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Indica or Sativa - which do people really like???


Or do most people just want to get fucked up?

indica just seems like it grows better - faster and shorter with more yield per weeks.


Active member
I find that Indica & Sativa hybrids are the best simply cause they bring the best sides of both into one, with those youre never missing anything:)
I think it differs from person to person, doenst it? I for once like sativa best but a good friend of mine just loves the "fucked" up feeling :D


My personal choice is always a sativa...

However, if I were to put a delicate, wispy sativa bud next to a dense indica bud, I have friends that done know any better that would diss the sativa bud and favor the indica bud


Overkill is under-rated.
I usually run hybrids, stuff that finishes in 8-9 weeks. I just acquired a few new pure sativas that go 10-12 weeks though, but most of these I try to avoid smoking at bedtime. For that I like a stong indica that knocks me on my butt, but I don't grow any of those so I go to the club and buy some when needed.


I like both equally. My sativas are for daytime smoke and my indicas is more of a nighttime smoke. I love having the option


for commercial ops I think indica. The general public wants that knock you on your ass high. Plus indicas finish faster etc.

As a newb I suggest you grow indicas. Then when you get some time under your belt, you can grow sativas and charge accordingly if there is a demand. Remember that flower room needs to be productive.

Whats the point of getting xx a pound for something that takes 90 days if you can get xx for something that takes 60 days?

This holds true for med and mersh ops


My personal choice is always a sativa...

However, if I were to put a delicate, wispy sativa bud next to a dense indica bud, I have friends that done know any better that would diss the sativa bud and favor the indica bud

Sativa buds are generally longer/bigger but they need more time.


i say sativa buds are the best no doubt, though as said by others i stay away from them at night and do like a nice heavy indica before bedtime.

i feel that since indica grows fast, easy, and yields more. thats what commercial growers grow and what most potheads smoke exclusively. ive noticed that those people who dont grow and are subject to smoking what ever comes from a dealer sometimes dont even appreciate a high quality sativa cause they didnt get the typical couch lock, brainfreeze, stupor that near pure indicas give and they relate these affects to getting high and will feel like the sativa didnt do the trick when really its pulling a different trick.

so which do people really like? i would say that people in the know will almost always choose sativa, though there is a time and place for indica. but sativa, for the most part, has been out of the commercial market so most individuals have never regularly experienced high quality sativa and dont really know what their missing. but look at some sativa dominant strains that have been very popular and a treat to the average pothead, trainwreck, super silver haze, catpiss, ect. i think as the mj industry legitimizes the average user will see a wider variety and trends will change towards sativa from indica, but still a certain amount of people will want to be dumbfounded and stuck and stick with indica full time

my two cents,

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