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Iolite Portable Vaporizer



I just bought one of these. I have been fighting bronchitis for too long now to not have one. I have heard nothing but great reviews about them. I will let you all know once I receive mine next week.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Wow, sorry to hear about the igniter problems. I have had the same happen to me a few times, but only when at higher elevations (I've taken it once camping at 10k feet and it took a few clicks more than normal, and I've taken it to a peak that was over 14k feet and it took upwards of 10 clicks to get it going). Other than that though, it sparks up within the first 1-2 clicks for me, every time. Please come back and let us know how the warranty repair went, if you have to go that route.


Active member
I have been using mine since January. Every day. Solid as a rock.

I have noticed that when you fill the unit with Butane, there is a small amount of air introduced. So it has to bleed out a bit before it can ignite. Then it sparks right up.

I have been talking about these units for months and I have not confirmed any actual defective units. Very solid unit. I bought from Vaporstore.com and their service is top notch. If I lost my iolite today, I would contact the Vapor Store and order another... overnight.

I believe that the Volcano vapes at higher temps, and that may affect the quality / speed of buzz


Active member
Mine looks as if it's giving up.. I've had it what.. 2 weeks now?

The bugger won't light. It takes ATLEAST 10+ clicks of the ignition button to get it started. Once started it runs perfect, but getting it started is a pain. Thinking about sending it off to make the most of my 2 yr warranty. I use Sarome brand butane, also used cheap-ass Ronson in an attempt fix it. What a bugger.

I think the ignition could be improved.. an electric style heavy duty repeater ignition on a cooker would be better, rather than a disposable lighter style one.

wait 5 minutes after filling it up or it will give you problems starting.


Active member
I love my iInhale now the Iolite. I've used it in public places....bars, riding my bike, everywhere.

it doesn't burn the herbs nor leave them half baked like most vaporizers.

sometimes i even think it gets you more medicated.

the best vaporizer out there so far.
The volcano vaporizes at variable temperatures, you dial up the heat to your liking. As far as the quality/speed of the buzz, the volcano dilutes the vapor as it blows the bag up, making it more palatable than any vaporizer I've tried.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I wouldn't call it perfect stealth, as anyone with a nose can smell it (so people saying they use it in theaters are plumb nuts, unless they're the only ones in there).

Hey MOFO!!! I'm that guy that's plumb nuts.....LOL. I was in a theatre to watch the Watchmen....it was late...like a 10PM show...and there was practically nobody in the theater....that doesn't disqualify it as having happened however. It certainly doesn't stink like a huge joint...or a bowl. And to make matters simpler: I did alot of my vaping in the bathroom and then came back to my seat.

I still love my iInhale...but it inspired me to order a Volcano....I regret neither decision to purchase. I think they're both over the top and have literally changed the way I use cannabis.

Now I suggest you get into some late night movie and bring your new friend!!! (plumb nuts....you say....sheesh!)


Bummer about the Iolite.

I like the VG, but it's not very discrete as you still need a lighter. I need discretion, portable.

Thanks for your feedback.

Anyone else?

The Iolite is VERY discreet. One of my friends has one and he can vape during lectures. All he does is take a large fast-food type disposable cup with a lid, poke a few small holes in the bottom and run the mouthpiece to a straw and out the straw hole in the lid. To hit, just take a "sip" from your drink. :joint:


Active member
Well, the vape is sure not odorless. And it's a white smoke you'll see when exhaling.

The biggest thing is that it doesn't smell like smoke, and of course it really isn't smoke. Since there's no combustion, there's no burning smell.

Also, you'll hear the wooshing sound as it pumps butane across the system. This can easily be heard if the unit is in your pocket.

But I love it love it love it.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Hey MOFO!!! I'm that guy that's plumb nuts.....LOL. I was in a theatre to watch the Watchmen....it was late...like a 10PM show...and there was practically nobody in the theater....that doesn't disqualify it as having happened however. It certainly doesn't stink like a huge joint...or a bowl. And to make matters simpler: I did alot of my vaping in the bathroom and then came back to my seat.

I still love my iInhale...but it inspired me to order a Volcano....I regret neither decision to purchase. I think they're both over the top and have literally changed the way I use cannabis.

Now I suggest you get into some late night movie and bring your new friend!!! (plumb nuts....you say....sheesh!)

Well, I have been known to lay on the hyperbole from time to time. Still, there's no way I'd do it, and I'm legal! :joint:


Active member
Another comment, I have not removed any screens from the device, though I know others have from theirs. I give a lot of credit to the manufacturer of this thing, and if there are screens, I assume they have a function / benefit.

I don't use the little cooling deals that fit in the mouthpiece. They suggest to use them if the weed is too moist. I use the long rubber hose to keep the vape cooler.

I get asked about the Butane and possible inhaling it. There are two separate air systems. One that blows the Butane over the heated platinum-coated coils to produce an electric current (my understanding is that the unit is electrically heated, not via the burning of Butane), and the other is the inhaling air system. Both are separated and you are not inhaling Butane.

