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Introducing CO2 in the growbox, help



Hello everyone.
After I finished my first grow this autumn (balcony grow), it's time for me to venture into indoor growing. And I'm thinking of a PC grow for a start. I've got almost everything planned, except one thing. CO2.
How to introduce it in the box, and how to keep it inside.

I'll be using yeast/sugar/water CO2 generators. Two things are bugging me.
1. CO2 is heavier than air, so to reach the foliage, CO2 must be introduced above the plants... maybe somewhere near the lights?
2. The growbox must be ventilated, probably with a 92mm case fan. Wont this ventilation pump out the CO2?

I'll have to use some small bottle so they could fit into the case. I'm thinking of 2x 500ml mineral water bottles. Each filled with 3 tablespoons sugar + 1/4 teaspoon yeast and water.
For how long would these produce CO2? 2-3 days?


I'm thinking about doing this but I have just been to lazy to go buy the stuff to make it.


Well I have actually also been thinking about putting CO2 into my cab.. Im currently on my second grow and I want to throw some CO2 in my cab as my plants are currently in flowering stage.

This is what my plan was and is going to be, Of course open for modifications. I was going to go to my local Paintball store, and buy a 9 or 12oz CO2 tank, and at same time buy an ON/OFF valve there because they will install it for me.

The ON/OFF valve is nice because the hole is decent size and Im going to just plug in a fish tank air hose at the end of the Valve. Then i was going to open the valve the slittest bit just enough so i can smell the CO2 coming out but not enough to hear it. Then I was just gona run the hose along the sides and just about the plants and have it just leak out the littest bit. Seems to be perfect for me :p Or course test are to be done.

Like to maybe even have the CO2 bubbling in the water, (im doing DWC)

what you guys think..

The total tank and valve cost is about $50, not that bad


I think CO2 is absorbed through foliage, and not roots. So bubbling CO2 in the DWC bucket won't do any good IMO.
CO2 should come from somewhere above the leaf canopy, as it is heavier than air it will go downward passing trough the leafs, where it should be absorbed.


ya found that out.. iv read all over the place saying how .."25%" of CO2 is absorbed through the roots, but tbo.. Im testing this now.. And shit.. Ill just run a T splitter and have 1 line making a bubble or 2 of CO2 every minute or so, and have the rest just slowly seeping out in my canopy. But my current grow is in flower stage and Ima going to through in the CO2 very soon.


Some sort of butane lamp or propane burner should actually do the trick; but than just ask yourself isn't a bigger light way better ? :)


I think the bottom of the leaves will absorb the co2 because thats where the plants pores are.


If that's the case, then we should think of a way to make the CO2 rise up... Maybe a couple of PC fans blowing upwards near the base of the plants?

@slips, what do you have in mind with that "bigger lamp"? Lamps produce CO2???
As for butane lamps and burners of any sort... I don't think they're suitable for a micro grow :)
BTW I don't know why you refer to butane and propane as different sources... Where I live all domestic gas is a mix of propane and butane. It's practically impossible to find them separately.

One question still remains... How do we keep the CO2 inside the box, despite the ventilation?
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well ... after a few mins of thinking about that rBlunt, I think i got it... Try as hard as possible to make sure that from the bottom of your grow area, to atleast up to the stem plus some leaves on the plant all has a good seal in the cracks..

Think about it, CO2 heavier then air, well make a "bowl" for it to sit in. This is of course when lights and Vents are off, Should seem to work well, no?


Military said:
well ... after a few mins of thinking about that rBlunt, I think i got it... Try as hard as possible to make sure that from the bottom of your grow area, to atleast up to the stem plus some leaves on the plant all has a good seal in the cracks..

Think about it, CO2 heavier then air, well make a "bowl" for it to sit in. This is of course when lights and Vents are off, Should seem to work well, no?

The only way I could see that working is if the cab was sealed airtight. It's a gas, it's going to escape through any crack.


Yeah, that's tough luck... Maybe if the incoming volume of CO2 is larger than the escaping one there will be some CO2 left in the box... But I doubt that sugar/water/yeast generators can produce that much.

I've noticed that here in the Micro Grow division of the forum noone talks about CO2... Maybe there's a reason for that.