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Investing your proceeds?

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Tropical Outcast
my solution buy more lights


rick shaw

Buy lottery tickets,do you realize how many you could buy with a million dollars.


Buy lottery tickets,do you realize how many you could buy with a million dollars.

Ya sure if you like 30-40 cents on the dollar.

Tried that trip decades back with bad checks. Amazing how reliably your winnings match the pie charts posted at sales locations showing the distribution of state lottery proceeds. Pretty much 1/3 into winnings, at least in my state.

Unless you expect to hit the big multi-state jackpot. Of course, you could spent a million several times over and not hit it.


Spending your cash on gas and food is really the only thing that's untraceable these days.


shut the fuck up Donny
they don't like threads about money laundering

they say it attracts the wrong kind of attention

I understand where you are coming from now although I do not see a discussion of actual laundering but rather a mere list of how to handle proceeds in ways that are in line with the law (see my little list above) to keep the parties involved out of trouble instead of getting in it by not knowing/being aware of those legal ways listed.

Stop kidding yourself. This entire thread is about money laundering. If your gonna talk like an expert on the subject don't beat around the bush and try to pull a bs "wait we aren't talking about laundering here!" it discredits you and makes you look insane.

The bulk of the people on this forum launder in some way or another. IC doesn't like it because it is illegal and they don't want unwanted attention since they already promote an activity that is illegal in most areas.

To the OP. Your question was way too broad and shows that you are either
1) day dreaming about what to do about all the money you think you are going to make down the line
2) you actually have a bunch of money and don't know what to do with it.
In either case, you are already behind. Find a friend who does it and ask him, or PM people here, or ask a much more direct question that is worded all nice so as to not say "how do i invest illegal and unreported money into an account so that it can look legal and reported?"


ICMag Donor
I think we've made it quite clear that threads regarding the laundering of money are not allowed....
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