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Introducing MJ to the wild in the tropics?


I know introducing exotic species is bad, but am going ahead with this.

Location is Asia at about 22 degrees North, so its tropical. This is a mountain valley that only gets visited by the odd hunter. It is very wet here, get typhoons and over a meter a day rainfall is possible. Winter brings dry, as in no rain. but humid and the ground is still moist, find for growing plants, but not sure if its moist enough on the surface for cannabis as some places it dries out no more than 12" down.

Looking for thoughts on localities and ways of trying to get a naturally sustaining population of plants growing in the wild without help from humans, at least not help after initial planting. Rivers cannot be used as mudslides are a real problem, every river gets boulders thrown down it every year, without fail, so rivers are always bare of even the most invasive of weeds. That said, near a river is good as it would spread seeds down river (which go right into the flat plains which is 100% populated, zero virgin land left. Should also mention this is a small SE island, so after seeds go through the river, if they doesnt get stuck on shore in humanville, its ocean time and cant spread further.

Ultimate goal: mass proliferation and get the general population access to this herb as it is far too uptight and bitchy as is. not saying that goal is realistic, but it is the goal.

Any thoughts/pointers?


Active member
very cool project, i have a similar side project that i am in the middle of making seeds for

my goal is a quick flowering autoflower plant that doesn't get too large at all, if i could eventually breed the webbed trait in that would be the best imho

i am in north america at around 34*n, there are streams that run year round by the locations i would be doing this at, the autoflower and short traits are really just to increase chance of survival since they would then flower and complete their cycle several times a year, there are a lot of hikers and rippers and police so small quick plants that flower year round seems like the safest option in this case

well those are my thoughts for my own similar situation, i hope and pray for massive success in both of our endeavors here, overgrow indeed!


Thanks for posting, that sounds very similar to what is hopefully going to happen here. Do you think at your latitude it is warm enough for seeds to overwinter on their own? If not, do you plant to reintroduce seeds/plants every year?

To be honest, I hadn't thought about trying it with things like auto flower and such. TO be honest, the weed scene here is very small, almost unknown and there are no rippers or police actively searchign them out, though police will probably recognize them if they ran into it....by the time plants get to where lazy police buy their coffee, the plant should be well established in the wild.

Also, this area of introduction here is fairly remote, yet infested with invasive weeds. It was logged a while ago, but recently enough that there were already many exotic species here, so its a valley of illegal immigrants in a way which is why it seems less horrible to introduce this.

Do you know of any good reads on trying to select for autoflowering genes from otherwise "wild strains". these are land race seeds from Loas/Cambodia, so there is no fancy anything in there, just good ol wild sativa.


Active member
i'm not really sure about the cold at my latitude, last year it did get just below freezing a couple nights. at that time i did not have any cannabis outside, i had a tomato plant though and it did not make it!

right now i have a seed run going outside, that will ultimately be part of the the genetics that make up what i want to start guerilla planting all over the area. i am doing an open pollination with 40 plants outside, my thinking was that survival of the fittest will be part of the selection process, if anything dies due to the cold then so be it, if it lives then i figure it has been able to handle the cold alright so far so it would be a good option.

i am also very curious about acclimatization, if everything is done outside during the winter and i am selecting what lives, then i am thinking there will be genetic triggers happening due to the environment during the pollination and growth of the plants, i am hoping it works out this way in favor of plants that tolerate the cold just fine, a fun experiment!

as far as selecting for autoflower, you would probably want to use mendelian genetic punet squares along with your selecting to get a truely 100% autoflowering strain in the end. in your situation i would guess the hardest part would be initially finding plants that do exhibit the autoflower trait, once you have found a plant that does this it will be all about breeding then!

here is a pretty good explanation of mendel's punet square and how to use it to help your breeding plan:

so with that ^^^ this is what my plan is so far

starting with 2 parents, 1 female and 1 male. the female is not autoflowering, the male is fully autoflowering. if these 2 knock each other up, then we get an f1 generation.

