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Information from Jack Herer


Well-known member
Associated Press - November 20, 2007 5:14 PM ET

LANSING, Mich. (AP) - A group that wants to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes has turned in nearly 500,000 signatures to put the issue on the November 2008 ballot.

The Michigan Coalition for Compassionate Care says the 496,000 signatures it handed over to the secretary of state's office should easily contain 304,101 valid signatures, the minimum required.

If approved by voters, the initiative would allow qualified, seriously ill patients to use and grow a limited amount of marijuana for medical purposes upon the recommendation of a doctor.

Twelve states and five Michigan cities have passed laws allowing the medical use of marijuana. Marijuana is illegal under federal law under all circumstances

DLB :joint: :joint:


Well-known member
Cannabis compound 'halts cancer'

A compound found in cannabis may stop breast cancer spreading throughout the body, US scientists believe.

The California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute team are hopeful that cannabidiol or CBD could be a non-toxic alternative to chemotherapy.

Unlike cannabis, CBD does not have any psychoactive properties so its use would not violate laws, Molecular Cancer Therapeutics reports.

The authors stressed that they were not suggesting patients smoke marijuana.

They added that it would be highly unlikely that effective concentrations of CBD could be reached by smoking cannabis.

CBD works by blocking the activity of a gene called Id-1 which is believed to be responsible for the aggressive spread of cancer cells away from the original tumour site - a process called metastasis.

Past work has shown CBD can block aggressive human brain cancers.

The latest work found CBD appeared to have a similar effect on breast cancer cells in the lab.

Future hope

Lead researcher Dr Sean McAllister said: "Right now we have a limited range of options in treating aggressive forms of cancer.

"Those treatments, such as chemotherapy, can be effective but they can also be extremely toxic and difficult for patients.

"This compound offers the hope of a non-toxic therapy that could achieve the same results without any of the painful side effects."

Dr Joanna Owens of Cancer Research UK said: "This research is at a very early stage.

"The findings will need to be followed up with clinical trials in humans to see if the CBD is safe, and whether the beneficial effects can be replicated.

"Several cancer drugs based on plant chemicals are already used widely, such as vincristine - which is derived from a type of flower called Madagascar Periwinkle and is used to treat breast and lung cancer. It will be interesting to see whether CBD will join them."

Maria Leadbeater of Breast Cancer Care said: "Many people experience side-effects while having chemotherapy, such as nausea and an increased risk of infection, which can take both a physical and emotional toll.

"Any drug that has fewer side-effects will, of course, be of great interest."

But she added: "It is clear that much more research needs to be carried out."

Story from BBC NEWS

DLB :joint: :joint:

Verger OG

Interesting news...when your gf has had this type of cancer last year.


Well-known member
Date: Mar 19, 2008 8:37 PM
Subject: Cannabis Hemp Extract Cures Disease
Headline: March 18.
2008 - Hemp Oil Supplier Slams Laws- A man from Nova Scotia, Canada, is attracting world-wide attention from the concentrated medicinal oil he makes from the Cannabis Hemp plant (marijuana).
Rick Simpson founded "Phoenix Tears" to manufacter the concentrated oil - pressed from the female flower tops, not the hemp seed oil now well known for it’s Essential Fatty Acid profile.
"Mr. Simpson is in an unusual position, because unlike other people engaged in the drug trade, he was not engaged in trafficking for financial gain," Judge Beaton said Monday. "He was engaged in an altruistic activity and was firm in his belief that he was helping others."

"The resin is the medicine", says Simpson, on "Run From the Cure", a documentary about the amazing healing herb, his battle with the authorities to continue making the medicine for people with "incurable" illnesses and some of the three hundred patients who report "miraculous" cures from many conditions, including cancer.
"Run From the Cure - The Rick Simpson Story", by Tidal Lake Prductions can be viewed in seven parts on You Tube:

RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 1 of 7)

"Phoenix Tears", a natural extract of Cannabis flowers, features two key ingredients - "Trichomes" - tiny Cannabinoid-laden, crystal-clear stalks sometimes refered to as "Kief", that bristle like hairs on the mature flowers; and "Turpines" - medicinal oils that coat the surface of the flower. These turpines are now recognized to be a very important component of the therapeutic profile of Cannabis.

