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Is 4' enough for Original haze X Skunk #1 - Sativa


Hey everyone,
I have the SJ DR150 grow tent. My lighting is a 1000W MH w/ air cooled sun system 2 hood. My plant canopy can be around 17 inches away from the light (will test more but this is generous estimate). I have about 4' of space to work with between the floor and the bottom of this 17" piece of string I have from my lamp.
I also got 10 (maybe more coming in the mail) OHXSK #1 as freebies from the Bou and am wondering if I can grow them under this lighting. Will I have enough space?
I have 10 (non feminzed) Mandala #1's that will be going in the tent also.

If I need to do training please let me know what type would be best. I will be topping these plants at least once and maybe twice for the Sativa's.

Thanks for the help - As always


Because you said you have 4 feet to work with. I would put it in 12/12 at one foot or less. One foot being the very most prob better at 9 inches. If you can tell if some of yours are on the hazy side I would flower at 9 inches and ease up on the nutes too. You would think 4x would be enough but... Nice plants though nice berry fruity smell/excellent high But I was thinking if you go more than 1 foot and they go higher you can always bend/train them horizontal at the 17 inch string you have. oh yeah how big of a pot are you using? mine abused every extra bit of volume I gave them.

I forgot to mention if you top them it will slow them down for a few days
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Green Love

Here's your best bet clp, run your lights at 18/6 for the first two weeks or till you have 5 sets of leaves, then flip them into flower (plant will roughly stand about 6 to 8 inches going into flower) plants will triple in size. After a switch from 18/6 to 12/12, I noticed a 2 inch difference in vertical growth once the lights came back on, after a 3 day nights out. Their are additives to stop vertical growth, if this is a concern. I had a skunk that grew 7ft. tall with no more room, i chopped off a foot or two from the top, even used a couple drops of superthrive to stunt growth up top, but this dang plant keep growing.


I am in that boat now. First time I ever used a tent, 5 x 5 x7. I let the plants go for only five weeks in veg and they blew up that last week. I'm two weeks into flower now and only have a foot left to work with. Trying to train them but was curious how much this will affect the buds if I keep sending them sideways?

Green Love

My guess, is that you'll still get upward growth, your buds may suffer a bit from training them a bit late with only a foot left to spare. On a second note, as long as your plant has light you shouldn't have to worry about your bud sites. Is their no way to raise the light?


Only option left is to take the top of the tent off and hook it up to the ceiling, which really only gives me another foot. Really don't want to have to do that, major pain in the ass. LOL, funny problem to have. First time I ever used Botinacare nutes too with Hygrozyme and these things went crazy.

Green Love

It looks like option B, is starting to look like your white light of hope. Best of luck with the flowering, bending it down and tying it off will probally give you more time in the height department, without sacrfing your bud. This is a thought, you might wanna bend your bud sites inward to save space or loop them around other tree's, and use a string to tie them down, where the buds are suspended.


Alright well since I am also growing my Mandala #1's in the same tent should I start the OH SK #1 a bit later? I'll probably veg the #1's for around a month but how long should I plan to veg the OHSK's? I need to cordinate the times together :/


Hey everyone,
I have the SJ DR150 grow tent. My lighting is a 1000W MH w/ air cooled sun system 2 hood. My plant canopy can be around 17 inches away from the light (will test more but this is generous estimate). I have about 4' of space to work with between the floor and the bottom of this 17" piece of string I have from my lamp.
I also got 10 (maybe more coming in the mail) OHXSK #1 as freebies from the Bou and am wondering if I can grow them under this lighting. Will I have enough space?
I have 10 (non feminzed) Mandala #1's that will be going in the tent also.

If I need to do training please let me know what type would be best. I will be topping these plants at least once and maybe twice for the Sativa's.

Thanks for the help - As always

This is a pic of an OHxSK1 that had 7 days veg under a 250 HPS, it grew for 12 weeks under that 250 then was put under a 600W. This plant was fimmed and LST'd to hell and was still around 2.5 feet from the top of the pot. I'd say under a 1000 you need to plan on having a huge plant, with a nice yield, mine was 3.25 z dried. It ran about 20 weeks start to finish.



Alright well I dont think I'm going to top or fim at all. I want to have as short of a crop as possible and those will both set me back a week or more. I will probably veg for 7-14 days under the hid and then flip to a 12/12 for these guys.

It sounds like I should have enough room as long as I really train these guys. How young should I start training?


Alright well I dont think I'm going to top or fim at all. I want to have as short of a crop as possible and those will both set me back a week or more. I will probably veg for 7-14 days under the hid and then flip to a 12/12 for these guys.

It sounds like I should have enough room as long as I really train these guys. How young should I start training?

I started LST when the branches started to form, you have a wide window for LST because branches remain very ply-able, almost like vines for many weeks into 12/12. The branches on that plant were literally tied in knots.