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Indica Vs Sativa.


What are the two main differences between these two? did a search couldn't find a post with good information all in one little area... hm. let me know.

yield? height? smell? space? bud production? taste?


Active member
indica is a short bushy plant with tight nodes and big thick fingered leaves, with a short flowering time and dense buds, normally with a more down/body type buzz

sativa is taller, less bushy, longer more fluffy buds, thinner normally longer leaves with a longer flowering time, normally with a more racey/head type buzz

not all are exactly as i described but you get the idea
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that preety much sums it up, other than the highs the easiest way to tell them apart are those wide fingers on indica and long skinny ones on sativa. I was think of the difference as Indica=stoned Sativa=high


Active member
^^ like they said... so then if you want to have a solid but up stone you would look for a cross that was say 50/50 or for more up high, a sativa dominant indica cross.....so you can get some good cross strains to suit whatever you like from your stone

indica - couch lock
sativa - party time

oh.. an if your gonna grow em, check their grow heights and stuff cause some crosses will be more sativa and they will grow taller.. but then some sativa crosses will pick up more of the the height of indica its mixed with

shit I hope that made some kind of sense....



ive always figured by the way it is spelt that it was sa tie va , but i noticed when i travelled that many europeans called it sa tee va , wheres the "e" to make that happen i wonder ?? what is the correct pronunciation ???


exactly i always thought it was Sa TIE VA but Ive heard people say it Sa TEE VA also I live in the americas if that makes a difference.
One of the pot magazines out there (which will remain nameless :chin: ) just came out with a new issue with an excellent article about sativas and indicas. Or rather an article about Cannabis Sativa and its four subtypes- var. sativa, var. indica, var. reuderalis and var. afghanica. Should have all the info about the different types that you're looking for.


supernerd said:
hah that's what I was thinking.

and thanks, does one yield more then the other overall?

youll have to excuse my ignorance of the english language as i am australian .. but ..
how can u pronounce it satieeva ,, u would need to spell it with an "ei" or "ie" to h ave that sound wouldnt u ??? otherwise the emphasis would be on the "i" wouldnt it ...
again i have to apologise i am an australian ... hehehehe

do they yeild differently ,, by gum yes ....

When he said sa-TIE-va the "TIE" sound he was refering to is like "tye"- with a long I. They're debating over pronouncing it with the long I or a long E: sa(TEE)va or sa(TYE)va. If you understand that and were asking how one gets the long "I" sound without an E with it(I wasn't sure which you were asking) then that's kind of the argument afaik that people in favor of a long E sound make. The best answer to that imvho is it all depends on the speaker's accent. Personally, I have always said saTEEva.


The names of our favourite plants are latin, so to be accurate they would be pronounced cah-nee-boos sah-tee-vah and cah-nee-boos in-dee-cah.


Invertebrata Inebriata
It's pronounced like Steve, except it's sa-teve-a. Steve Sativa, hey that's a good username!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Or Breeder Steve Sativa for that matter :good:

Although he really was more of an Indica kind of guy :canabis:

Luckily my fave strain is a perfect balance of both of them. :joint:

one Q

It's pronounced like Steve, except it's sa-teve-a