At the 2002 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference in Portland OR, Dr.
Geoffrey Guy, Founder and President of GW Pharmaceuticals, U. K., refers to the medicinal value of turpines and Cannabinoids in his presentation on medicinal strains of Cannabis:

Medical Cannabis Strains - Geoffrey Guy, MD

Cannabis Therapeutics Conferences sponsored by Patients Out of Time

Like Rick Simpson, GW Pharmaceuticals is growing large amounts of Cannabis and extracting the concentrated essence of the plant, not a synthetic isolate like Marinol (pure THC). Whole extracts of Cannabis have been trusted for centuries as a safe, effective and amazingly non-toxic herbal medicine. Our ancestors in America knew it well, as Cannabis tinctures and other compounds were in one third of all medical preparations in the 1800’s, making it the most prescribed medicine of that century.

In 21st century, exciting new science has confirmed the miraculous healing powers of the Cannabis Hemp plant, as well as the "Endo-Cannabinoid system" - the mechanism in all mammals that maintains balance in many systems in the body, including immune; respiratory; neuromuscular; gastrointestinal; reproductive and more.

Dr. Robert Melamede, Professor of Biology at the University of Colorado, eloquently explains the intricate workings of the Endo-Cannabinoid system and it’s role as "homeostatic regulator" - facilitating neurotransmission and balance in inbalanced conditions like auto-immune diseases and cancers.

Cancer Cure - Cannabis & Cannabinoids,by Robert Melamede,PhD
Calling Cannabis a "Miracle Drug", Dr. Melamede postulates that Cannabinoids from the plant act as a suppliment to the body’s own Cannabinoids, especially when the Endo-Cannabinoid system is over-taxed by biological or biochemical stresses, like the increasing plethora of toxins in our environment that elevate free-radical production.

Ironically, the first commercial end-product from GW Pharmaceuticals, "Sativex", has been licensed for trials and distribution in Canada.
Like Rick Simpson’s "Phoenix Tears", Sativex is a whole plant extract with a remarkable safety profile. However, Rick Simpson faced prosecution for providing Cannabis medicine compassionately, while a corporate pharmaceutical company is allowed to market essentially the same thing for profit.

This inbalance in justice bodes ill for Canada, whose citizens would benefit from a safe, economical herbal preparations, made with loving care by people with intimate knowledge and experience with the Cannabis Hemp plant. Expensive products like Sativex will be welcomed by the medical community and will undoubtedly be highly effective. But to deny the people equal access to this precious gift from nature - a birthright like all natural medicines - would be nothing short of a sin.

"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
" - Genesis 1:29 (KJV)

DLB :joint:


Well-known member
Date: Mar 22, 2008 2:11 AM
Subject: Barney Frank to author federal decriminalization bill
It didn't come as a huge shock to Bill Maher when Rep. Barney Frank announced on Real Time (Mar. 21) he plans to "file a bill as soon as we go back to remove all penalties for small amounts of marijuana." Barney Frank The two clearly had talked about this before the show.

For the last segment before "New Rules," Maher offerd Frank the floor.

The gay Massachusetts Congressman is known for his liberal views. In fact, he gave the keynote address at the 2001 NORML Conference.

"Why are you doing this in this late stage in the history of marijuana?" Maher probed.

"Because I finally got to the point where I think I can get away with it," explained Frank, who has been in the House since 1981. "I wanted to do it for a long time. I filed it in the state legislature in the '70s. When I got to Congress, frankly, I was feeling more cautious.

"I now think it's time for the politicians to catch up to the public. The notion that you lock people up for smoking marijuana is pretty silly. I'm going to call it the Make Room for Serious Criminals bill.