It has a thermostat to keep things perfect. Unlike other vapes, this puppy only heats to the point where Cannabinoids volatilize. Other vapes allow you to turn it up, which only allows other non-cannabinoid compounds to volatilize also.


I've used an Iolite for a week or so, it could pass for a new type of asthma inhaler, it's the most discreet vape out there...all the others look like a soldering iron or a crack pipe in comparison or are way too bulky. The Iolite looks great.

there are a few downsides to it...it's plastic! and lets face it high temps, plastic, vaping and bud are not the best combo. It gets too hot at times, not too hot to hold, but about one degree less than too hot to hold every minute or so. It is way overpriced for what it is ( a lighter/thermostat/vape), more so than most of other smoking related items...and like all vapes it involves alot of mucking around with pulling the thing apart and together again after every bowl, adding more gas, cleaning etc, this makes it not ideal for every user. The tools are good

thanks for the advice about removing the top mesh (the one nearest the mouthpiecet), I'll try that later as I find the air flow up the mouthpiece to be somewhat restricted.

The Iolite I've got seems to run at slightly too low a temperature (or something??) as I don't get any visible vapor on the exhale (as I do with the old style box type Vapor Brothers vape) and it doesn't seem to vaporize all the THC on the material. Do other users get a mist or fog of vapor when exhaling the Iolite?
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Active member
I've used an Iolite for a week or so, it could pass for a new type of asthma inhaler, it's the most discreet vape out there...all the others look like a soldering iron or a crack pipe in comparison or are way too bulky. The Iolite looks great.

I agree

there are a few downsides to it...it's plastic! and lets face it high temps, plastic, vaping and bud are not the best combo.

That's absolutely ridiculous. Can't stress that enough. The unit is not going to overheat and explode or something.

It gets too hot at times, not too hot to hold, but about one degree less than too hot to hold every minute or so.

Certainly not my experience after 500 uses. There's about a 2" square area where the heat escapes. OK... so don't put your hand there...

It is way overpriced for what it is ( a lighter/thermostat/vape), more so than most of other smoking related items...

Well, that's your opinion. Considering all of the benefits, the great hits, and reliability, I'd buy one again in a heartbeat.

and like all vapes it involves alot of mucking around with pulling the thing apart and together again after every bowl, adding more gas, cleaning etc, this makes it not ideal for every user.

What Vape are you using??? When you're done you blow out the spent weed and put the unit away? That's pretty easy. There is no mucking around at all, pulling things apart blah blah. Gas takes less than 10 seconds to re-fill.

The tools are good

Yes they are

thanks for the advice about removing the top mesh (the one nearest the mouthpiecet), I'll try that later as I find the air flow up the mouthpiece to be somewhat restricted.

I wouldn't do that. You are simply filling the chamber too full. I have found that removing the upper screen allows ground bud to jamb the mouthpiece. The screen keeps the bud at a slight distance and allows for a better draw.

The Iolite I've got seems to run at slightly too low a temperature (or something??) as I don't get any visible vapor on the exhale (as I do with the old style box type Vapor Brothers vape) and it doesn't seem to vaporize all the THC on the material. Do other users get a mist or fog of vapor when exhaling the Iolite?

Yes I certainly get white vape. Big time. It has to heat up for a few minutes. Also you may be packing too full. In my opinion other vapes heat way beyond where they need to


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
The Iolite I've got seems to run at slightly too low a temperature (or something??) as I don't get any visible vapor on the exhale (as I do with the old style box type Vapor Brothers vape) and it doesn't seem to vaporize all the THC on the material. Do other users get a mist or fog of vapor when exhaling the Iolite?

I take my first draw after it stops hissing after the initial light up. For this first draw, and the next 2-3, I can taste the vapor intensely but there is no visible exhale. But every draw after that results in a huge vapor cloud after exhale. This is with a full chamber (I tend to load them about 80% full).


Active member
80% full is a key. More compact and the draw is harder, not as good a vape session. In my opinion, no white vapor = no THC being vaporized.


For this first draw, and the next 2-3, I can taste the vapor intensely but there is no visible exhale. But every draw after that results in a huge vapor cloud after exhale.

I used the Iolite 20 or more times and I've never seen any visible vapor on the exhale. I've tried with 20% ~ 80% full and with fine, medium and coarse ground bud...zero vapor! I'm not a satisfied user as I barely catch a buzz off it.

there are a few downsides to it...it's plastic! and lets face it high temps, plastic, vaping and bud are not the best combo.

That's absolutely ridiculous. Can't stress that enough. The unit is not going to overheat and explode or something.

who mentioned "explode"?.....I said it's plastic, which is not my ideal material for an item that operates at high temps and is meant for inhalation.

It gets too hot at times, not too hot to hold, but about one degree less than too hot to hold every minute or so.

Certainly not my experience after 500 uses. There's about a 2" square area where the heat escapes. OK... so don't put your hand there...

ok, so it does get too hot ......so lets just agree this could be improved

and like all vapes it involves alot of mucking around with pulling the thing apart and together again after every bowl, adding more gas, cleaning etc, this makes it not ideal for every user.

