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Instructions not Included 2011


Hi All :wave:

I wanted to share my outdoor grow. I have been growing outdoor for 3 or 4 years now with mixed results. I was hoping to get some guidance on how to better my outdoor grows to have a better final result hence the thread name "Instructions not Included". So any input you may have will be much appreciated.

I would like to start off by saying that I enjoy learning from what I do so this year I have plants in the ground and some plants in 5 gallon buckets to see if there is a difference. The plants that are in the ground are just so much more healthier than the plants in 5 gallon buckets. I have realized that I really do not know what I am doing or understand the plants needs during different stages of growth.

Here are some plants that are in the ground, they all seem to be healthy but I need guidance on what I should be giving them as I have really just have given them tap water and just once gave them some all purpose fertilizer 16-16-16


Casey Jones from Harborside dispencery

Now a few plants that I have in 5 gallon buckets. These 5 gallon buckets were filled with Happy Frog and Fox Farm Ocean Forest which did well for a little while during the veg growth but had deficiencies well bofore the plants in the ground. I have been throwing the 16-16-16 plus humic and fulvic acid.
Mixed genetics

Casey Jones from seed left and Afghan Kush right.

I have to run will be back with more soon....



Active member
hey man nice trees but definately transplant those 5 gals those plants are gonna be really rootbound...the ones in the ground look like they got a nice 100 gallons of soil to stretch roots in....smartpots are the shiet man even a 45 gal would treat those ladies nicely....especially in this heat the 5 gal buckets are gonna dry out super quick..

good luck mang!


Hi there Yes4Prop215 :wave:, I will try and get some smart pots, I have seen them at the store but only up to 5 gallon size maybe. If I do locate the smartpots what is the smallest size that is acceptable, what do you suggest I fill em with, just more Happy Frog and Ocean Forest or is there something better possibly?

Maj.Cottonmouth thanks :thank you: but it is all mother nature my friend, all I have done is add water. This year I am trying to clear the inside under growth as it does not amount to much and seems to steal from the main cola. IMO

Midnight thanks :ying: but not all is good and it seems I am just confused on what and how to feed. I need more time to resize and upload some photos of my plants that are not doing so well.

I will upload them shortly :D



Active member
45s are a nice size......actually you dont even need smartpots...go grab the roots organic 707 mix, they come in 30 gal grow bags just pop them open and transplant.....the might get a little shock but they arent in flower yet so i think it should work..if they looked shocked hit them with some foliar spray...check out yeomans grow he killed shit with the 30 gal growbags cheap and effective!

if you get smartpots for soil anything works happy frog, ocean forest, im running ocean forest and roots organics side by side this year in 200s...i add regular soil but throw in a few bags of earthworm casing amendments, dolomite lime to ph balance (if you already ph balance your nutrient solution no need)....

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