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Iron Cindy


Active member
Fing57 sent a sample of the Iron Cindy he grew and I LOVED it. Gman and Rev redid the cross in the current release. KOS Gman/Rev gifted a pack of the new release that im growing right now. Had 100% germ BTW. All the gear ive had from those two has been great. I also sampled the Chunky Cherry Malawi grown by 4cc and it was really great.

Ill post some pics of the IC i have when they get bigger.



Fing57 sent a sample of the Iron Cindy he grew and I LOVED it.
Yeah every once in awhile Fing gets it right...lol. Everyone I know that's smoked it has loved it. Gonna visit REv soon and see where he's at with his projects and what's available for release here. He also made a few IC's using a C99 mom and his Shadow Haze bx2 male that he better still have off to the side for me.

Yeah 4C did a good job with that CCM. He stuck the plant in the ground in some basic manure based bagged soil, some greensand and SRP and applied a few teas with an extra ingredient or two ;). Super basic program and that CCM still rocked...KISS.


Active member
Yea fing isnt to bad hehe in " the rage cage" as i call it. I think the his IC is the one used to advertise the IC. 4cc did do great with his kiss method but he also amended massive holes so that helps too.


The Soapmaker!
My ICs are the first gen, same as the ones Fing grew out. In fact, I think I sent those to Fing.

Fing's samples were divine.


Still waiting on my package from Rev..

He's crazy busy mainly trying to finish the book, he's got his normal diet of articles to write for Skunk and he goes through his regular (unfortunately) bouts of health issues.


I'm a little late with the input, as you can see, but I'm thinking the Cindy male was an F2 from RC's stock. RC was at OG, not sure if he's still around but whatever. I don't know if going intersex was an issue with an earlier run, I've not seen any in my selection, I've run 10 and then another 17, it the trait came with the MH, Cindy's stability has covered its ass.

A superb F1 anyway. Definitely worth the short 9 week flower for a zippy, crisp haze that is very nice w/ lotsa' head-play.