DLB :joint: :joint:


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2008 1:51 AM
Bummer: Mendocino repeals 25-plant limit
The explosion of medipot gardens in California's Mendocino County will be curtailed somewhat by Tuesday's passage of Measure B, which limits plant totals to six rather than 25. The ballot won by a 55% to 45% margin, repealing the eight-year- old Measure G.

:nono: DLB :nono:


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2008 11:41 AM
Massive DEA raids planned for Humboldt
The rumors are true.

The Federal Drug Enforcement Agency is sending 200 agents to Northern Humboldt to crack down on marijuana growers, according to sources. The full-blown bust-a-thon will take place June 22-30.

300 houses have already been targeted by way of high electric bills. Perhaps our readers at PG&E can tell us to how the feds got those records.
Did they use warrants or just ask nicely?

Rumors that every room at the Eureka Red Lion has been booked between June 23-30 may also have legs. One industrious Craig's List user consulted hotels. com in attempt to book rooms for those dates but the website said no rooms are available during that time.

The federal government doesn't recognize proposition 215 — the Compassionate Use Act — passed by California voters in 1996, which legalized marijuana for medical purposes.

Arcata grow houses made national news recently with reports in the LA Times, NY Times and Fox News.
The issue also came up repeatedly during the 3rd District Supervisor race.

While some of the upcoming busts will target illegal operations under California law, others will take aim at patients protected by Prop. 215.
Will Humboldt County Sheriffs or city police participate in raids that violate laws of the state?

We'll know the answer in seven days.

UPDATE: More info at Humboldt County News.
They write "Rumors were circulating a couple weeks back that the feds were going to raid dispensaries in Arcata, and as a result all but one of those facilities did not open for business on Friday, June 6." Those rumors turned out to be false.



Active member
Man, so the DEA are going to raid 300 homes in Northern Humboldt? Arcata area or more northern? Crazy ..

I read that article in NYTimes a week ago or so.

here is a link to the article .. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/09/us/09pot.html

and another link to an interesting article I found through Google... http://news.humcounty.com/Kevin_Hoover_Takes_NY_Times_to_Arcata_Grow_House.html

"...Arcata, home of Humboldt State University, where town elders say roughly one in five homes are 'indoor grows'," which is truly a shame, not only because they did not provide any source for that data, but especially because they turned an already false and incorrect number that the L.A. Times printed into an absurd mathematical impossibility.

When it comes down to it, Humboldt County, and especially Arcata, absolutely has a big, huge problem with for-profit criminal marijuana growing. You better believe that most of the homes with indoor grow rooms are operating as pot businesses, growing more than they need and selling it for profit. We feel that this should be acceptable to a certain point, for example if a patient actually needs to smoke a pound of medicine a month, they might be allowed to grow two pounds per month so they can sell one to the dispensary in order to cover the costs of growing that much medicine. But when growers are blowing up whole houses and growing 10 pounds at once, then buying $50,000 pickup trucks and evading income taxes, or purchasing multiple properties to grow more pot, we're with Hoover when he says "The energy-sucking crime hives aren't going to be tolerated any more than crack houses, trash houses or any other blight would be."


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2008 11:03 AM
Amsterdam, Connecticut?
Feature: Amsterdam, Connecticut? Drug Reformer With Bold Vision Seeks State Office, Radical Change

Like the rest of inner city America, Bridgeport, Connecticut's 130th District has for decades been ground zero in the war on drugs. Mostly black and Latino, like other majority minority neighborhoods across the land, it has suffered the twin ravages of drug abuse and drug prohibition. Now, a former drug-fighting Navy officer turned drug reformer is seeking to change all that with a bold vision and an upstart bid for the state House of Representatives.

Sylvester Salcedo (2nd from right).. In late May, Bridgeport attorney Sylvester Salcedo announced he was seeking the Democratic Party nomination for November's House race in the 130th. Salcedo is best known in drug reform circles for being the first and only former military officer to protest the drug war by sending back his Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medal to then President Bill Clinton.

"Narcotics use and abuse is our problem here at home," he wrote at the time in a letter sent to Clinton. "The solutions should be applied here and not in Colombia or elsewhere. To spend this additional amount of money overseas is wasteful and counterproductive.


