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Is a Volcano a complete waste of money?

Is a Volcano a complete waste of money?

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I was thinking of pulling the trigger on buying a Volcano, but a few people have told me it's a complete waste of cash. What the I.C. community think?


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
i sawy buy a vape zilla any 'whip' style vape, digital or not and youlll be way happier....but thats just my .2 cents


I have heard that a dry glass pipe & Heatgun is the best way togo. That water cooling
vape is bad, and that the vape sticks to the side of the bag when it cools off in a Volcano. Is this true?


you will have to replace the bag every so often, ive heard that turkey bags work as replacements. yes the residue will build up and cause it to stick together. personally i don't care for the volcano, tired it didn't like the whole bag system too big and bulky. i love my SSV for a fraction of the cost and it will floor even the heaviest smokers especially with my water cooler.
If you want a bag style vape then the volcano is the best. If you want a whip style both vapor bros and silver surfer are great vapes. If you want cheap and portable try vaporstar.


lives on planet 4:20
depends on how you like to smoke your weed....and how many hits you need to get wasted

if two - three....imo...its a waste


Registered Non-Conformist
They are expensive..... Yes.

For me, I get a different "high," from a pipe, a bong, or a joint. It feels different with the same weed. To me. (IMHO).

A Vape is a different buzz. More airy, spinny.

Some people I know, including myself used to say, "Vaporizers do not get me high."

One VERY seasoned head claimed that he had never gotten high on a Vape. I had him try my Volcano. He took a huge hit, at a setting of 4.5 or so, so misty with a slight touch of smoke. And he rolled off the couch, and ended up on the floor, almost blacked out. I must say it was not pretty, lol..... But funny as Hades....

"Couch-Un-Lock," lolol

Other vapes are not as stony to me, but the "Vapezilla" is a neat and clean system, compared to the cumbersome bag of the 'Cano.

IMHO, nothing has ever worked as well as the Volcano.


Active member
The Vriptech destroys the Volcano if you plan on getting really high. I also have a Volcano and a Valloon that I use when I have quite a few people over because it's the most convenient. I also use the vapolution for when I go camping and stuff. I never smoke anymore unless it's melty hash (been doing this over 4 years now).

However, I use the Vriptech when there is 4 people or less because it delivers the most concentrated hits, while still being very tasty. Wooderson, no way, the water and ice cooled vapes are the absolute best. But, yeah, the heatgun and Vrip bowl is the way to go.

Most people that I know that only bought the volcano end up going back to smoking when they "wanna get really baked". With the Vrip, you'll find that nothing can get you higher. The only problem is that it can be a little cumbersome to use if you have several people toking. Also, it costs about the same as the volcano too.



southflorida said:
depends on how you like to smoke your weed....and how many hits you need to get wasted

if two - three....imo...its a waste

Waste of money WTF dude

Volcano bag can easily hold 2 - 3 hits!!


Have you considered an Extreme vaporizer??

$300CAD delivered to my door.

- Does whip
- Does bags
- Does whip with forced air (Vapor Shooters)

Comes with a remote too.



Alpha&Omega said:

Looks like a volcano rip off to me bro!

The volcano has an aluminum heating element and plastic tubing.

My Extreme has a ceramic heating element and glass bowl, I think I like my rip off a lot more.


Its from the same people who made the V-Tower vaporizer.


Cerammic heating eh? Interesting

I heard soomeone complain a while ago that aluminium element gives of fumes,

I doont know but im happy with my volcano


rip off. you could be getting a digi temperature controlled, ceramic heating element, whip style vapezilla knockoff for $100 on ebay. why spend 5x that much for a flying saucer that fills up bags. and yes, i've had a few friends own a volcano. the bag is fun and all but vapor is vapor and a digi controlled vape with a ceramic heating element is what I prefer.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Cano is hands down the best.

Fill the bag up and chill, no need to sit there waiting for the element o reheat and suck through the tube.


I already have a whip style vape, I like it but I think Im most interested in a glass dry pipe & heat gun combo that I found for $150.
Any heat gun users out there?
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i've also used the heat gun and the glass bowl attachment you use with any GonG bong. truly a great way to vape albeit it is very cumbersome. I wouldn't trust a clumsy or inexperienced smoker with it, no way.

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