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wondering if there has ever been done research on injecting insulin into a plants stalk?in bodybuilding it helps the nutrients in your blood to enter your cells faster ?


are you comparing a body building HUMAN to a PLANT? completely different physiology there.... plants don't use insulin nor do they produce it without genetic modification
If you wank over a sensimellia bud, in ten days time thousands of fairies will fly out of your growroom. That's a scientific fact. There's no evidence to support it, but it's a scientific certainty.


Green is Gold
First it was menstrual blood, then human feces, now this. What's next peeps gonna be asking what happens if they give their plants crushed up xanax bars lol?


Active member
You gotta laugh

You gotta laugh

If you wank over a sensimellia bud, in ten days time thousands of fairies will fly out of your growroom. That's a scientific fact. There's no evidence to support it, but it's a scientific certainty.

Having been an insulin user for 40+ yrs i`m suprised to hear that daft twats use insulin for bodybuilding . Any artificial means like steroids etc are only for the tossers that are unable to sculp their bodies natrually .
Do they use Glargine for a nice slow muscle build or Humulog for a quicker hit ?


since insuline works so well, what about adding oder drugs to the res, to enhance the effect of the smoke. maybe opium for a realy stoned endproduct, or speed for the energetic high. flush whit a exstra strong protein shake.


insulin ??? since when did plants have a Pancreas ?? or have diabetes

u might be better of giving them viagra or calis you will get rock hard stems then lol .


Active member
Or better still Asprin coz the female of the speices is bound to get a headache , all females do .


Now in technicolor
Insulin probably doesn't do shit (and in fact you can probably put it in the res if anything. It doesn't need to be injected because the mechanism by which it is destroyed in humans is likely not present in plants.)

But! there might be some validation to use estrogen in your res. There's only a handful (if that) of anecdotes about this but if I had access to estrogen I'd give it a shot.


Active member
omg this one is a gem... BIO101, plant metabolism and animal metabolism work completely different. Don't waist your insulin on the plant, donate it to a bodybuilder.


Active member
Lol, this is just like many years ago when the supplement companies were trying to sell plant sterols to bodybuilders, it didn't do shit for them.
Insulin combined with high androgen steroids will produce almost twice the results that steroids alone will(in humans, bodybuilders specifically)
But it's not going to do anything for your plants, probably kill them.