with f1 generations, you will only see dominant genes express themselves (unless they both happen to have the same recessive genes, in our autoflowering example this is not the case though), so we won't see any autoflowering plants at all with the f1. i feel it is a good idea to openly pollenate with as many of the f1 kids as you possibly can, those seeds will be f2 generation

with f2 generations, we will see 25% of the plants express the recessive trait we are looking for, so we select those and make more babies, this gives us f3 generation

with f3 we will see 100% of that recessive genetic trait, this generation essentially will have the autoflowering trait locked in and will breed true for autoflowering

that is one way to do it, make f1, then make f2 and select and make f3. some folks like to use back crossing at the f2 stage, backcrossing the 25% showing the trait they want to the original p1 plant that shows the trait they want, that will also lock in the traits but will bring more genetic material back in directly from the first autoflower parent. depending on the goals a breeder may not want that, what if the original parent autoflower has a diesel taste they just don't like, but the non autoflower parent has this amazing sour citrus you just looove! if you back cross then you're going to have to start selecting all over again to eventually lock in that sour citrus, and select to lock out the yucky gas/diesel thing, so there are pros and cons to both methods

i hope this helps, i am so far from an expert on any of this, i am learning as i go, man i hope we both succeed in our overgrowing attempts!!

it would be so awesome, years from now, just hiking around, and we come across patches of those plants in places that we had never ever tossed seed out, to just see this amazing plant taking over without any more of our help!


Dude in the US, don't do it! Seriously, wild pollen is not fun for other growers, especially not autoflower pollen! OMG I can't think of a worse idea than actually trying to get an out of control population going of a plant that:
1. normal people don't want around
2. LEO doesn't want around
3. environmentalists don't want around
4. Weed growers don't want around

Think about that, if your idea is so bad that LEO and weed growers AGREE that it's a bad idea, you know it's a really bad idea!

Aside from any problems of changing the local ecology, IF successful you could possibly be preventing people from growing sensimilla or selectively breeding for generations in an area that could potentially stretch hundreds of miles from you. You'd be trading the right of every American to grow and breed good weed, and why? Just so you could wander into the woods and harvest some mediocre wild hemp?
it would be so awesome, years from now, just hiking around, and we come across patches of those plants in places that we had never ever tossed seed out, to just see this amazing plant taking over without any more of our help!
That's not awesome, it's a nightmare! Think it through! You'd be killing the ability of anyone in that area to grow quality seed free weed, or the ability of anyone to do ANY controlled outdoor breeding!


Active member
Dude in the US, don't do it! Seriously, wild pollen is not fun for other growers, especially not autoflower pollen! OMG I can't think of a worse idea than actually trying to get an out of control population going of a plant that:
1. normal people don't want around
2. LEO doesn't want around
3. environmentalists don't want around
4. Weed growers don't want around

Think about that, if your idea is so bad that LEO and weed growers AGREE that it's a bad idea, you know it's a really bad idea!

Aside from any problems of changing the local ecology, IF successful you could possibly be preventing people from growing sensimilla or selectively breeding for generations in an area that could potentially stretch hundreds of miles from you. You'd be trading the right of every American to grow and breed good weed, and why? Just so you could wander into the woods and harvest some mediocre wild hemp?
That's not awesome, it's a nightmare! Think it through! You'd be killing the ability of anyone in that area to grow quality seed free weed, or the ability of anyone to do ANY controlled outdoor breeding!

i hear what you are saying, i have many disagreements

let me ask you something, are you opposed to hemp being grown in the u.s. too? i sure hope they stop vetoing those bills and allow it one day...there are ways to help protect your grows from stay pollen

overgrow, not for me to wander and pick hemp, it's about overgrowing the world

we both have very different ideologies, for instance this argument:
Think about that, if your idea is so bad that LEO and weed growers AGREE that it's a bad idea, you know it's a really bad idea!

...you mean like full on legalization?

yes i feel we have very different mind sets about this issue


No I don't mean full on legalization. MOST LEO and most growers don't agree on that.
And overgrowing is easy without the risk of what you're suggesting. Just go out and plant some plants. I will too. So will others. In fact, we're already doing it. I agree more should, and trends tell me they are and will.

And agricultural hemp is totally different than what you're proposing.
1. It has a known flowering time every year
2. It has known locations, with pollen flowing on known wind patterns
3. It has ONE flowering time every year

Your auto seeds will literally flower year round it seems in your location, on no particular schedule, just 60+- days from whenever the seed happens to pop. Wherever the seed happens to pop. Completely blanketing the area 24/7 in year round pollen in all directions

To what benefit? I had to edit this, because I realize I had just typed a lot of straw man points against your plan, but that is weak and offensive arguing on my part, so I'll take a different approach. But in your words, what is the benefit? Anybody in the US that wants to buy weed can. Anybody in the US that wants to grow weed can. What good does a feral population of suspect quality plants do anybody?


