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INPUT! Need more input!


Go vertical bare bulbs, and defoliate more after the stretch.

I certainly could do that.

I eventually want to....

But how can I easily convert what I'm doing now into a vertical bare bulb setup? I'm open to suggestions! How will I keep it cool?

I started defoliating on the next batch a couple weeks ago. All the next batches are being defoliated.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.




10 days from harvest on this batch. These were the first set to get defoliated much at all. Only did some defoliation after stretch.



Nug shot!


And the next batch still 31 days from harvest


Dried bud





This is the batch that was most recently moved down. They were the first batch to get vegged under MH instead of CFL.
I've never had plants stretch this bad! It may have been because there was so many of them so close, or because of the higher heat coming off the bare 600 bulb. Not sure, but I'll keep them under control with the net!



Nug shots!







Let's compare the stuff I've been smoking for the last month or so, because I can't keep myself in stock of good weed.

This is some outdoor that I got a killer price on a couple packs sent to me from cali.


Great price, but it smokes like dog crap!

So excited to have some space bomb in my smoke jar again.

Now I just gotta get my yield up so I can keep myself in some good buds, an not resort on others who send out whole packs of larf buds.




4 days from harvest on this batch.


This plant was with the last set. She got shaded out so I decided to let her continue on with the next batch. This is mid 11th week for her!


Fatest bud I've had in awhile from space bomb. Think it was from defoliating.


Little close up on them.


The next batch behind them. 25 days from harvest for them. I'm keeping there nutes close to 2-5-8 or so. I haven't gotten the tacoing as much, yet.....





Canopy level shot for those 25 days away.


This one is kind of blurry my bad. 46 days from harvest. Just stopping the stretch.


Some of the awesome amnesia buds I've been smoking. Had to put an order in for some out of state buds, because my harvest was so low!


This stuff smells so good! Gives me something to aspire too!




looks like u coulda gota heavier harvest if let go longer on that first stuff u jarred and made hash with..? or is it a low yielding strain?


Thanks for the input

Thanks for the input

How long would you suggest?

If I let any of these batches go longer than 9 weeks, I will be delaying the set before them vegging. And the set behind them that has usually rooted in 3 weeks.

Would it be worth it to push back multiple sets and delay them to let them beef up some more?

Or am I maximizing my G/W/T by harvesting and moving new plants into flower?

I often wonder this myself.

I think this strain is a low yielding strain personally, but it could be the grower!

I harvested over 13 ounces off of a 600 in a closet one time. It was mixed strains though, not all space bomb. Where as I just recently hit 8 ounces off a 1k.


feel ya pain bro, i hung on to a sweet tooth because of another lot coming through time and time again, because some phenos were heavy some not, got fed up and fed another diff plant in , sometimes a bit hard to bite the bullet when on perpetual, it looks like in some shots you have sparse branches, i would say you're right [low producer] long way between some of those buds. best of.


ya what id do is let them go atleast another 2 weeks. honestly maybe u can do a week.. but id do 2.. do u use a microscope? to check trichs? or just go by how long the strains breeder says to go or? .. see basicly.. my first SOG. i ran 80 plants.. in 1 gallon bags.. an i cut half down at 9 half down at 11 and a half weeks.. and the 11 and a half week 40 plants yielded just under double.. so if ur not using a microscope.. id grab one quick.. kuz it changed everything.. i was pulling plants wen they were 50 clean 45 cloudy 5 amber.. when i let them go the 2 and half weeks longer.. i was getting 85 percent cloudy 15 amber.. and way stronger and heavier meds.!!!.. then with a DRy.. then trim.. ull see a change in smell.. way better then the wet trim.. i been preaching for a week or so .. dry then trim.. and ull see a huge difference in ur producct.


hey there hempy hows things going? I have been lurking for a short while watching from afar just trying to get a grip on what your doing and why. First off we all start some where and we all fallow a similar path along the way of knowledge thus transferring that knowledge into experience along the way evolving as we go, but some times we hit a plateau and have a hard time trying to change something your so used to doing since it has worked in the past, or we just get lazy

