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Info on The Real Seed Company?


Well-known member
I will echo the comments here already...100% legit and the Kerala I grew last year is one of the best sativas I have ever had the pleasure to grow! Not the biggest yielder but the effect takes you to another time and place:) Should also note that Gus is amazing to deal with, always stands behind his product.




Yeah for the two RSC Nepalese Highland strains i run before, i would say RSC 100% legit too. I loved their strains untouched...

It's like when friends coming back from foreign lands & share for a good smoke their story about the last trip & often supply dozen of seeds found over there by them... Last decade i had some kazakstan/russian seeds from stepfamily of my now ex-girl, sud american peru/bolivia/brazil... last gift was african seeds from my friend finishing his study diplom on watering system in traditional agricultural fields with local farmers (food crop) in mali/burkina faso and he spend two weeks "free time" in ghana with rasta brothers well connected...
been myself 12 years ago in benin/togo & had friends been in nigeria/kenya bringing back few seeds wrap in news paper... really the same kind of seeds, but RSC had some better spots for collecting i think...

need space & time but i really enjoy to try those kind of diversity in raw heirloom genetic, talk about a real quest of special flavors & effects...

you right Mustafunk with all point you made, they work with limited stocks all the time.... newer strains comes each year but wonder where the best place to check for update on new drop, direct on Real Seeds Compagny web site!? seedsman?



Brand new oldschool
Real Seed's Facebook are always posting updates and releases... that's how I knew about their latest Manipur and Ukrhul strains. But the website is normally kept up to date as well.

Yeah the limited stocks it's a pity, especially due to the low germination sometimes. Many great strains were gone because of that like Highland Thai, Shebergan, Mango Thai and so on.



Thanks a lot Mustafunk i didn't have checked fb link yet but will keep an eye open on it & Malarkey thanks for the link lot of great infos over there...

Malarkey, like the irish guy in Band of Brothers!?? :bandit:



New member
today i got answer from trsc, they said they sended me seeds from the wrong bag and sending me a new pack of Nepalese now.


today i got answer from trsc, they said they sended me seeds from the wrong bag and sending me a new pack of Nepalese now.

real nice to ear your good news... happy growing with those nepalese coming!

time to make myself a new RSC order. But can't choose between himalayan strains Parvati, Nepales, Nanda Devi, Kumaoni looking for a special mold and cold resistance strains!? perhaps need to buy them all and just try them in few guerrilla spot over here to sprout more gem for selecting...

my area is above 1600-1700m... here at 2000m there's almost no more trees... perhaps the best strain in high altitude is Kumaoni according her description "Highly recommended to collectors seeking a rare and totally authentic Himalayan charas plant. This strain can withstand the intense rain and humidity of the Himalayan monsoon, as well as the bitter cold of autumn nights at up to 3500m, so is well suited to adapting to outdoor use in northern climates." RSC

i wish to have a greenhouse for Sinai, perhaps indoor to suit her like in her native area and get simular grow conditions...

hey Malarkey, cool! was asking coz i appreciate the man in this great show, only bad thing about it there are no more than 10 episodes.... Pacific is real good too! sorry for being off topic...



I got kumaoni as a freebie from them. So maybe you could get away with buyng any of the others Argh Pacific was no way near as good too me.
Dont step in the bullshit malarkey


New member
Hello again,

The Real Seed Company has sended me two packs of Nepalese now. There was a totall of 25 Nepalese seeds, not one of this new seeds germinate. Harvest in Nepal is in October so the seeds can not be too fresh. I think they are roasted in the dryin process.

I suggest order something other from TRSC than this Nepalese.

The Cannabiogen single seed female Nepal Highland i buyed grows fine.

From the 12 freebies Kumaonis, 9 sprouted and 5 plants wanted to grow further. One of this is a triploid (3 leafs per internode). Kumaoni has tendencies for leaf mutations under strong light, nothing bad, maybe normal for wild varieties.


New member
trsc comes back to me and asked me about the new epalese seeds. they will replace it now with some malana in a month when they are back in stock.


Well-known member
Thanks Cannabisso, I had my eye on them a while ago, but I seem to prefer fantasising about the nepalese heights and the plants characteristic for that region. Also the main issue for growing here is fungus/mold resistence, which I presume is higher in nepalese varieties compared to the middle-east arid climate ones.

But until I try them, I'll be only fantasising:)


misterD farmhouse
Parvati got that high which is near nepalese, my auntie give a try to my whole freebie pack i recieve year ago's!!

Total succes in south ontario at 44" N even in a crappy summer. She harvested 3-4 meters monster in mid late october of far or near a kilo per plant of a dominant sativa plant which was easily compete with local commercial stock!


As Normally these himalayan landrace seeds normally over winter sometimes especially garhwali jungli it can take time for them to pop a lot people said the seeds dont pop until 2weeks after


Active member
HEy all..

Props to RSC for keeping landraces alive!

I would love to try the Lebanese and Mazar-i…
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misterD farmhouse
Sorry i got no pertinent answer on where you can get them from! But they are all "Out of stocks" everywhere i know!

But "Sinai" is a good substitute to "Lebanese" even a better buzz imho.



I've read a lot about RSC as I'm strongly interested on working these pure landrace, hoping to find the best phenos ;)

As it's collected directly from farmers, these strains had no chance to adapt with some indoor repetitive growth. These have two main consequences for us.

Most seeds aren't going to germinate because when they're harvested in winter, they are asleep for a while, in dormancy, waiting for a better season.
What you need to do is put then in a fridge lets say 5 days, then 3 days in the freezer, then another 5 days in the fridge. After than you'll get good a germination result.

Then, (but not necessarily for all strains) we can read that people are complaining about hermaphrodism.
What RSC says about it is that their strains are made for outdoor growing and in these good conditions you won't get hermaphrodism issues.
However I've seen many growers avoiding this issue indoor by drastically reducing nutriments doses. These plants are quite sensible to the stress indoor growing induce for them, one way around it is to avoid mineral ferts and to prefer a poor fert. soil with slow diffusion nutriments, preferably organic amendments.
