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Internet Tough Guys

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites


there's one or two on IC that can be REALLY fkn arrogant with me, and I would definitely call that an internet tough guy thing. Not sure why these people get like this...like they just come out of nowhere and talk shit. Would troll be a better term?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I've been called out a few times by people stating that they think I'm a bully.

Am I a tough guy just because I can counter their contention?

I have been on either side of the fence regarding your posts H^2o2.

We all have different days, and certainly not all are great.

I've been the center of derision many times.

I'll only whine about myself in those instances.

Take note... I'm a better person because of it.

The day you disdain the grain, you'll never be sanded again.

Be a better person by taking the lumps along with the improvement.


Mustard's tips to growing as a person

1. Everybody poops

2. We all need to be ourselves

3. Somebody's going to poop on you while being themselves

4. If you have a mouth full of shit you'd better just smile

5. At rock bottom we are all the same
#1 yeah, but some much more than others; in other words yeah we all crap, but we all don't crap on ourselves.
#2 agreed, Most times that's good, sometimes, not so much. At least i think that people are waaaay more likely to be themselves on line than not. that is, unless you are looking at online dating, then you know you are about to eat a shit sandwich!
#3 maybe
#4 disagree, but sometimes that might be your only option
#5 Couldn't disagree more. Some people are just no good for nuthin. And then there's the trolls.

Not everybody is an asshole, or slips up to be one. I do. I'm not everybody tho. Sometimes it's just fun. But you gotta take what you give.

Threats like kick your ass are totally un-doable, and the only people that make threats like that know this, and are showing their stupidity. I found out a guy lived about an hour away from me once at a different site and offered to hook up, never heard from him again. Not that that could have stopped him from talkin trash, i would never be able to find him in a million years.

Some people talk smack right to your face tho. If you threw a punch they would fall down or run away some of them. they are hoping, even believing, that their trash talk is going to scare you and you won't do anything. That's why talk is cheap.
Sometimes i guess that talk might intimidate people and work for them. I can only hope they run into somebody who likes to scrap tho, it will get them hit that much harder. i would say on a sliding scale, so to speak, the more insulting you are, the harder i am going to hit you. But that is just real life. You can't hit a post on the internet, so it doesn't do any good to try. Every single post on here says the same thing. We all agree. I am somewhat ashamed of even trying to find that guy. I might as well say i went looking for a leprechan.

Actually got some crap PMs from a guy this week on line here. sent him some crap back and never hear from him in a few days. actually started thinking that he was doing more of the right thing than i was, like his silence was more studley than if he would have replied. Thinkin if he does reply then i won't. Like you can say fuck off, by not saying anything. i must be gettin old aye?
Gotta be careful with internet tough guys. They have a keyboard at their hands and they WILL use it. Think of all the weapon combinations and threats they can type in. AK-47, 9mm, .357, .44, .45, well ya'll get it. Their arsenal is unlimited. But thats ok, I have protection on my pc...LOL


Active member
oh i dont know, i like fighting with these idiots once in awhile, not much though, cause they are such morons :) gets boring afterawhile.

ignore works fine.

same goes for arrogant types. lol someone thinks they are better than you,,well, first of all, a good person doesnt think that way (or is getting rid of it, breaking the habit lol)

so, the arrogant dude, is automatically the worse person.

unless you fight him/her and try to prove yourself better or equal, thereby falling to him/her level.

well, unless ya are just fucking with them for fun.

see, a person like that is shit to be around, so totally not worth the effort.

also is a moron, so worth ignoring.

though, some of these idiots have occasionally a worthy tidbit of info, so advantage can be taken of the internet and safely ignoring the crap, without getting shit on you, to grab the tidbit.

while in real life you wouldnt want to be around these people and wont unless you are an idiot with masochistic tendencies.

being alone sucks, sometimes enough that they better themselves to get some company.

thats a fitting response to a troll or "generally crappy people" in my opinion.

just letting them be. :)


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I'll take the one on her knees she has her mind right obviously :good:


Sounds great I'll take the one above her, she looks like she might need a little help when she clears that chamber. I got this..


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