Getting 8 ounces from 1kw is a kick in the dick for sure man, I am looking at your tables or rails with the scrog net over top. have you thought about just putting a pvc rail next to the aero rails for plant support and just ran single lolipops ? I mean it almost seems like thats what your after but the way your going at it just isn't working out. seems like you could be trimming out around the bottoms more to get more air flow in and around the plants as well as letting light get all the way into the canopy. Or try something all together different like a bare bulb vert donut I know I seen you around the vert forums so I know your no stranger there. Just trying to offer a little constructive criticism is all and try and get you on the right path to Nirvana My friend.


feel ya pain bro, i hung on to a sweet tooth because of another lot coming through time and time again, because some phenos were heavy some not, got fed up and fed another diff plant in , sometimes a bit hard to bite the bullet when on perpetual, it looks like in some shots you have sparse branches, i would say you're right [low producer] long way between some of those buds. best of.

Thanks for the reassurance. It really will be a tough ordeal to switch up strains. I have like 60+ rooting clones and 40+ vegging space bomb plants. It's going to take forever before I get a set of blue dreams in flower. But the seeds I showed awhile back are getting pretty big! Just gotta get a clone off each and flower it out to pick the best pheno. Thanks for stopping by!

very nice grow man. I will be watching, you and I have alot of techniques and philosophies in common. grow on brother!

Thank for the kind words. It's amazing how many people on the forums think similarly, an yet I can never find these people in real life! Glad ya stopped by.

ya what id do is let them go atleast another 2 weeks. honestly maybe u can do a week.. but id do 2.. do u use a microscope? to check trichs? or just go by how long the strains breeder says to go or? .. see basicly.. my first SOG. i ran 80 plants.. in 1 gallon bags.. an i cut half down at 9 half down at 11 and a half weeks.. and the 11 and a half week 40 plants yielded just under double.. so if ur not using a microscope.. id grab one quick.. kuz it changed everything.. i was pulling plants wen they were 50 clean 45 cloudy 5 amber.. when i let them go the 2 and half weeks longer.. i was getting 85 percent cloudy 15 amber.. and way stronger and heavier meds.!!!.. then with a DRy.. then trim.. ull see a change in smell.. way better then the wet trim.. i been preaching for a week or so .. dry then trim.. and ull see a huge difference in ur producct.

I think there might just be something to this.... That one plant that got an extra 3 weeks after week 9 really fattened up. The set that I'm going to show pics of is at week 10 now. I'm not in any crazy need for buds at this point, so I can afford to let them go longer, and see what happens. I have read about using a microscope, but I have never done it. Maybe I should stop by radioshack next time I cruise by. I don't know how you could prefer to dry trim! If it increases the smell enough, it might be worth it. But my experience is that it is hard as hell to trim a plant after it has dried. Those leaves curl up into the buds and it ends up taking way more time to trim. I'm willing to give anything a shot once though! I'll clip and hang this harvest before trimming.

hey there hempy hows things going? I have been lurking for a short while watching from afar just trying to get a grip on what your doing and why. First off we all start some where and we all fallow a similar path along the way of knowledge thus transferring that knowledge into experience along the way evolving as we go, but some times we hit a plateau and have a hard time trying to change something your so used to doing since it has worked in the past, or we just get lazy

Getting 8 ounces from 1kw is a kick in the dick for sure man, I am looking at your tables or rails with the scrog net over top. have you thought about just putting a pvc rail next to the aero rails for plant support and just ran single lolipops ? I mean it almost seems like thats what your after but the way your going at it just isn't working out. seems like you could be trimming out around the bottoms more to get more air flow in and around the plants as well as letting light get all the way into the canopy. Or try something all together different like a bare bulb vert donut I know I seen you around the vert forums so I know your no stranger there. Just trying to offer a little constructive criticism is all and try and get you on the right path to Nirvana My friend.

