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Indoor Session part 2 - ChemDD f2, Afgooey x Purple Urkle, Pure Kush, Dominatrix II


Genetics' hunter
Hi all mates :D Here we go with my second run, the first in the 2K11 :dance013:

On the line up some new stuff, and also some lucky phenotype of the last run... I've in total 7 females in my box, now they are at 7 day at 12/12 light cycle, they are not still stretching so much, there are less sativa hybrids in this run... Actually the babies are under a 400w MH lamp, until about day 15 i think, this should be reduce the internodes' distance but in the last grow i didn't see so much difference with a 400w Grolux in the first 2 week of flowering... We will see :)

Anyway, less words, here the new line up ;)

The more interesting cross i'm goin' to grow is Afgooey x Purple Urkle, homemade cross of a friend of mine, i expect nice things out of those seeds, i sprouted 3 seeds but i decided to put in flowering only 2 plants, and i got 2 females out of those :dance013:

Afgooey x Purple Urkle #1

Afgooey x Purple Urkle #2

The other new strain is Pure Kush, some S1 seeds to test, i heard great things about the original clone, great medical strain and a very tasty and powerful weed, i hope to be lucky to have a stable and good female :ying:

Pure Kush #1

Pure Kush #2

And now the lucky phenotypes of the last run (https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=187076) :) I decided to give a one more chance at 2 different phenos of my ChemDD f2 and at 1 pheno of Core's Dominatrix II. I really enjoyed that plants, some kick ass tasty nuggetts i got from them ;)

ChemDD f2 #1

ChemDD f2 #3

and a lil' cut of Dominatrix II #1 (nice yieldin' sativa with a sugary bubblegum taste) :bump:

(sorry for the pic, i'll do some better ones in the next days)

And a global shot :D

I'll update this thread weekly, i hope you all will enjoy :tiphat:


Smile Vs Cry
very good start bro that look so helthy and green as hell, i'll be watching closely tha progress fratello!!

caspita sei ripartito subito, anche io voglio ripartire ma sto scegliendo lo strain ancora, chissà forse metto giu due semi che mi sono rimasti dall'ultima grow e farci i cloni per fare un progetto da s.o.g. in questa nuova cab che ho usato adesso e devo dire che una 20 di piante in stile SINGLE COLA non mi dispiacerebbe farle !!


Genetics' hunter
very good start bro that look so helthy and green as hell, i'll be watching closely tha progress fratello!!

caspita sei ripartito subito, anche io voglio ripartire ma sto scegliendo lo strain ancora, chissà forse metto giu due semi che mi sono rimasti dall'ultima grow e farci i cloni per fare un progetto da s.o.g. in questa nuova cab che ho usato adesso e devo dire che una 20 di piante in stile SINGLE COLA non mi dispiacerebbe farle !!

Thanks for the support buddy ;) Your following is really appreciated :ying:

Anyway, my flowering box is almost ever at 12/12 light cycle, i've a secondary box for the moms, cuts, and to veg the new babies with ONLY 4x18w neon, with a minimun cost i can have the space and the time to grow as i want the new line up...



Genetics' hunter
Here we go with the update :) The gals are now @ day 16, they are all still stretchin' a bit, but no sativa dominant hybrid with an undomable stretch this time... In the next few days i'll change the 400w MH bulb with a 400w HPS, i'd like keep a lil bit more the Metal Halide lamp to control the stretch...

Here the babies XD

Afgooey x Purple Urkle

The #1 pheno hermied, too much IMHO, i'll give some more chance to this very vigorous pheno eliminatin' the male's balls in the next days hopin' in a slower production of them, so i can try to control it... but we will see... This pheno really impressed me since the veggin' phase, but seems to have a written faith ..




The #2 pheno haven't any nanner luckly, is a vigorous hybrid, with a more indica in it... She not stretched a lot but had a furious growth on the lower branches... I expect good buds from this girl, and the structure and vigour of this pheno are very promising :bump:




Pure Kush

Pheno #1 is a well branched and vigorous plant, i really like her structure, very easy to bend/crop, she looks a fast flowering one, i hope in a nice buddin' phase




The second pheno is a little dirty bitch :D She's in the 6.5 liters pot and with no ferts' add she shows some nuts' absorption block, very strange... Maybe the soil is too much heavy for her, i'll flush her a bit...




ChemDD F2

And here some old knowledges, 2 different pheno of my homemade ChemDD F2 of the last run... Exactly the #1 and #3 phenos

#1 pheno is a fast flowering with massive puprle colas, i'm tryin' this pheno another time cause of its incredible attitude for SOG setup, i've and high yieldin' project for the future and this pheno could be in that project ;)




The #3 pheno is the keeper of the last run, an high yieldin' resin coated with a kick ass taste (with no cure), i won the 2nd prize in the italian C Cup with it ;) ... I've it in 6.5 liters pot cause of its undomable stretch, i'll wait a week more and than transplant in a 11 liters pot to increase the yield and control the dimension...



Dominatrix II

And finally the lil Dominatrix II, Core's stuff ... I really like this pheno, and i decided to put this tiny cut just to have some more tasty buds to smoke ...

Hope you enjoy... Stay tuned...


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I bet on the second afgoeey.It seems to be very vigorous with thick stems.It's a little bush!
However...the chem is already forming buds faster than others.Is it faster or you put at 12\12 before the other strains?

Keep up the nice work Jare :wave:


Genetics' hunter
I bet on the second afgoeey.It seems to be very vigorous with thick stems.It's a little bush!
However...the chem is already forming buds faster than others.Is it faster or you put at 12\12 before the other strains?

Keep up the nice work Jare :wave:

You're right mate, i'm particulary interested in the same pheno, it reminds me a Black Jack i grown some years ago, one of the tastiest weed of all time ... Finger crossed :)

Also the Pure Kush #1 looks to be a nice plant at mo, she got some tiny and "horny" pistils, promising IMO :dance013:

The Chemdog you're talking about is the #1 pheno, she's very fast in forming buds, pratically she gain the 80% of the final weight in the first 35-40 days, after this period she seems only "stabilizing" and maturing the flowers... And i think she will be the fastest of all the group, in the last run i chopped her around day 75, not too much for a ChemD/SourD hybrid... The rest of the phenos (both F1's and F2's) are 80+ days....

Thanks for following mate, really appreciated :ying:
