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Inspired by Julian's Threads?


I see alot of Trailerparkboys and The Wire references in people's usernames on this website. I was wondering if any of you guys would like to post if you were inspired by Julian's Massive Outdoor grow thread or his indoor growing thread. He talks about TPB and The Wire quite a bit in the colossal Outdoor thread. Also if any of you guys know if he's doing alright that information would be much appreciated. He seems to have turned off his Julian handle and hasn't created a new one. YET

I'm talking to you Marlo, Avon Barksdale, Sam_The_Caveman, Bubbles and Ricky!


Yes I was very inspired. Yes I love TPB. But no I don't know anything about him. I wish he hadn't deleted so much of what he posted. I'd love the info. I wish I'd read more of his massive outdoor thread before I did my own GG.
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Active member
Sounds as if he is someone to listen to and learn from. Don't know him, would talk over TBP with him for sure...
His information is on point and his level of experience is higher then most. His style of thinking and approaches towards his goals is very effective and has inspired me to almost completely rebound from a legal battle. The Zen references are on the top of the list as most helpful. Seek what he seeks and you won't be disappointed!


Wow. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who benefited from his posts. Cannascholar I'm glad you joined to give props to Julian. If anyone has a copy of his indoor thread before the majority of his posts were deleted it would be much appreciated. Feel free to post Art of War quotes on this thread guys :)


His outdoor work would be greatly enhanced these days with autoflowers reaching the point they are. Let you house be your veg room, and the whole world be your HPS!


Active member
yeah, julians thread is the shit. ive read it front to back twice. his mindset is geared perfectly for large outdoor. i love the hand held earth auger. i rent one for 35$ a day, and a hole takes less than a minute, even in shitty ground. no more digging. makes doing a hundred outdoor a one day project.

i miss the days when his thread was active. he was a fountain of knowledge. his thoughts on highway interdiction were enlightening, to say the least. his approach to growing changed my life. makes growing 20 lbs easy, just makes sense.

and water crystals........ dont even get me started; i cant believe i used to haul water.

much respect to you julian. thanks


Red: how does that hand held handle rocks? Like rocky mountain rocks. Maybe 2/3 soft, 1/3 rock.


Active member
yep...he is/was a wealth of knowledge and very inspiring.

i liked the way he posted.


Active member
@007: any rock the size of a softball or so is dug right out, anything much bigger and you have to put a little effort into it. its actually fun, except when the safety slaps yer knee or thigh. if you have another person w/ you, you can take 5-10 hole shifts, and you can get 100 holes done in 2 hours. the holes end up being 8" wide and 2-3 feet deep. the bottom 6"-12" stays full w/ the backfill. easily make QP plants.........


Active member
Great guy, amazing thread. It was certainly one of the top three on ICM, right up there with the colloidal silver thread. I saved the first couple hundred pages, but about half of it is HTML coding.


I wish him well... wherever he may be... doing what whatever he is doing...

The thing I like most about his posts was that everything he said was not only applicable to growing, but applicable to everything in life. (i.e. the 4 senses of the self, etc) It was the drive to get something done today-- not tomorrow or the day after or after that one, etc, but today -- whether it be soak and seed 1000 jiffy pellets, calling up real estate agents, or improving your mind/body.

I guess it was his whole approach & view points on life/people that I appreciated the most.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I read the whole thread once, it took a while, but I learned so much.

I don't know if I could do what he does though, I've tried guerilla growing before and the adrenaline rush is too much to overcome sometimes. I almost got locked into a property once by some guy that decided to lock the gate. Another time some folks decided to stop on a trail near my plot while I was there digging and just hang out for a while.

I'm going to try again this year, maybe it won't be as bad this time.


Active member
Julians thread was awesome!Well written,thought out, entertaining,and educational!he is a smart likeable guy.I always enjoyed readin his posts:respect:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
wtf am i the only one that missed his threads....??? are they still up???