Fast forward eight years and little has changed. The war on drugs continues apace, drug arrests and drug war prisoners reach new highs every year. The violence associated with drug prohibition continues to plague cities like Bridgeport. And Salcedo has had enough.

"The war on drugs is one of our nation's longest wars, at home and abroad," he said as he announced his candidacy May 29. "It is senseless, wasteful and counterproductive. It is highly discriminatory on a racial and economic basis. I said so on the steps of the US Congress in Washington, DC flanked and supported by Minnesota Republican Congressman Jim Ramstad and California Republican Congressman Tom Campbell in the summer of 2000," he said.

"Eight years later, the conditions are the same, if not worse, especially for the isolated and abandoned residents of ethnic minority enclaves and neighborhoods like the 130th District," Salcedo continued. "I want to win this State Representative seat to be a leader of change. I want to lead the way to peace, understanding and cooperation, not through the politics of fear, and racial and ethnic discord and conflict. This senseless war on the poor and the voiceless must end.


Salcedo is not one for half-measures. He is proposing turning the 130th District into a sort of mini-Amsterdam, a zone of drug tolerance replete with safe injection sites, opiate maintenance facilities, and taxed and regulated marijuana sales. "I'm floating around this idea of the Covenant of the 130th District, which is to declare the district as a zone of tolerance," he said.

"I want to borrow from models like Amsterdam or Frankfort," he elaborated. "I'm not pushing legalization legislation, but acknowledging the fact that the 130th is a high drug trafficking and consumption area, from marijuana to heroin to cocaine. I want to try those approaches here. If you live in the district and are a heroin addict, we would work with you, whether it's a treatment and rehabilitation regime or a maintenance regime. If you select maintenance, you get the level of pharmaceutical grade heroin you need. In either case, you get medical, psychological, and social services, an intake exam, a social worker and a drug counselor to work with you. But this won't be a coercive or punitive program; instead it will be designed to develop the relationship with the addict.


Citing Bridgeport's chronically under-funded schools, libraries, and other services, Salcedo also called for regulated marijuana sales as a revenue raiser. "I want to open up a number of marijuana coffee shops in this district," he said. "They could be city sponsored, or they could be a joint private-public project. If people want to come here and imbibe, we will welcome them, let them pay the market price, and tax their purchases. The profits can go to the city general fund, or, if it's a joint venture, a share to the entrepreneurs," he said. "We will follow the experience of Amsterdam, with the police working collaboratively, so they're not arresting people coming from the coffee shops.


Salcedo's will undoubtedly be an uphill battle against the entrenched Bridgeport Democratic Party political establishment and to convince skeptical voters that more of the drug war same old same old is not the solution. But he has already passed the first hurdle by getting 290 district residents to sign his nominating petitions. Now he has to raise $5,000 by August to show he is a viable candidate and qualify for another $20,000 in primary funding from the state of Connecticut. At least 150 Bridgeport residents must donate to his campaign for him to qualify. (That doesn't mean people from outside Bridgeport or Connecticut cannot donate -- they can.


He can do it, Salcedo said. "The primaries are eight weeks away, and nobody expected me to even get the required signatures, but I did. And I met every person who signed my nomination papers. I think I can meet this challenge, too.


He's going to need some help, from the drug reform community at large and from Connecticut activists in particular if he is to have a chance.

One prominent Connecticut drug reformer, Efficacy founder and 2006 Green Party gubernatorial candidate Cliff Thornton is among the first to step up.

"I'll definitely be going down there and doing a few things for Sylvester," said Thornton. "I have to help the reformer.


One thing he will advise Salcedo to do is put his drug reform message in the background. "We'll try to sharpen his message," Thornton said. "He doesn't have to lead with drug policy. He's already known as the drug reformer, and he won't have to talk about it because people are going to ask him about it.

