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Sunshine DayDreamer
First of all, I know this thread is gonna make her smile.... :smile:

...but to put any worries to rest...
Indigo is fine....
great actually!...

She is very busy these days and don't have a lot of time for online...
............. I am sure she will be in touch!:friends:
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cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
much love from the cook

much love from the cook

I definitely want to add to that big stack o good vibes for Indigo.
Stay safe, keep em green, and keep smiling, girl.
much love.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
As Mrs. Grat3ful posted Indi is doin' fine and she is here!!!Just not posting...All the BS really brought her down and home seems more important than this internet thingy....Which I totally agree with.........

Everyone is thinking of you girl......................!


I hear ya Capt. Crip, I tend not to be around and post when there's BS going on too. :joint:
INDIGO!!!!! :friends: :woohoo: Hi'ya honey!! Been missin' you. :badday:
Like Ms. G said, be in touch!


Capt. Crip said:
As Mrs. Grat3ful posted Indi is doin' fine and she is here!!!Just not posting...All the BS really brought her down and home seems more important than this internet thingy....Which I totally agree with.........

Everyone is thinking of you girl......................!

Peace be with you and yours, Indigo. Sometimes I wonder why I bother, then I see a thank you post for helping a newbie avoid our mistakes, though they are few and long in between lately. Some of us have relagated to just posting salutations to friends and ignoring the internet drama, you have to wonder some days if it's worth it. Real life and family are what it's all about anyway, and I'm thinkin Indigo has that under control and is doin fine.

Guess we just miss the old times, girl, when we had the fun without the crap. :wave:

OG bub

ICMag Donor
Hey hun!

indys always 'around' shes had poriorites in activity tho. cant much blame her..

cool to see some ol-friendly names in this thread.. funny how we might not know it sometimes, but oten alotta the good folks are friends with each other.

peace, bub.

Mr. Nevermind

SmokeyPufmaster said:
Hello Indi, Keep in touch!

Folks she's actually the sweetest person you'd ever want to meet.

I would bet she is. I never got the chance to meet her, but online I am privelaged to call her a friend. If you are on her bad side there is no one worse. But if you are on her good side, she is a great person. I miss her and i hope she is welll



:listen2: Stop in my way anytime - I think of you often & hope ya don't blame me/some of us for high-tailing it for a season when the :bat: got too thick = I like to make love :yummy: not war /

Anyways Girl.. you & your's take care

Keep it frosty

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
I just wrote Indi and will let everyone know how she is doing as soon as I hear back from her..
Everyone take care.........................................CC

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
From Indigo........

"Well, I saw this thread when Bub started it, but I'm very surprised to see its been revived and so many friends from way back when posting up. Thank you so much to ALL of you!

I am registered here, but am not posting...a little because I'm intensely busy lately, and a little because when places/situations stop being intellectually stimulating...I lose interest. We all know that ICMag at one time, other than being a container to shoot the shit about pot and show our skills, was also a place where you could hold an intelligent conversation and/or debate with just about any of the regulars on the boards, it was stimulating and challenging to come here. When it gets back to being so, I'll get back to wanting to post.

In the meantime I often think about each of you, many of whom I've shared a smoke and a smile with, some of whom are and always will be very close to me, and I have no intention of "moving away" from any of you. Just putting some distance between myself and things that irk me at the moment.

I'd thank you one by one, but there's three pages of people ! Anyway, you guys have really touched me with this thread...please know that you are all in my thoughts, and special well-wishes go to Bub who is going through a very difficult time - keep the faith Bub, it'll all pass, and shout if you need anything.

Friendship, when given freely, is such a precious thing. Thank You. "



Bodhisattva of the Earth
"Hi Indigo!".............I'll never forget you putting me in my place..........it has made me a better person! You are missed dearly! Love you babe!


