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Irish Outdoor Growers Competition

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Ok boys and girls, all you Irish outdoor growers should have harvested by now, post photos and details of your grow from this year to win some tasty seeds that were generously donated by Cookie Monster.

For more information see below...

Hello all Irish growers, I'm glad to announce that there will be a competition for all you Irish outdoor growers. ICM admins have given the go ahead for this competition so a big clap for them

Like any competition there are a few rules that we have to abide by:

Pics must be taken by the user who submits them.

All photos submitted must comply with ICmag Forum guidelines. (Guideline #1, and #5 in particular)

Seedbay.com will be solely responsible for Prize Distribution and all shipping information will only be provided to Seedbay.com.
. . .No personal information will be given to nor any shipping responsibility assigned to any entity other than Seedbay.com.

Photos should be of your garden indoors or outdoors, but you must have an interest in outdoor growing.

The Contest is only open to Irish growers.

Closing time will be Friday the 3rd of November.

The judging will be done by you the ICM community, by a poll.

Prizes will be :
1st place will receive 4 packs of seeds.
2nd place will receive 2 packs of seeds.
3rd place will receive 1 pack of seeds.
4th place will receive 1 pack of seeds.
5th place will receive 1 pack of seeds.
6th place will receive 1 pack of seeds.

The seeds will be:
(Sour Queen x White Russian) X (Xfiles x Amnesia Haze)​

A big thank you needs to be given to Cookie Monster who has kindly donated all of the seed prizes, they are in SeedBay's hands right now waiting to be dispatched to the lucky winners. Since Cookie dispatched 10 packs of seeds it gives us plenty of winners.

The parent plants used by cookie for his crosses are from the, Hybrid From Hell guys, they also need a round of applause for getting the genetics out there.

So go ahead and post your best outdoor pics folks and we will get this show on the road.

Thank you Cookie Monster and Good Luck to you all!



Thanks HGO.

Varieties were mostly Frisian Dew, Purple Maroc.

Well you'll get my vote Grandad :)

Leprecaun had a lovely looking Easy Sativa grown out in the wilds, I'd like to nominate him if thats ok?

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Of course Cookie, do you have access to any of the Irish members? There are a few that have went to the wind, maybe try and get in touch?


Active member
Hey Von Budi. Thats a Purple Maroc. They got nice and big - were only started on 1st June. Did you have any plants yourself this year? The Easy Sats didnt work out well for me at all this year - they were really late.

Looks like I'm winning the competition anyway ; )

Come on - where are the rest of the Irish growers?


Come on - where are the rest of the Irish growers?

I've been asking myself that for years.

Ironeek and buring red had a few plants on the go in the 2011 thread so there's 2 more names for ya hgo.
Von as well...


Did you have any plants yourself this year? The Easy Sats didnt work out well for me at all this year - they were really late.

gave the pms and easy sats ago too, had to transplant them shortly after they started flowering and lost them bar an easy sat, didnt get any bud of it though,very tough plant in fairness .

how did you own cross do btw?

Von as well...

ill get a pic up during the week, im trying to do some macros


Active member
I grew out the Jack x early pearl last year and it was amazing. Very Sativa in shape, buds weren't the thickest but people loved the smoke - pure happy sativa long lasting high. It also finished beautifully by end October - with absolutely no mould. I gave away the rest of the seeds which was a shame.


Next year I'm doing hybrids from hell (AHP, Danish Durban and Danish Cheese) and Ace (Pakistani Chitral kush).

That will be an interesting show :wave:
I've only grown the AHP from those lot but it's pretty much guaranteed to finish and do well.

Danish Cheese is one I"ve thought about myself, looking forward to see how it goes.