Your exactly right man. Path to nirvana talk, sounds like you've been reading dhf's posts too much! haha... If that's even possible. I am kind of set in my ways, but I know things need to change, that's why I showed my grow to you knowledgeable folks around here. Lots of peeps doing much better than myself round here, i'm more than willing to try other things out.

Ya I saw stinkbud make those pvc rails for between the posts to support the plants. Why do you think that will be better? Will they block less light or something? I only have that net over one set, because they had been way overvegged and needed support to hold them up. Although now the set that is under it, got stretched extremely too far. I think this was because I didn't keep up with my defoliation in veg. I agree I don't think I trim enough of the undergrowth, I always think that it will stretch and get into the light, an then most of it doesn't lol.

That's exactly why I'm here man, I really need some constructive criticism, get you guys to whip me into shape. I will be going vert here at some point, I've just been really busy lattely, and haven't had the time/concentration to start changing my growroom around and or adding to the other side.

I think within the next 2-3 months you'll see me frame some 4'x4' rooms and line them with reflective foam board, to try out my hand at vert growing. I'm thinking I might just make a doughnut arrangement out of 5 gal aero buckets. We shall see, I appreciate the input man. Really want to get my shit straight.


Sorry for the sparse updates guys, I've been extremely busy as of late. Just closed on my first house! Already seeing the pains of being a home owner haha.

This batch is at 10 weeks now. I got a solid 7-9 day flush on them so far. They are really starting to yellow up,







The last batch I showed before this one, ended up yielding a little over 12 zips. I really didn't expect that. The 8 zip run was way over vegged and had less plants, but I thought they would have yielded more. The last set was very short and stalky. It will be interesting to see where this next set comes in at. They are short and stalky, and got to flower longer. However they had a rough start to life the first week of flower. So plenty of room for improvement.

Here's some more shots before I hackem and hangem.





I think within the next 2-3 months you'll see me frame some 4'x4' rooms and line them with reflective foam board, to try out my hand at vert growing. I'm thinking I might just make a doughnut arrangement out of 5 gal aero buckets. We shall see, I appreciate the input man. Really want to get my shit straight.

You should check out the PPK's man not trying to brain wash you man but its like fast hydro with out all the bells and whistles needed to control root rot, it is going to turn a lot of heads in the hydro section my friend and the whole thing is mostly passive only need 1 water pump depending if you want to automate feeding. I am running one next to 4 hand watered plants in my PPK/vert thread in my sig. Night and day difference. Hope you get it figured my friend.


You should check out the PPK's man not trying to brain wash you man but its like fast hydro with out all the bells and whistles needed to control root rot, it is going to turn a lot of heads in the hydro section my friend and the whole thing is mostly passive only need 1 water pump depending if you want to automate feeding. I am running one next to 4 hand watered plants in my PPK/vert thread in my sig. Night and day difference. Hope you get it figured my friend.

I may have to try a ppk in the vert tryout alongside some aero buckets. Never really had a problem with root rot. If my rez's get over 70 I start adding chlorine regularly so that nothing can survive. Add it daily to my cloners no matter what, hardly ever loose a clone to rot anymore. Always have extras.

Going to send out my broke 1k ballast for repair this week. Hopefully when it gets back I'll be setting it up vertically with no hood! Got plenty of extra plants to throw around it when I get it back.

I'm also looking around at ozone generators if anyone has any suggestions. I'll be moving out of the house soon and would like to run one on the main floor all the time to keep the smell from escaping and the neighbors noticing!

Here Is some final shots 2/3rds through the harvest now. End of week 11 for them. I hung a few to dry without trimming to test out basement growers suggestion.









And a few more!


A preview of what comes out next! This will be the first batch that was vegged under mh rather than cfl like my previous batches.

Looks like the nugs are gonna be fatter!

Hemp nice grow. Saw on another thread possibly grow room and equipment that someone was using an inline ozone in exhaust with 3 power levels.