Glad to hear Indigo is doing well. I sure do miss you Indigo and i totally understand. You do what you got to do and will be here thinking about you. Can't wait to talk to you again. Sure do miss all your post and lovely pictures. Thanks again for all you've done over here at IC. You take care and will be here when you do come back to posting.
Nothing but Love,

PS, Thanks Capt, and hope your not lost in your jungle again. lolol
Take care,


Rubbing my glands together
Indigo you are missed madame. Your a no bs type of lady and will always have my respect. Take care of yourself.


Active member
Capt. Crip said:
From Indigo........

"Well, I saw this thread when Bub started it, but I'm very surprised to see its been revived and so many friends from way back when posting up. Thank you so much to ALL of you!

I am registered here, but am not posting...a little because I'm intensely busy lately, and a little because when places/situations stop being intellectually stimulating...I lose interest. We all know that ICMag at one time, other than being a container to shoot the shit about pot and show our skills, was also a place where you could hold an intelligent conversation and/or debate with just about any of the regulars on the boards, it was stimulating and challenging to come here. When it gets back to being so, I'll get back to wanting to post.

In the meantime I often think about each of you, many of whom I've shared a smoke and a smile with, some of whom are and always will be very close to me, and I have no intention of "moving away" from any of you. Just putting some distance between myself and things that irk me at the moment.

I'd thank you one by one, but there's three pages of people ! Anyway, you guys have really touched me with this thread...please know that you are all in my thoughts, and special well-wishes go to Bub who is going through a very difficult time - keep the faith Bub, it'll all pass, and shout if you need anything.

Friendship, when given freely, is such a precious thing. Thank You. "


glad to hear you are ok, lady. :woohoo:


Capt. Crip said:
From Indigo........

"Well, I saw this thread when Bub started it, but I'm very surprised to see its been revived and so many friends from way back when posting up. Thank you so much to ALL of you!

I am registered here, but am not posting...a little because I'm intensely busy lately, and a little because when places/situations stop being intellectually stimulating...I lose interest. We all know that ICMag at one time, other than being a container to shoot the shit about pot and show our skills, was also a place where you could hold an intelligent conversation and/or debate with just about any of the regulars on the boards, it was stimulating and challenging to come here. When it gets back to being so, I'll get back to wanting to post.

In the meantime I often think about each of you, many of whom I've shared a smoke and a smile with, some of whom are and always will be very close to me, and I have no intention of "moving away" from any of you. Just putting some distance between myself and things that irk me at the moment.

I'd thank you one by one, but there's three pages of people ! Anyway, you guys have really touched me with this thread...please know that you are all in my thoughts, and special well-wishes go to Bub who is going through a very difficult time - keep the faith Bub, it'll all pass, and shout if you need anything.

Friendship, when given freely, is such a precious thing. Thank You. "


I am sorry Indigo, But this is BS. Agreed that there is alot of nonsense threads and yada yada yada.. those dont have to be read, and members who are obnoxious, mean insulting quickly get banned or can just be ignored.

You say this place " stoped being intellectually stimulating" and you lost interest. Personally I dont think that this place has not changed much from the start until today, after all Threads and members have come and gone etc...
but ultimately we are mostly still here, and its the same..
You talk about sharing joints and smiles and being heart touched,...and we are in your thoughts etc etc...
Just cutting off and disasapearing is that the way to deal with it all?
For someone who posted almost 1500 posts under one name and double that under your previous name and then to dissapear. is odd?

If it is a security thing then I accept that - but you say you dont have time and you lost interest. So then dont post as much. It does require a lot of energy and time. OK I got that.
But if you are hanging around here, then be publically known, like others who have unsubscribed and then rejoined. We know them and its nice that they are here. just like it would just be nice to know you and to see you around.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Good to see you...
I think it has a lot to do with the DNA crew and friends have repeatedly attacked and outed her..
She lives in a not so tolerant country and I really think this is why she chooses to stay on low profile..It's so easy for people to hack your shit these days...Thats a scary thought in itself especially if there are folks that really have it in for you....

I do agree with you that many folks have come back and there is some good info being posted daily...I sure wish everyone was back but thats just not the way it works..
Take care Ronley.........................................CC
Also,I'm sure if you wanted to chat with Indi you could just ask her to PM you right here in this thread.....