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Inspired by other threads: Boulder, Colorado vs Humboldt County

Where'd you rather live and grow?

Tough call for me. I gather wholesale prices are roughly the same in both areas. Cost of living is probably 15% higher in Humboldt, generally speaking. Tons of shit to do in both places.

I'd probably choose Humboldt because my preference in outdoor activities are more geared towards the water than the mountains.

What say you, folks?


Registered User
Boulder is great... just a great little spot. I'm a West-coaster, and that's just about the closest thing you're going to find East of the Rockies.

You got all the outdoors... the U... the food... the lifestyle... a clean, cared for community... cops are cool... people are cool... can find a phd serving you coffee & breakfast in the morning... the target is full of cute jail bate... lol ;-)

Its a great, liberal spot.

Space Case

Well-known member
Cost of living is pretty darn high in Boulder, too. The only thing cheaper is gas, because you are outside of California...


Active member
Neither, I don't know too much about CO, but I dont like the cold really. Humboldt used to be cool. Now it is just full of paranoid people that don't come off of their mountain or out of towners trying to make it in the Cannabis game. The out of towners are a drag as well! Humboldt is living in their own world and there only seems to be a few righteous people.


Im quitting the Cali game and moving to Colorado Springs. soon.

Cali is getting to be too big of a joke.

Space Case

Well-known member
Neither, I don't know too much about CO, but I dont like the cold really. Humboldt used to be cool. Now it is just full of paranoid people that don't come off of their mountain or out of towners trying to make it in the Cannabis game. The out of towners are a drag as well! Humboldt is living in their own world and there only seems to be a few righteous people.

Unless you are up on a mountain, Colorado really isn't that cold, especially in the Denver-Front Range urban area. The winters here are super mild compared to what most of the midwest and northeast parts of the country get. Boulder itself gets an average of 300+ clear sunny days per year. You get your snow storms, like anywhere else, but they pass after a day or two, and you are left with a champagne snow dusting and clear beautiful skies for weeks on end in the middle of winter! Its an outdoorsy kinda winter out here...

I froze my ass off more often with that Pacific fog living in the Bay area. That shit is colder than the winters out here! A summer in the Bay area is more brutally cold than a winter in Denver!


The "New" humboldt is in the Ozarks. The funny thing is there is nothing new about it. Been doing it here for 40+ years. Everyone grows, but nobody grows. I am not friends with one person that doesn't currently grow, or has in the past. We have no medical, or anything like that. It is just the way it is around here. Gotta love it. I am sure once we get medical it will get commercial here. Until then, I am going to enjoy our little slice of heaven. I vote for the "new" "old" humboldt.

vStagger Leev

that's crazy...i've been to CO, and i grew up in ND! But i live in OR, and winters here much more mild than either of those places. But i do know what your are saying about the constant sun in CO, that shit's pretty cool


Active member
The "New" humboldt is in the Ozarks. The funny thing is there is nothing new about it. Been doing it here for 40+ years. Everyone grows, but nobody grows. I am not friends with one person that doesn't currently grow, or has in the past. We have no medical, or anything like that. It is just the way it is around here. Gotta love it. I am sure once we get medical it will get commercial here. Until then, I am going to enjoy our little slice of heaven. I vote for the "new" "old" humboldt.

Eureka Springs is decriminalized. I like Arkansas, but the climate for outdoor there is nothing like it is over here. Most indicas or purple strains that we have out here would mold in a heartbeat in Arkansas. The seasons aren't long enough to finish your sativas either. I have had strains go until early november out here and after being in Arkansas I would find it hard to believe they would finish there.


Eureka Springs is decriminalized. I like Arkansas, but the climate for outdoor there is nothing like it is over here. Most indicas or purple strains that we have out here would mold in a heartbeat in Arkansas. The seasons aren't long enough to finish your sativas either. I have had strains go until early november out here and after being in Arkansas I would find it hard to believe they would finish there.

It is not decriminalized. It is the lowest priority for law enforcement. Which doesn't really mean a lot. I do know that the rains in September really get everyone stressed. I don't do anything outdoor so it really doesn't effect me much. However there is quite a mix of things grown outdoors around here. There are a lot of lanky sativas. There were pictures in the paper last year of about 1400 of them. They were actually very funny. I actually don't know many people that even smoke indica dominant anything. I have tried them around here, and everyone thought they sucked balls. Kind of weird actually. All of the old hippies want that sativa dominant up kind of high. My Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze is like gold around here. Of course the shittiest yielding thing I grow is what everyone loves. Irony.

