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Ireland wake up!!


Ireland wake up!! The health of our children is at stake. Hundreds of thousands of people smoke cannabis in ireland are being seriously harmed. considder that for every 250 grams of soapbar contains somewhere between 10 to 25 grams of cannabis. The rest is made up of a range of harmful ingrediants. Soapbar and even comercial polm's are known to contain motor oil, parrifin and rubber. Our country is being poisoned.

We must realize that the war on drugs has been lost. Updated legislation and policy needs to be put in place to.

Please bring this up as a major issue to political parties campagning for this election


New member
my little rant......lol

my little rant......lol

its getting beyond a joke at this stage. i havent touched anything since before xmas. fed up with paying a fortune for shite and cement is cheaper in chadwicks anyways . I'd garuntee ya if they were watering down guinness with anti frezze they would be war. This government have forgotten all about us. shame on them!!!!! And shame on us for letting them...

Michael collins is spinning in his grave in Glasnevin.
Do they forget people died for this country so we wouldnt be oppressed by a foreign power or a small percentage of the population ( landlords and the church....etc) and to have the power for Irish people to decide where and how this country should be run. Everyone is too freaked out about what they're neighbours would say to actually have a self thought opinion. the only way these days we seem to get a bit of togetherness and irish pride is when the soccer team does well. so we r going to be a dreppressed nation for another 4 years at least? there are adults out there that dont even remember italia 90 and the likes....boy i'm getting old...

facts about ireland ......

least dense population in europe................... most expensive land/ houses ...?????

we pay tax on everything 3 or 4 times.....???? rip off economy

people are more worried bout their houses/cars/ designer labels .... than the thousands of people living on the streets or even the person beside them....?????

we have judges caught with thousands of child sex photo's on his computor and he even manages to get a pension out of his job and doesnt even go to jail....................... just cos he was a P.D!

the Barron report effectively said that there must have been collusion in the north between the highest ranks in the british government and loyalist paramilitaries and ruc........ people were murdered 30 years ago from all communities and the police only started investigating who did it last year or so. no one ever came to talk to families and relatives...... witnesses never even interviewed....... what does the irish government do about it sweat feck all...... chickenshits....

U know its like a domestic abuse case......where the irish government are the abusers.... they pretend to their neighbours and other e.u an d world governments that everything is alright, .... while behind closed doors they are beating the soul out of the people..... of course people are afraid to act....who wants another hiding.

thank god cork is on the way to declaring itself a republic ( probably 50 years or so).... legalised weed.. free blow jobs on the medical card..... bet ya in 2 years there would be no crime at all....( if ur pissed off you either get a spliff or b.j or both..... great success.

boy do i need a spliff.....lmao......

if the boys in 1916 knew the place would turn out like it has done, they would have said feck this we're off to the pub... and they would have been dead right too...



medazza said:
its getting beyond a joke at this stage. i havent touched anything since before xmas. fed up with paying a fortune for shite and cement is cheaper in chadwicks anyways . I'd garuntee ya if they were watering down guinness with anti frezze they would be war. This government have forgotten all about us. shame on them!!!!! And shame on us for letting them...

Michael collins is spinning in his grave in Glasnevin.
Do they forget people died for this country so we wouldnt be oppressed by a foreign power or a small percentage of the population ( landlords and the church....etc) and to have the power for Irish people to decide where and how this country should be run. Everyone is too freaked out about what they're neighbours would say to actually have a self thought opinion. the only way these days we seem to get a bit of togetherness and irish pride is when the soccer team does well. so we r going to be a dreppressed nation for another 4 years at least? there are adults out there that dont even remember italia 90 and the likes....boy i'm getting old...

facts about ireland ......

least dense population in europe................... most expensive land/ houses ...?????

we pay tax on everything 3 or 4 times.....???? rip off economy

people are more worried bout their houses/cars/ designer labels .... than the thousands of people living on the streets or even the person beside them....?????

we have judges caught with thousands of child sex photo's on his computor and he even manages to get a pension out of his job and doesnt even go to jail....................... just cos he was a P.D!

the Barron report effectively said that there must have been collusion in the north between the highest ranks in the british government and loyalist paramilitaries and ruc........ people were murdered 30 years ago from all communities and the police only started investigating who did it last year or so. no one ever came to talk to families and relatives...... witnesses never even interviewed....... what does the irish government do about it sweat feck all...... chickenshits....

U know its like a domestic abuse case......where the irish government are the abusers.... they pretend to their neighbours and other e.u an d world governments that everything is alright, .... while behind closed doors they are beating the soul out of the people..... of course people are afraid to act....who wants another hiding.

thank god cork is on the way to declaring itself a republic ( probably 50 years or so).... legalised weed.. free blow jobs on the medical card..... bet ya in 2 years there would be no crime at all....( if ur pissed off you either get a spliff or b.j or both..... great success.

boy do i need a spliff.....lmao......

if the boys in 1916 knew the place would turn out like it has done, they would have said feck this we're off to the pub... and they would have been dead right too...

^^^Very well said medazza.


Just before Christmas people where i live was paying £180.00 an Ounce for soapbar that looked as if somebody had dropped tesco bags inside it lol...others paying £100 for a Quarter of Polm?...well! £100 for pressed slate that basically crumbled like grit/sand thats here in the North.i,m glad i grew up a long time ago guys...Hashish
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very well said. Saying that im proud to be irish and very thankful the lads didnt decide to go to the pub. Dont worry life is like a pedulum. It will all come crashing down around us one day. We shoyld be thankful that we can pay 9 euro ryanair to go to holland every once in a while.
hey dude you can thank the IRA for the most part for the predominance of soap bar in this great land. why do you think its so hard to get irish indoor commercial? not from lack of enthusiastic entrepreneurs. where there is demand there is generally supply. but not when the country is full of backstabbing rats. this may sound paranoid, but I have it on very reliable authority that an old neighbour of mine and the guy I learned all my tricks of the trade from, was ratted to the law by a friend of the local RA heads. He had a 18k rig at the time and was a major producer/supplier in the area. This meant demand for the imported and inferior quality soap that the boys were moving went down. the mid west where i'm based is a well known and one of the oldest import locations in the country. sure shannon airport was where mr. nice howard marks began importing huge quantities of smoke for the uk and ireland. his contact for the airport was an IRA head. The IRA are the biggest importers of soap bar in the country or at least they used to be. the name may have changed or have been removed but the same dealing is still going on. to be fair to them they definitely have to be respected for their ability to distribute huge quantities of soap and still for the most part stay under the radar. its a dodgy business and they are the masters.