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Innvboarders back A new space at a new place!!

Hazy--- thanks for popping in im way stoked on what ive got going on now!!!

Core-- ya homie i bet you know exactly who my buddies are. I guess its true its not what you know but who you know.

Sir-- much love homie, cant wait till you get up here to party for a few days!!!


Grower of fine herbs...
Everything is looking Sick man, keep that shit up...

Oh and its starting to get cold around these parts what about u?

Dog-- cant wait to smoke on these nugs!!! its hard to not take a bite out of them lol

NK-- hell ya its starting to get chilly here too!! cant wait to ride my snowboard, going to have a season pass at 3 local resorts this year. 100 days should be no worries. after seeing how purp that dpd is it sure looks like its going to be a colorful season!!!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
looks like you are catching up hehehe ...Awsome pix mate !!

props when i can !
snapped off a few pics

snapped off a few pics

first up is the most colorful lady ive ever hed in my rooms dpd



then the ss and dpd all snuggled up


then the gunk. she sure is tric filled and colorful


last but not least is the decap (smells amazing)


thats all for now ill try to snap off a few more when lights come on. Also got some good news I came up on a couple new strains White Widow and Gods Gift. any news of these strains out there????


Active member
Nothing like companion planting your crops. SS and DPD. They go good together. That dpd is purple from the first calyx. Pretty cool.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
lookin mighty fine there brother!
i like the DPD pic with the Gunk in the background
2 sexy bitches
oh man its gettin close. i can chop any time from now to the 20th. they are 95% ready to my standards. another 10-12 days of flushing on the right side and another 6 days of feeding for the Left side, then flush for 10 days. 10 days is fine in coco, but i prefer more. thankfully i only broke 800 ppm for 2 days and then 700 and under entire grow, so not much to flush out anyway...
it sure is fun starting runs on the same day bro, with the same strains hehe
Hazy-- hell ya brotha from around day 5 or 6 on she grow purple. What a fun one to watch!!!

Sir-- thanks holmes it is fun having them at the same days. always nice to be able to compare!!
Update time 56 days or 12/12

Update time 56 days or 12/12

So im going to chop down these ladies tomorrow night at 57. Everything is looking very done ive been checking the trics the last few days and im claiming there at least 50% amber/25% cloudy 25% clear. should be a great clean blaze. now a few pics
first up the ss


next the dpd this is a nice size bud 11 in from my hand to the top, rock hard!!


next the decap


next the KK and the gunk KK on L and middle gunk bottom R


next a diffrent gunk top


last a couple diffrent shots of the new flowering ladies at day 23 dpd 1st




thats all for now, im way stoked to chop these bitches down. Ive been hearing about all these strains for more than a year. Now that the time has come to puff it im so excited im like a kid on christmas!!!!!

Guest 88950

very nice job. thanks for sharing them.

that DPD looks beautiful. would you mind sharing with this drooling noob the aroma and taste when you blaze some.
Nata-- thanks for stopping by

Super--- Thanks buddy ill be updating with tastes and all the good stuff as soon as its ready to puff! cant wait!!
Alright pics day 42

Alright pics day 42

First up is the new Dpd. this plant grows big!!!


next up is the decap




Shack on L SD on R


Thats all for now ill try to get some more good shots at lights on peace:pumpkin:


Active member
In a post above you said that the DPD buds were nice and solid. I thought, well hell, I've never even touched/felt/fondled my DPD. It sits in the back mostly out of easy reach. So i just went into the room and felt a couple of those buds. They're nice and fat and dang if they ain't hard little bitches too. Now, here I sit smelling my fingers like a 17 year old who just got his fingers wet. hehe.
Smells like candy.

Is your shack from seed you got from Sir, or do you have his cut? It's mighty frosty.
Hazy-- Ya i know what your saying lol I sit and smell my fingers all the time after playing around in the closet... The SS I have is there cut this time. Ive had it from seed also in the past, i found a really good purple pheno a couple years ago, but i lost it. This ones pretty good but it has nanner tendancies. I picked one off the other day around day 40. The quality is great but i hate having to inspect them everyday for nanners.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
that's why I stopped her
great quality but dangerous IMO
I have a few more bean to try someday. I want the first monsters I had
Damn Shacks!!

Damn Shacks!!

I got a good shot of a nanner on a SS at day 43



Almost the same pic twice but im trying to make a point!!! This sucks!!! These ladies have had 0 stress or imbalance of any kind. No def. problems nothing! She just nanners! Might be time to let her go:mad: Peace out for now!