Another thing Salcedo can do is try to tie drug reform into other issues facing the community, Thornton said. "We're spending somewhere between $600 million and $800 million on prisons in Connecticut every year," he said. "If we took that and put it toward health care, we could take care of everyone in the state. That's the kind of connection we need to be drawing.


It would be a good thing if national drug reform organizations provided more than token support, Thornton said, looking back at his 2006 campaign. "When it came to actually supporting that run, everybody disappeared," he said. "The flagship organizations sent a few bucks here and there, but not enough to make a difference. And that's a shame. We are starting to elect good drug reform politicians, like Roger Goodman in Washington state and Chris Murphy here in Connecticut. Their opponents attack them as soft on drug policy, and they go up in the polls. We can elect people, if we support them," Thornton said.

Salcedo could use the help, he said. "Right now this is basically a one-man campaign, and I have a full-time job.


Still, he said, he may be able to pull off a surprise victory. "This is going to be a low turnout election, no other issues on the ballot here, and the only reason people are likely to go to the ballot box is to vote for me for change or because they're tied to one of the establishment candidates," he said. "In this district in this election, maybe 200 or 300 votes can win it. I'll be beating the bushes and talking face to face with people. I'll do everything I can, and then it's up to the voters.

(This blog post was published by StoptheDrugWar. org's lobbying arm, the Drug Reform Coordination Network, which also shares the cost of maintaining this web site. DRCNet Foundation takes no positions on candidates for public office, in compliance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and does not pay for reporting that could be interpreted or misinterpreted as doing so.

Sir D

Wow alot of info Ill need to bookmark and come back. Thanks guys for posting this up and I hope your doing more then just here at Ic mag because we need to take it outside. Its only a matter of time though because the world is calling for it!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!


eyes that shine...
ICMag Donor
had to growl then laugh at this one---now paypal tryin' to bust Jacks balls

We're having a dispute with PayPal right now because they don't like some of the content on our website.

Here's the letter they sent:

Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 21:55:33 -0700
From: [email protected]
To: jack at jackherer.com
Subject: Notification of Limited Account Access

Dear Jack Herer,

We appreciate the fact that you chose PayPal to send and receive payments for your transactions.

However, after a recent review of your account, it has been determined that you are currently in violation of PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy.

Under the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments for items that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity.

The complete Acceptable Use Policy can be found at the following URL:
http://www. paypal. com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=p/gen/ua/use/index_frame-outside

To learn more about the Acceptable Use Policy, please refer to our Help Center page here:
https://www. paypal. com/cgi-bin/helpweb?cmd=_help

In order to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy and avoid the limitation of your account, you will need to:

1. Remove those items from your website that violate PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy. For example, the book titled "G.R.A.S.S.
" at http://jackherer. com/hemporium. html and any links to website that sell cannabis seeds, such as sensiseeds. com; and

2. Submit the online Acceptable Use Policy affidavit.

This is not intended to be an all-inclusive review or list of your Internet sites in violation. Furthermore, the violations of the Policy described above are not intended to be an all-inclusive list. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that all transactions comply with the Acceptable Use Policy.

For more information about the status of your account, please log in to your PayPal account.

We encourage you to login and return your account to good standing as soon as possible. Failure to respond by 9/4/2008 will result in the further escalation of this issue.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure meant to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy Department at [email protected].

PayPal Acceptable Use Policy Department
PayPal, an eBay Company

Here's the letter we sent back to them:

William R.
Attorney at Law Since 1980
xxxxx, California 93602

State Bar of California Number: 95869

Telephone (xxx) 84x-33xx

E-Mail mcpike at netptc.net

September 2, 2008



Dear Jack,

We've know each other for many years now. I was surprised to receive your call today about PAYPAL, cancelling your site due to the appearance of somehow supporting drugs.

I find this ridiculous. If PAYPAL wants to cancel you, it is my opinion this is discrimination, unless it cancels all such items from EBAY. I just checked EBAY and there are 1880 items under the title of MARIJUANA. There are about 2000 items for HEMP. Personally I have purchased from EBAY, marijuana DVDs, books, rolling papers, posters, a how to make hashish in Morocco DVD, one of my favorites, etc. PAYPAL would lose millions of dollars if they went through every EBAY item and censored it for payment by PAYPAL. This would be a political nightmare. Only the US Supreme Court can make those determinations.

