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Introducing Marijuana Ice Cream

Marco Renda

Active member
Introducing marijuana ice cream (in three flavours)

September 22, 2010 Lesley Ciarula Taylor

Mario Renda has tried pot-laced chocolate truffle cake, pudding and the old standby, brownies.

But never a California dispensary’s new line of cannabis ice cream. That, for the moment, is a treat for medical marijuana users to savour just in Santa Cruz.

Crème de Canna this month introduced three flavours of marijuana-laced ice cream – chocolate, banana and strawberry – for $15 a pint, available only to card-carrying medical-marijuana users.

“It’s made with organic local strawberries and a Grand Marnier reduction,” says Jonathan Kolodinski, owner of the licensed dispensary.

Each half pint is equivalent to “two or three doses” of marijuana.
Pot edibles date back to ancient times. The venerable The Stoner’s Cookbook offers recipes for ice cream made with cannabutter, as Kolodinski’s is, and has recently developed an iPhone application link.

The process involves gently infusing butter with marijuana leaves.
Renda, publisher of Treating Yourself magazine and organizer of Toronto’s first medical marijuana and hemp conference in July, applauds the idea.

“I am 100 per cent supportive of any products that help patients cope with their ailments,” says Renda. “Let’s face it. We all love to eat ice cream, so why not medicated ice cream?”

Treating Yourself offers monthly recipes for marijuana-laced food and a forum by Chef Moe of Moe’s Medibles, which makes treats for medical marijuana users.

The new line, says Kolodinski, is very popular with people “coming back for seconds and thirds. It’s a healthier alternative for people who don’t want to smoke.”

It seems to be a trend. The TV show Cannabis Planet also has an on-air chef who cooks everything from soup to nuts with a buzz.



I have grown Ice Cream by Paradise Seeds for many years and of all the smokes I must say that Ice Cream is probably amongst the best bud anyone can grow. I had 6 baby Ice Creams waiting to be planted into waterfarms until the police busted me last week and took the fucking lot. Scum retarded bastards :(

Anyway Ice Cream produces nice stinky bud and yields great. A choice of many home growers.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I believe there is a company in Colorado making this also, something like 30+ flavors available. Mile High Ice Cream is their name...


Active member
it's so funny when they play it off like it's a first or something

man i was getting ice cream from lapcg in west hollywood for years, several other spots close by have had ice cream for quite awhile too!

they did this with oregon and their hash bar/smoke bar type place, man there was a hash bar 5 blocks from where i live for years till the dea shut it down....that place also had a vending machine, years before all the hub bub about pot vending machines at 2 los angeles dispensaries were hyped all over the cana news sites


Active member
I have grown Ice Cream by Paradise Seeds for many years and of all the smokes I must say that Ice Cream is probably amongst the best bud anyone can grow. I had 6 baby Ice Creams waiting to be planted into waterfarms until the police busted me last week and took the fucking lot. Scum retarded bastards :(

Anyway Ice Cream produces nice stinky bud and yields great. A choice of many home growers.

this thread is about actual edible ice cream, the kind that goes in the freezer, ala ben n' jerry's, or haagan dazs (sp?)

not the strain of cannabis


Some places just mix cannabutter in to the mix and thats disgusting but when they actually make the thc milk it tastes great, especially with a bud brownie in it ;)


Active member
there was a spot i would go to in hollywood that was making their own, they kept revising their recipe, they'd cook it into the milk, the last batch was using kief and it was awesome, a very smooth ice cream and quite potent
The StrawberryCanna Ice Cream sounds fucking awesome....You scream , we all scream for mutha fuckin Pot Ice cream.

If it smells like fish...................EAT IT!


i hate when people try to claim they are the first and only to do something i have seen ice creams in the clinics in so cal for years now this is all old news


there was a spot i would go to in hollywood that was making their own, they kept revising their recipe, they'd cook it into the milk, the last batch was using kief and it was awesome, a very smooth ice cream and quite potent

eden therapy ? :)

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
reminds me of when i was in the uk about 4 years ago and i picked up some mj rag with a front cover that read something like THE NEWEST CRAZE TO HIT THE HASH SCENE SINCE MORROCO.... so i drop a few pounds on it only to read that this new "craze" was water extrraced hash via silkscreen bags.... BRAVO fellas... bringing something to the game weve known about for decades.....

Ganja D

i hate when people try to claim they are the first and only to do something i have seen ice creams in the clinics in so cal for years now this is all old news
So true. My friends have a company called "Cream of the crop". Been making medical cannabis ice cream for over 2 years. They have vanilla,chocolate ,and strawberry and vend to clubs in the bay area.


Active member
eden therapy ? :)


the first batch or 2 i tried was okay, effect was good but ice creaminess was waning...then, A said they changed the recipe, they let it churn slower for much longer or something, man that stuff was so super creamy amazing!