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Intentional Cannabis Community


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ICMag Donor
Life.. "What a long strange trip its been."​
Having turned a page I am starting a new chapter in my life. I am a driven person with a calling... always goal oriented.
We have become a nation of sheep who believe that luxury and convenience is success because industry has taught us to believe that. We rely on industries that pollute our planet daily to feed us, cloth us and provide us with every convenience believing we must have these industries to survive while they now control our government. We have forgotten how to feed ourselves and in the process we have forgotten how to survive. Instead we are polluting our planet with self destruction.
"Living little" means making a smaller footprint on our planet.
I am hoping to find a few good people who are interested in joining me to form our own self sufficient intentional off the grid cannabis community.
We gotta start somewhere.. :ying:


Active member
We have become a nation of sheep who believe that luxury and convenience is success because industry has taught us to believe that. We rely on industries that pollute our planet daily to feed us, cloth us and provide us with every convenience believing we must have these industries to survive while they now control our government. We have forgotten how to feed ourselves and in the process we have forgotten how to survive. Instead we are polluting our planet with self destruction.
This is so true.
Your plans make me wish I wasn't on the opposite side of the country from you. (Well, lots of things make me wish that I was out west, but I'm not) My dream is to someday be able to grow plants in the actual sun outside.
Good for you. I wish you total success and hope lots of good people join you.
What a great idea! I have been thinking about this recently and am starting some fruits/vegetables outside (and maybe inside if I can find space). You continue to inspire us here Rowdy, keep doing what you're doing!


My girlfriend and I shop at Farmers markets and Co-ops. We also hit up different local organic farms that set up their stands every weekend. I wish I could grow my own but I don't have a backyard and I don't have time and money to spend on growing veggies indoors. I like supporting my local farmers and keeping the money in the community instead of giving it to big grocery store chains that have their offices in the middle of nowhere Idaho. I feel ya bro, support your local economy and buy local. :)


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah my dream is off-grid, self-sustained, and weed-friendly lol :joint: you read my mind bro!



Active member
Rowdy, has anyone approached you regarding this? Are you still moving forward? This has got me started thinking!



Active member
Yah I will gladly join forces Rowdy, please PM me if you are serious about this initiative. I have been gearing my life around this epic view and am more and more ready the more I hear about all the crap going on in the world (GMO, OIL, PHARMACEUTICALS, GREED, POLITICS, PRISON SYSTEM... the list goes on!)

I'm very passionate about renewable energies and sustainable living.. I.E. Living off the grid.. growing local organic produce and agriculture.. permaculture/design .. and especially including organic medical MJ to the list as well!

My dream is to live on an island where the corrupt government and citizens can't reach me.. My own beautiful world filled with all the essentials to live a happy and healthy life, free of oppression and ill intentions.. with warm invitations extended to those who share like minds, you are always welcome. An island of peace and sanctuary, of prosperity and fulfillment, of evolution and enlightenment. Let's join forces. PM Me!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I am so serious.. I believe we will be facing a world food crisis before we know it and time is of the essence. We have depended on industry to feed us. We rely on grocery stores that are geared to make us think we need all the products produced by that industry. Most of it is not what we should be eating but we are programed to believe its "good for us." Our food supply sucks. Food is going to become a much more valuable need. My vision is gardening high quality nutritious food and of course medicine with an earthbag/earthship type community. I have yet to build my first earthbag house but cob building, grow workshops and of course our club for community members to utilize would be what we offer. A community that can support itself and create a better place to live and care for our piece of the planet.
We are searching for our property to get started and even though we don't have much to start with but good intentions we gotta start somewhere. :)
Not an overnight project but Lets do it!
We can do some fund raisers to get some money together.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Mine too :greenstars: and I feel its the best way to prepare for what is inevitable.
Opening Good Karma Growers was our first step. We are looking for a few good people with something to contribute and that special place to get our commune started.

Sir Smokesalot

Count me in, I've been researching sustainable agriculture models for a couple years and working to find ways to live off the land while still having a great variety of foods. This is the future for me and I'd love to be a part of your vision.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
We are a medical cannabis collective in Lake County Ca.

I want to hear from everyone interested in getting organized and making an intentional community happen. I'm not in the know on how to do these things but we can figure it out and fortunately we do have nomaad on board who actually has experience with such things. So if you are serious send me a pm and lets get to work!
First off, I'm really stoked to see posts like this. More and more people are waking the fuck up every day. Soon enough there won't be oil to power everyone's Escalade and reality tv will only be a distant fantasy.

I've been thinking about doing something to this effect for the last year or so, and I'm proud to say I've finally broke ground. My land is a week away from closing escrow, and I spent the last 3 days camping out there getting some things ready. A little over 40 acres of hillside with a spring running through the middle are a few signatures away from being mine. I promised myself I'd buy land before I turned 30, and I did it with a few years to spare. Sure I don't yet own it outright, but its a step in the right direction. Being on a limited budget, I figured living off the grid might be too costly in terms of initial outlay. How wrong I was.

PG&E wants $10,000 for a new service drop! And they have both standard power lines and high voltage long distance transmission lines ON MY PROPERTY. What does $10,000 buy you? It pays for a transformer which you don't own, can't take with you. It also buys you the right to buy power at a not-so-nominal rate. Instead I'll be living on solar and small-scale hydro power. Water is spring and gravity fed, so no wasted electricity moving it around.

My short-term plan is to live in a tipi I already own for the growing season. I'm sure my plants will eat better than I do this year. Luckily I have the help of my gf and a few friends who understand compensation can't happen until harvest.

Middle-term, I would like to build an earth-sheltered passive solar home. I've researched a lot of different sustainable building techniques, and so far the winner is earthbags. Armed with a whole lot of PE rice sacks, some barbed wire and a lot of manual labor, I will build my first home. Did I mention the neighbor has some good old fashioned diesel-powered earth manipulators? Sorry carbon counters, gotta make some concessions somewhere.

Long term I plan to tunnel into the hillside to build more and more indoor grow space. I'll continue to add to my solar system as money allows. Should the shit really hit the fan, or the economy fall out of this business entirely, I'll be left with the ability to grow plenty of food for myself and my neighbors. I'd also like to purchase two adjacent properties to expand my property lines.

In terms of my skills, I'm an accomplished grower, however humble in the fact that I still have tons to learn. I'm a journeyman electrician. I've been exposed to about every phase of construction and participated in most trades. What trades I lack, I have friends who excel in.

I'm interested to see where this goes, and I'm willing to be a part of any organized movement towards these ends. I'm not a environmentalist, or a tree-hugger, but I do greatly desire to lessen my impact on the earth. I've been making an effort to do this for some time now, but without a plot of land big enough to grow my own food this was difficult until now.

I'd just like to find a happy middle-ground between the conveniences to which I've become accustomed, and living lightly on the earth.
Yes it does look like a winning plan. The insulation factor is nice too, and earthbags should withstand anything mother nature has to throw at them.