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Introduction to Conservation Genetics

we are eventually planning on authoring a more complete version of this "essay" . . . with additional notes for each numbered "bullet point" . . . ouor note will explain and describe how each point is relevant to cannabis enthuists and preservationists . . .

until we can create that "annotated" version . . . we wanted to at least post the original . . . which was Compiled from “Introduction to Conservation Genetics” by R. Frankham, J.D. Ballou, & D.A. Briscoe; Cambridge University Press; © R. Frankham, D.A. Briscoe, Smithsonian Institution (compiled from pages 529-530)

Take home messages from this book

1. The biological diversity of the planet is being rapidly depleted due to direct and inderect consequences of human activities (habitat destruction and fragmentation, over-exploitation, pollution and movement of species into new locations).

2. The major genetic concerns in conservation biology are inbreeding depression, loss of genetic diversity, genetic drift overriding natural selection, population fragmentation, genetic adaptation to captivity and taxonomic uncertainties.

3. Inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity are inevitable in all small closed populations.

4. Inbreeding has deleterious effects on reproduction and survival (inbreeding depression) in almost every species that has been adequately investigated.

5. Loss of genetic diversity reduces the ability of populations to adapt in response to environmental change (evolutionary potential). Quantitative genetic variation for reproductive fitness is the primary component of genetic diversity involved in adaptive changes.

6. Genetic Factors generally contribute to extinction risk, sometimes having major impacts on persistence.

7. Ignoring genetic issues in the management of threatened species will often lead to sub-optimal management and in some cases to disastrous decisions.

8. The objective of genetic management is to preserve threatened species as dynamic entities capable of adapting to environmental change.

9. The first step in genetic management of a threatened species is to resolve any taxonomic uncertainties and to delineate any management units within the species. Studies using genetic markers can typically aid in resolving these issues.

10. Genetic management of wild populations is in it’s infancy and is not generally adequate or optimal to ensure long term viability (largely because genetic issuers are ignored).

11. The greatest unmet challenge in conservation genetics it to manage fragmented populations to minimize inbreeding depression and loss of genetic diversity. Translocations among isolated fragments or creations of corridors for migration are required to minimize extinction risks. Concerns about possible outbreeding depression (often exaggerated) have discouraged translocations th address the impacts of population fragmentation.

12. Captive breeding provides a means for conserving species that are incapable of surviving in their natural habitats. Captive populations of threatened species are typically managed to retain 90% of their genetic diversity for 100 years, using minimization of kinship.

13. Genetic deterioration in captivity resulting from inbreeding depression, loss of genetic diversity and genetic adaptation to captivity, reduces the probablility of successfully reintroducing species to the wild.

14. Population sizes of Ne much greater than 50 (N>500) are required to avoid inbreeding depression and Ne = 500-5000 (N = 5000-50,000) are required to retain evolutionary potential. Many wild and captive populations are too small to avoid inbreeding depression and loss of genetic diversity in the medium term. ( i.e.. - Ne is the symbol used to represent the concept of “effective population . . . N in this case is used to represent the estimated actual population needed to produce the indicated Ne).

15. Molecular genetic analyses contribute to conservation by aiding detection of illegal hunting and trade, and by providing essential information on unknown aspects of species biology.

16. Genetic factors represent only one component of extinction risk. Wild populations face threats from deterministic factors (habitat loss, over exploitations, introduced species and pollution) that contribute to population declines, and stochastic factors (demographic and environmental stochasticity, catastrophes and genetic stochasticity) that become increasingly important in small populations. Genetic factors typically interact with other factors.

17. The combined impacts of all ‘non-genetic’ and genetic threats faced by populations can be assessed using population viability analysis (PVA). PVA is also used to evaluate alternative management options to recover threatened species.

We trust you have found this book informative, thought-provoking and interesting and that it will assist in your future conservation activities. The Earth’s biodiversity is being lost at a frightening rate, and we must act now to conserve our life support system. We encourage you to participate in this wide ranging activity, as an enormous task lies ahead.

hopefully posting these "essential" points on the conservation / preservation of genetics . . . will provide a thread where individuals interested in conservation can discuss some of the points made in this brief synoposis of the primary points made “Introduction to Conservation Genetics” by R. Frankham, J.D. Ballou, & D.A. Briscoe; Cambridge University Press . . .
if these introductory points were interesting to you . . . then we would suggest that you invest in the following textbook . . .




those are links to amazon.com and amazon.ca pages for the textbook we consider to be THE essential introduction to the field of Conservation Genetics . . . “Introduction to Conservation Genetics” by R. Frankham, J.D. Ballou, & D.A. Briscoe . . .

it's a wonderful resource for any serious preservationist . . . here's a brief description of the text . . .