P.S. the language for the Medical Marijuana Initiative was approved today by the attorney General. Now we just need signatures. 15 months to get 120,000 signatures. Sonds like fun.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
P.S. the language for the Medical Marijuana Initiative was approved today by the attorney General. Now we just need signatures. 15 months to get 120,000 signatures. Sonds like fun.
Do it!
I'd love to open up a compassionate care facility near the Lake of the Ozarks.
Place is bitching!


Active member
Indicas are big here because of their medicinal value. I actually get physical pain in my joints and anxiety after smoking pure sativas. It sucks, but a CBD laden indica does the trick for me! The pain from all of my injuries is less noticeable and sleep is better. I see Sativas being the only thing that can put up with the high humidity over there. I still want to grow up there. My family has a lot of nice property there. Really far out of the way and away from civilization, but cops out there scare the shit out of me.
If we've moved the goalposts from grower laws and we're just talking favorites, there is no contest for me: Florida. Taking the boat out 5 miles and catching tuna with no shirt on in December? Yes please.

Except..my current grow in florida would net me, in practical application with "intent to blah blah", probably 20 years.

And all prisons are not created equal. 20 years in a florida prison for growing herb is much, much, much worse than the death penalty.


plant pimp
I don`t doubt CO has some good growers and good spots to kick it at. But Humboldt been supplying the west coast for years with super duper dank. Not only the water and weather but the people you could meet and knowledge gained unrivaled for sure! Lots of superb gorilla growers out there....WeSt CoAsT!!!
I don`t doubt CO has some good growers and good spots to kick it at. But Humboldt been supplying the west coast for years with super duper dank. Not only the water and weather but the people you could meet and knowledge gained unrivaled for sure! Lots of superb gorilla growers out there....WeSt CoAsT!!!
Have you been recently?

I don't mean to talk shit. I have respect for old time Humboldt growers (and just residents) on a level i can't describe. They saw the big picture at a time when most of us dummies were still in diapers. I remember being 17 from the Midwest talking to Humboldt growers on Overgrow.com. They taught me everything I've ever wanted to know, and about more than just herb. I still look back and wish I could meet some of the Humboldt Locals I met online in person.

But IMO that place has taken an unrecoverable turn for the worst. Instead of hippies who were sincere and meaningfully pleasant, giving and caring, it's largely gangsters with 50K trucks and million dollar homes carrying guns and essentially being small corporate growers in a sense. Utter greed floating around that place on a level that probably induces vomit amongst older locals.

I hate to offend and paint a broad brush. just my experience in recent times. I'd love to be wrong.


plant pimp
Have you been recently?

I don't mean to talk shit. I have respect for old time Humboldt growers (and just residents) on a level i can't describe. They saw the big picture at a time when most of us dummies were still in diapers. I remember being 17 from the Midwest talking to Humboldt growers on Overgrow.com. They taught me everything I've ever wanted to know, and about more than just herb. I still look back and wish I could meet some of the Humboldt Locals I met online in person.

But IMO that place has taken an unrecoverable turn for the worst. Instead of hippies who were sincere and meaningfully pleasant, giving and caring, it's largely gangsters with 50K trucks and million dollar homes carrying guns and essentially being small corporate growers in a sense. Utter greed floating around that place on a level that probably induces vomit amongst older locals.

I hate to offend and paint a broad brush. just my experience in recent times. I'd love to be wrong.

That is everywhere if ya look hard enough. It is cali,so the gangsta`s and thugs are all around. But to most,we just keep it pushing and ignore those ignorant fucks! However,not just Cali but Oregon and Washington are full of good growers and as you say "hippies" that still grow superior herb and tell war stories of the old wild west..hehe! Anyhow thanks for the heads up and since u asked I am down there every year to help a friend trim =)

Those thugs are the ones that are being busted and having to do time still,while us small timers are still thriving and jiving. Growing the best!


I have lived in both co and ca...California has good production weed...most of it being greenhouse, outdoor, and hydro. Colorado has more of the shit your buddy grows...it's mostly "buddy-grown" quality...and even if your buddy grows it out here, it tends to be production...but other than thugs, production, and everything else shitty...cali is awesome


Active member
I have lived in both co and ca...California has good production weed...most of it being greenhouse, outdoor, and hydro. Colorado has more of the shit your buddy grows...it's mostly "buddy-grown" quality...and even if your buddy grows it out here, it tends to be production...but other than thugs, production, and everything else shitty...cali is awesome

I see more commercial grows in Co than I do here in Cali. You might see on average a 1k-20k grow and every once in awhile you see a 100k grow, but Co has legal 500k+ grows.


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
Our Bagseed is better than your elite clone only strain.

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