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Insomniac thread....


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Figured I would start a thread for those of us who like me, cant sleep for SHIT sometimes...
So feel free to come in here and rant away at your inability to catch some shut eye...
On a good note, since I was up all night, the mrs didnt have to get up to take a turn with the baby...lol
Although some strains claim help for insomnia, those of us that have it cant sleep with a few lil bowls...unless I STILL haven't found that one super strain....lol
good vibes


Right here with ya. Nothing can touch my insomnia, it's crippling sometimes. I had a bag of unknown a couple years ago that did the best job of any strain to date; too bad i've no idea wtf it was. lol.

I've been through it all: ambien, valium, klonopin, chamomile, lunesta, melatonin, friggin.... you know the drill. The ambien was the worst: I pulled the top off my coupe and found myself 100 miles from home once in 40 degree weather before i finally woke up. Bad stuff. crazy hallucinations (OK if you WANT them, but i didn't)

So, until I find that magical mystery strain again, it's insomnia 2 of 4 weeks per month for me! I never had this until I moved to AZ from IL either......

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Congrats on the Baby dude! Is he/she sleeping well? That's about all they do at first.

I sleep like an old person. I go to bed aroound 6-7 and get up at about 3.

So I'll kick it wit you.


Holy shit!

aye! check out "ambien sleepwalking" on google sometime when you're bored and want a chuckle. Similar thing even happened to a state or US representative, i forget which. He actually got popped for DUI though.

It usually only happens at higher doses though, which I admittedly caused by being exasperated from lack of sleep and taking 3x prescribed amount

forgot to add, i woke up at a chevy dealer. I was driving a chevy. I woke up parked between two cars for sale out on the lot, just parked there as neat as you please. Then i woke up. I knew it was the ambien but i still freaked out


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
damn sonic! Sounds insane...lol. I tried all the script sleepers too...Restoril (Temazapam) seems to work good...But I dont dig the pills...And with sleeping pills, by the time you wanna take one, its too late...lol
Bobby...whats good yo! Baby is doing damn fine...seems to like sleeping during the day instead of night....lol. Glad to see ya chillin in the insomniac hotel!
good vibes


ah, yeah i hadn't tried temazepam yet but it was on the list of 'to try' before i said no more pills.... pills had me spun around upside down by the time i realized that natural fatigue was the only way i was going to get to sleep.

I think 11 years of second shift tech work caused the disruption in my sleep cycle.....

I can't remember if it was that same night, but the same thing had occurred (3x dosing in desparation for sleep), and I called my friend J and was blabbing ridiculous shit on the phone for 2-3 hours ! There are a lot of videos on youtube of people doing this also. He actually mp3'd over an hour of my babbling. I'd upload it but it's full of self-incrimination. LOL

interesting how ambien got rushed to market and makes people trip balls, but lil ol MJ is still not getting a fair shake. Bah.
I hear Magus' Exile is good for insomnia. A low dose tincture or edible made from an indica strain seems to help me the most. My Doctor explained melatonin stops working if it's used daily, so I use 3 mg tabs 4 times a week. When I'm tossing and turning I meditate so at least I'm getting some rest.


There's one thing that works for me like a charm if an amber bud of my trusty AK47 fails.
Audiobooks! Preferably ones with 'teacher' voices.
Puts me to sleep in no time every time...


oh man, i wish i could fall asleep at 11:00 PM like the old days.


On a positive note: I've had mild insomnia since I was a kid. Cannabis has always fixed it, all varieties, every time. I quit cannabis for 15 years and the insomnia was a constant companion. I sleep much better now that I've come back to my senses and have a bit of tincture or vaporizing in the evenings.

As the years pile on I started to wake up much too early in the morning. This is also relieved with a bit o' weed. Good Valerian root extract helps keep me from waking up too early, but not as well as cannabis.:joint:


Same problem as you guys. Haven't been to sleep earlier than 4am without assistance with drugs or pot since I was 14.

Tried every drug the docs could give me with only very temporary results. However find the right weed and it's a different story.

Herijuana, Super skunk, LUI, Afghani are all good for sleep, especially Heri..


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i am up entire nights and sleep entire days away... but i thought its not insomnia if you r gardening like a mad man?


Active member
Cherry AK47 helped with my insomnia a good bit... it helps me relax if I had a busy day and my body n mind want to keep going... Gunna have to agree with 2ezy with the herijuana being best though... that is the only stuff that make you feel already "out" enough to pass out within minutes otherwise you kind of have to meditate yourself to sleep... try repeating saying "one" in your head... you will be amazed how fast it works!


Cherry AK47 helped with my insomnia a good bit... it helps me relax if I had a busy day and my body n mind want to keep going... Gunna have to agree with 2ezy with the herijuana being best though... that is the only stuff that make you feel already "out" enough to pass out within minutes otherwise you kind of have to meditate yourself to sleep... try repeating saying "one" in your head... you will be amazed how fast it works!

whoah! i just blanked off for a few seconds after trying that 'one' trick.....

does that work just by keeping your mind off the usual stresses and strains that generate typical insomnia ? I'm not one for meditating but that was pretty slick.....

regarding herijuana, i need to find some of that also and try it out. Too bad i'm under constant threat of UA (and they expect to find SOME drugs, so i can't test-clean). Rarrgh.

One of these days


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
the Heri is one of the best for sure...I have gotten into self-hypnosis and progressive relaxation...tied to a nice fatty...helps well some nights... Im sure we have all had the nights where we dont sleep no matter what...if your an insomniac that is...
good vibes


I have major insomnia now for the last 5 years of being a Chronic Pain patient.It is even worse now that my Oxycontin dose is ramped up so high,480mg daily.I am lucky to get 2 or 3 hours of sleep per eve,and some nights ..zero hours.I have yet to find anything short of pulling a "Heath Ledger" that does it for me.I once tried in desperation,3 Tylenol Pm's,2-10mg Ambiens and a 1/2 a bottle of Nyquil.Sure I fell asleep but didn't stay asleep any better than not almost od'ing.I once grew out some White Russian by Serious seeds that was just the best for everything-sleep,eating and pain.I have a Marinol script-10mgs that is for puking.I once thought I would try to take 3 and get to sleep-WRONG-It was a major freak out,heart racing-sirens in the distance...you now the drill.It is what heavy sativas do to some folks.Hopefully my state will pass its med bill this month and I will be able to grow 12 plants-I will grow out 6 to harvest and breed with the other 6.I wanna do something with Afghan Bullrider and White Russian and or Widow.I want a knock me on my ass on the couch with a bag of chips in one hand and the remote in the other barely seeing out of squinty eyes blood shot to the max.Then asleep whilest a good movie plays in the background..I would kill for some of the right stuff.Hash will come close but try and find hash where I live.Lets just say things are so bad around here locally that the 2 strains are-brick and hydro-so unless I grow it the strains here are sad.So sad that I risked getting my butt kicked today at an unkowns house just to score enough to get me through the weekend as my homestone finally ran out since October 1st.Best year ever and unless the law changes last one ever.Please God let saner heads prevail and Ny do the right thing...I'm dyin here>>>>Peace BigD:wallbash: