to stick some of my bud through a Vap or Volcano cos it reads like they can do the business if used properly. Paying out all that for something that I might not like and will have no chance of being able to return if I don't is too big an ask for this toker, especially when I can see they probably only cost about £20 to manufacture in Taiwan or China!



Volcano is Quality made..... They stand behind there product.... mine fell off the desk a couple years ago.... i sent it back and they fixed it...no questions asked......


rsteeb said:
You get about as much of the latent THC with the Volcano as you do smoking it, roughly half.* But rather than combust or lose the remainder in sidestream smoke, the depleted Volcano'ed herb can be baked into cookies, muffins etc. A half-OZ of the well-desicated and decarboxylated Volcano'd herb baked into a dozen Ganjabread muffins works VERY well, especially if combined with herbal butter, which can also be made with the depleted herb!!
Never said a word about "combusting" my meds, I love all the know it alls around here. Try using a ceramic heating element. Get all your THC and smoke it out of a bong. Again, vapo does NOT get you very high. Nowhere near as medicated as a bong. Been there done that. Built a vapo that's just as good as a volcano back in 1989. Didn't work well then and they(vapos) don't work well today. Like you said, maybe half the power if even that, more like a quarter. Use your trim to make cookies or hash.



Registered Non-Conformist
As I said before. We all get a different buzz (with the same weed) from a pipe, joint or bong.... A vape is a lighter, almost spinny high.

No vape works as good as the 'Cano.

Read my above story about my friend, the complete "Lifer" pot head who fell over, off the couch after his 1st hit. It really happenned. Hands sort of shaking, as he went down to the carpet.

This occurred barely Milliseconds after he claimed that Vapes, and Volcanoes did not get him high.

He looked up at me in revelation, and said quietly in awe, "Whoa."
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just do it
yeah because a vape doesnt give you all the extra chemicals, it almost seems like itgives you a cleaner sativa high , anybody who says vapes dont get you high doesnt know wtf there talking about


dont forget there is only one vape worth anything in the second hand market...if you ever want to sell your used vape dont bother if you havent got a volcano...most vapes work pretty much as well as each other so if you hate bags and must have a whip dont get a cano..
BUT with the cano you get reliability,a great guarantee and something that will always keep its value :rasta:
+ you can allways add mods(james bong that looks awesome):D
me i think the herbalair is better does whips/bags+cheap but it aint worth nothin second hand:(
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