Active member
No I don't mean full on legalization. MOST LEO and most growers don't agree on that.
And overgrowing is easy without the risk of what you're suggesting. Just go out and plant some plants. I will too. So will others. In fact, we're already doing it. I agree more should, and trends tell me they are and will.

And agricultural hemp is totally different than what you're proposing.
1. It has a known flowering time every year
2. It has known locations, with pollen flowing on known wind patterns
3. It has ONE flowering time every year

Your auto seeds will literally flower year round it seems in your location, on no particular schedule, just 60+- days from whenever the seed happens to pop. Wherever the seed happens to pop. Completely blanketing the area 24/7 in year round pollen in all directions

To what benefit? I had to edit this, because I realize I had just typed a lot of straw man points against your plan, but that is weak and offensive arguing on my part, so I'll take a different approach. But in your words, what is the benefit? Anybody in the US that wants to buy weed can. Anybody in the US that wants to grow weed can. What good does a feral population of suspect quality plants do anybody?

i get the feeling that you just don't like lowryder #2 or anything with it's genes in it, this is totally fine! but i feel it's pretty much the entire basis for your argument

well i don't like strong diesel or cat piss tasting strains, it doesn't appeal to me and i'd rather have plain old lowryder #2 over diesel or cat piss any day of the week. i totally get that other folks will disagree with my opinions, just as some will agree as well.

What good does a feral population of suspect quality plants do anybody?

"suspect quality" is opinion, you said you are overgrowing and many others are too, well i think that's awesome, even if you are growing the most diesel smelling/tasting thing on the planet which i would not want touching my genetics, i still feel it's awesome that you're doing it even though it's not something i personally would like at all

i do not care if people hate autoflowers, for guerilla grows in highly populated areas like where i am at they have far too many characteristics that will ensure the continuance of their offspring for many generations, i just can not ignore that

it is too bad that you are against what i am working towards, simply due to genetics


No, I don't hate autos at all. I think they are awesome for what they are, and am planning some this spring. I think that forcing auto pollen on everyone in your geographical area is a problem. The quality comments were more aimed at the fact that feral pot plants will be of suspect quality, bugs, mildew, lack of water, too much water, etc.

And I also apologize for the thread derail! I guess I should address the OP, huh? I would think that a few strategically planted plots, with a few seasons of bombarding the area with the seeds would likely work. It seems like a geographically isolated area where the pollen from males wouldn't be as problematic, especially if you could get seeds of a strain native to your region. Sativa's are light feeders and may do well with no tending, and would like the tropical climate.

Tending a few plots in upwind, uphill, and upstream areas will allow their seeds to spread. If I were to do it, I'd probably start stands of at least 10-20 plants every mile or so. Visit a few times throughout the season to ensure their grow to maturity, and harvest plenty of seeds.

You could harvest tens of thousands of seeds from a rather small plot, and just plant them all over the valley. A walking stick can quickly make a shallow hole, drop a few seeds in, cover with soil and press down, no need to even bend over. I also know from a friends experience that simply throwing the seeds out over the surface will lead to a surprising survival rate, but I'd still plant some to help out.

But I'd have to ask, if this is such an awesome risk free grow area, why not just farm it, grow a couple hundred plants spread through the valley, and harvest primo seed-free weed? Give the harvested bud to the artists, the hipsters, the young, and they'll spread it from there!


hehe, I can see some of you guys points. But to start here is not in the USA, its in Asia. As far as I know its not native here, if it was it sure has not grown here for a while. This is an island a little far from any mainland.

There is very little weed grown here, and the stuff that is is already filled with seeds, the few people that grow it don't bother with quality. Though there are some indoor growers that do, expats mostly from what i have heard.

So anyway. This is an ideal valley yes, but it is very very difficult hiking to get to, which is why its so good and private. Not something to go check on often though. Was thinking here because it would be a good place to get a healthy strong population going on its own and spread seeds via the rivers that come down the valley...and animals if they spread these seeds at all?

There are easier spots here to grow seedless herb here, so that's not a worry.

Unless can find a really good reason not to, will be planting them out when this first batch matures with seeds. probably around feb.


Active member
hy man ,
Put some crazy thai , pure haze , kérala , viet ....
It's the best weed in the world !
You can't go wong .
But no put auto or sati/indi indi/sati or indi , only pure sativa .
mathias (sorry for my english )

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