What Vape are you using??? When you're done you blow out the spent weed and put the unit away? That's pretty easy. There is no mucking around at all, pulling things apart blah blah. Gas takes less than 10 seconds to re-fill.

my top mesh becomes partially blocked after one or two bowls..blocked enough to reduce the amount of vapor/air coming up through the tube. I have to remove the mesh and the C ring, rinse it out and put it back in. Then I remove the bottom mesh which involves unscrewing the heat rod etc etc.....to me, that's mucking around.

I'm pleased you are thrilled to bits with your Iolite, but I'm not, it just doesn't deliver the same bang as the Vapor Brothers vape does..and it's also too bad we can't swap Iolites to compare.

The more I think about after hearing most responses is that my Iolite either has a incorrect thermostat setting (too low) and or the air intake (where ever that is?) is partially blocked as I find even after I clean it, I still do not have a free flow of air that can be drawn up the inhalation tube, it seems restricted.

I might send the Iolite company an email describing the problems and see what they say.


Here's a few more observations I've made about the Iolite...btw I just had a hit or two from the I-o and I caught a nice head buzz...it's odd, sometimes I get a nice buzz and other times barely a tingle? hmm I think I need to do more experimentation

I think if you like vapes (which are a thousand times cleaner and healthier for you than burning) and want discreet portability then the Iolite is an excellent (and probably the only) choice and you will be happy with it..but those who like the simple, sudden impact they get from a bowl or joint and haven't ever really got into vaping, then it will probably sit undisturbed in the bottom drawer along with your glow in dark grinder, those packets of rolling papers that are too thick and that skull ashtray you got when you were a teenager.

The herb chamber is well designed, the herbs are evenly heated, there are no hot or cool spots that are so evident when using a wand and box type vape like the Vapor Brothers.

There's no way the herbs would ever catch on fire, it never gets that hot, it doesn't even get hot enough to even "toast" the herbs. When I vape I like to get all the THC, and stopping just when it smells "toasted" is how I know theres nothing left. I'd like to see a variable heat control so each bowl can be vaped at low temps at first then at higher temps so the bud has all the tric melted off it.

The butane gas tank need to have an increased capacity.

The lighter push-button sticks out too far.

and for a unit that is meant to be held in the palm, the hot spots are simply just poor design.

The intake tube interior diameter needs to be increased in size.

The on/off switch feels clunky and cheap and needs to be improved. why is it marked "0" and "1" instead of " On" and 'Off"?..is that an Irish thing?

The exterior fins used for venting and cooling need to be increased in size.

The exterior casing (and according to the co's website some interior parts) are made from plastic (it looks like an ABS type plastic, a high impact resistant plastic) This casing should be replaced with metal....every part of the unit should not have any plastic parts.

The air that is inhaled seems much more "drier" than when the same bud is smoked in a jay or Vapor Brothers vape. Why is this?

The butane heats the herb chamber and is safely vented off and not inhaled, or is it? This small item fits in your palm and it seems to consume heaps of butane (like a jet lighter) and there's no external vent for the butane. Being so small and the vented butane is very close to your mouth, I wonder if any of the spent butane is inhaled?..anyone?


High Grade Specialist
Here's a few more observations I've made about the Iolite...btw I just had a hit or two from the I-o and I caught a nice head buzz...it's odd, sometimes I get a nice buzz and other times barely a tingle? hmm I think I need to do more experimentation
vape like the Vapor Brothers.

I noticed the same, sometimes i get high sometimes i hardly notice anything.
First i thought it was tolerance since i vape much more weed at once in my volcano. But ppl with low tolerance said the same, they didnt notice any effect from the iolite sometimes.

After really testing this unit for a cpl of weeks im not really that happy with it anymore. Also when i exhale therse hardly any vapor visible, i cant see how other users get "big clouds of vapor".

This sux because i want a portable unit thats really on par with the volcano and the iolite just isnt i have to admit.

Other disadvantages:

- butane chamber is too small, when you go to a festival you have to carry a bottle of butane with you to refill.

- mouthpiece gets very hot

- vapor is sometimes very "rough" and hurts my throat


thanks for the input Kush Master....though I would of preferred if you called me an idiot and told me I should do A then B and then I would get C "clouds of vapor"

What the Iolite needs is two thermostats instead of one ....one at a low temp setting and then could be switched over to a higher temp setting (or additional batteries and a digital thermostat with variable temp settings) so all the goodness is inhaled.

I used the Iolite today as I wrote the last post, but I also hit the remains in a pipe and got a buzz also...that's what annoys me the most as I want a portable vape that vaporizors all of every single trichome, not just some of them like the box type vapes do (as they have variable temp settings and with enough stirring will cash the bud completely)

I bet the second generation of Iolites will be much better with more features.....I also bet there's a factory in China right now producing a portable vape that closely resembles the original Iolite..they will probably call it the Wee-O-Lite or the Youtube-olite or something else unoriginal!..and the company that produces it will be called the "Everlasting Heavenly Forever Peaceful Electronical Company of Sichuan, Maimland China
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