The biological diversity of our planet is being depleted due to the direct and indirect consequences of human activity. As the size of animal and plant populations decrease, loss of genetic diversity reduces their ability to adapt to changes in the environment, with inbreeding depression an inevitable consequence for many species. This textbook provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the importance of genetic studies in conservation. The text is presented in an easy-to-follow format with main points and terms clearly highlighted. Each chapter concludes with a concise summary, which, together with worked examples and problems and answers, emphasise the key principles covered. Text boxes containing interesting case studies and other additional information enrich the content throughout, and over 100 beautiful pen and ink portraits of endangered species help bring the material to life.
poorwhitefarmer said:
thank you!

you are welcome! :wave:

the way we understand it . . . we were invited to ICMag because a friend thought our knowledge and essays might make a difference in the battle to help make a better genetic future for Cannabis . . .

so in that one sense . . . we are here on a mission! :woohoo:
Hopefully no one will find it too egregious an offense that we are “cross-posting” this particular excerpt in this thread . . . which we envision as a teaching / learning resource for the community . . .

this . . . after we’d also posted it in a lively discussion on the topic of the need to protect genetic diversity . . . we just feel it's a very worthwhile addition to this thread . . .

Excerpted from “Genetics and Conservation of Rare Plants”Edited by D.A. Falk and K.E. Holsinger

From Chapter Twelve - “Offsite Breeding of Animals and Implications for Plant Conservation Strategies” by A.R. Templeton

“The best way of minimizing the impact of genetic drift in a closed population is to subdivide the population into breeding units that have minimal gene flow. Maruyama (1970) showed that subdivided population loses it’s global genetic variation as a much smaller rate than an equal sized panmictic population. To see why, consider the following extreme example. Suppose a population of 100 is maintained in captivity. If we start with a locus with two neural alleles, say A and a, at equal frequency, the population will eventually go to fixation for one allele or the other with equal probability if the population is maintained as a single panmictic unit. The expected time to fixation in this case is 277 generations, using standard population genetic theory (Crow and Kimura 1970), Suppose now that the 100 individuals had been split into four isolated populations, each of size 25. Within each isolate, genetic drift will eventually cause the loss of one allele, and the expected time to fixation is now 69 generations. However, the probability that all four isolates become fixed for the same allele is 0.125. Hence, in the panmictic case the population will lose its allelic variation at this locus with a probability of 1. In the subdivided case, eash isolate will lose its variation four times as fast as the single panmictic population, but with a probability of 0.875 that the four isolates will not all be fixed for the same allelle. Thus the subdivided population will preserve indefinitely the genetic diversity at the global-population level with high probability. As this example shows, a subdivided population will preserve indefinitely the genetic diversity far more effectively than an equal size panmictic population.”
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Well-known member
The genetic diversity of cannabis is not at risk imho...not even close.

The genetic diversity of ALL of our food growing plants however,
are ALREADY past a very dangerous level.

In the last 50 yrs we have seen maybe 90%
of the "selected through many generations" vegetable seeds and fruit tree
varieties have become steam rolled into only a hand full from
literally thousands of choices.

There are also new laws in the making that will make it increasingly difficult to even begin working to make more or bring the old ones back.
There are copyrights or patents or whatever that are rapidly sewing up the FOOD game,
and we will have to come "them"
the "owners" of food producing seeds , trees and plants
to eat.
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Little Man,

Welcome to IC, that is one of the best posts I have seen in a long time and it was a joy to read.

Many thanks for your great efforts!

Peace, hhf


Beautiful post little man. I'm quite jealous of your eloquence. This post should be required reading for any preservationist on this site.

I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds but I think I should emphasize that whether one is engaging in conservation or preservation as large as possible of a population should be used. Perhaps its just my illiteracy but the first time I read your post I misunderstood what you had said and felt you were implying that one can get away with using a small population if they select plants which reflect the essence of a strain, something I'm now certain you aren't saying but I just wanted clarify for any dunce like me that may also misunderstand your post. Even if one is making selections for the phenotype(s) idealizing the strain's essence there's many many traits that cannot be readily detected by human senses that allow for adaptability/survivability in subsequent generations. Selecting as large of a number as possible of plants which reflect the conceptual ideal of the strain not only helps survivability but also helps protect against deformities and general changes in phenotype caused by excessive limiting of the gene pool.

One thing that always frustruated me about calculating Ne for cannabis preservation projects is that Ne is calculated for dioecious plants using the equation that you cited Ne = [(4 X Nm X Nf)/(Nm + Nf)] While I think this probably works well for breeding animals and certain dioecious plants the fact that the dioecious nature of cannabis as well as the amount and diversity of genetic information contained on the X and Y chromosomes isn't fully understood. A plant without a Y chromosome but has the presence intersexed alleles at any one of multiple loci can produce fully functional male flowers and can sometimes reverse sex altogether. Also since cannabis is a wind pollinated dioecious plant preservation work requires maintaining a high Ne which IMO exaagerates the flaws in the equation because you're dealing with higher numbers. I hope I'm not sounding too critical of your post it raised many questions I've never thought about and the information you cited which I have doubts concerning is from people much more knowledgeable than I. Nothing you said was incorrect as far as I can tell and you did a much better job explaining this than I could've done.

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