I went to my account and checked to see if I could buy certain DVDs showing MARIJUANA use, and of course I could pay by PAYPAL.
What's the problem?

So if PAYPAL wants to use its internal policy to terminate you (and EBAY) I see a real problem and PAYPAL is a very deep pocket. Censorship, and discrimination compared to EBAY sales, when 12 states have legalized medical marijuana, which has even changed the laws on pipes, etc., into health aids to administer the medicine.

As you know I'm a member of NORML Legal Committee, and we have a thousand attorneys who might want to get into a civil litigation against PAYPAL. Feel free to forward this to whoever contacted you from PAYPAL, as I see this as a huge political issue, with civil damages. Should they not retract, I will consider contacting our other NORML members around the US for litigation.

Yours very truly,

/s/william r.
William R.

Sir D

Nice thats right u need to stand up to those haters too. A bunch of BS really but hey another bump in the road and you might make some cheese as well. Good luck with that


Well-known member
Date: Oct 5, 2008 4:55 PM
Join us in our effor​t to FREE EDDY LEPP!​

Eddy is sched​uled to appea​r in court​ Dec.​2,​ 2008 to face possi​bly two life sente​nces.​

We hope you will take the time to write​ the judge​ and ask for lenie​ncy in Eddy'​s sente​ncing​.​

Here is a sampl​e lette​r that we ask all conce​rned to pleas​e sign or write​ your own and send to Judge​ Patel​.​

This only takes​ a few minut​es and costs​ you only 42 cents​.​ Pleas​e help.​

Your Name
Your Addre​ss
Your City,​ State​ and Zip

Honor​able Judge​ Maril​yn Hall Patel​
Unite​d State​s Distr​ict Court​
North​ern Distr​ict of Calif​ornia​
Phili​p E. Burto​n Court​house​ and Feder​al Build​ing
450 Golde​n Gate Ave
San Franc​isco,​ Ca 94102​

Re: Feder​al Sente​ncing​ of Rever​end Charl​es Eddy Lepp

Dear Judge​ Patel​,​

I am writi​ng to ask for lenie​ncy in the sente​ncing​ for Rever​end Charl​es Eddy Lepp,​ which​ is sched​uled for Decem​ber 1, 2008 Rever​end Charl​es Eddy Lepp is a Rasta​faria​n Minis​ter,​ and as such is compe​lled to provi​de land assis​tance​ to his flock​ for the culti​vatio​n of the sacre​d herb.​ Rever​end Lepp notif​ied many local​,​ state​ and feder​al agenc​ies that he was culti​vatin​g canna​bis for his minis​try based​ on feder​al law (​RFRA)​ and Calif​ornia​ State​ Law (​Propo​sisti​on 215)​,​ which​ clear​ly allow​ for medic​al and relig​ious use of canna​bis in spite​ of any DEA class​ifica​tions​.​

We pray that you treat​ Rever​end Charl​es Eddy Lepp with lenie​ncy,​ as he was merel​y allow​ing other​s to grow canna​bis fr medic​al and relig​ious use on Churc​h prope​rty with no evide​nce of perso​nal profi​t;​ we pray that you remeb​er his good chara​cter and the honor​ of his word by his compl​iance​ of your court​ order​s;​ and the since​rity of his belie​fs that he was allow​ed to do this under​ the previ​ously​ menti​oned law.

Prese​ntly there​ is a great​ unfai​rness​ with State​ versu​s Feder​al Law conce​rning​ canna​bis,​ and good peopl​e are getti​ng put in preca​rious​ situa​tions​ and facin​g crimi​nal recor​ds and unfai​r sente​nces in Feder​al Priso​n for merel​y growi​ng medic​ine.​

Sign your name here and send it in the mail or type up your own lette​r showi​ng your suppo​rt.​

Thank​ you

One Love

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