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Indica-induced sleep effective?


donut engineer
Lately I've been using Indica's in a medical capacity to get to sleep at night (I suffer from insomnia). It works great, puts me right out, but I'm wondering how effective this technique is.

Reason is two-fold: 1) I won't dream, or won't remember dreams when smoking heavy Indica and 2) I sleep much longer on Indica. I can sleep for 10+ hours, feel somewhat refreshed, but that's a lot of sleep for me.

I'm no sleep scientist so I have no means of measuring the effectiveness of this sleep. Any thoughts on this?

I too suffer from insomnia. I also tried indica's for this, and experienced your results to the letter. I noticed a "grog" throughout the next morning that a strong cup of coffee couldn't completely cure. Frankly, I get a 48 hour mild but real mental hangover from indica's before bed. Embarrassed to admit that but it's true.

For the other stuff:

- Tylenol PM and I'm not getting out of bed before noon, even if Tori Black is promising me a 9:00 am sex session.
- Melatonin is completely and utterly useless.
- Any and all combination of herbal remedies from various hippie shops are useless.
- prescription stuff is habit-forming and very dangerous IMHO.

I'm not a sleep scientist either, but I don't think weed is the answer for us. I don't have a definitive "this worked for me!," but the most helpful combination for me is 2 beers (or one strong one), and hard, consistent exercise every single day. The latter being most important. Even then, I have to get over my alpha male insecurities and do a bit of meditation, and really make a conscious effort to fall asleep.

Hope this helps man. It really sucks trying hard to be on top of your game, make a conscious effort to get to bed at a good hour, then lay there like an asshole for 8 hours, staring at the wall.


donut engineer
I'm glad you responded - I completely forgot about the grogginess. Sensi Star gives me a weed 'hangover' until mid-day the next, even with coffee. Sad to hear this didn't even out for you either.

Do you exercise at all? I'm going to make more of a habit of it in an attempt to *need* sleep more, if that makes sense.


for me, Indica based meds worked fine. one quarter of a teaspoon of oil based tincture just before going to bed eased my pain and put me to sleep nicely.


If Tori Black promised me a 9 AM sex session, I wouldn't get out of bed until noon either.

..who's Tori Black, anyway?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You can try smoking less and have a drink or two with it. I am using Maple Leaf Indica and no hangover and I dream just fine. A couple tokes before bed with a vodka drink to go with it. And yes, if you are not physically active it will make the other stuff not work.


Go to sleep when the high is wearing off, then you'll sleep better(deeper, more likely to have dreams) and you'll have less of a hangover next morning. If you sleep just after getting stoned you don't really get any decent refreshing sleep from it, you also waste a high, weed and build your tolerance and amnesia even more... IME


Active member
Agree with sprinkl, that smoke just before bed is a bad move for the reasons he states. Although it can be good if you want to forget your dreams and have nothing to do next day.

I use kava (by Rex) for night time relaxation these days. Not the pills has to be pounded/milled root made into a drink with a blender. Have a cup or two with your last smoke a couple of hours before bed. Some types you can feel next day though. It has a reverse tolerance so you may not feel full effects first time.

Other useful herbs include ashvagandha, brahmi, valerian root and passion flower.

The best chemical (for effect and lack of side effects) i've found is phenibut, wonder drug for anxiety but builds tolerance very quickly.

Dont drink alcohol if trying any of these!

Personally I've not found any weed that stops me from feeling more awake at night time, if i have a smoke at midnight i'll be up for another 2-3 hours easy.


My wife has bad insomnia & indica's help her sleep better than all the pills & I sleep better & coffee usually clears my head, I make my coffee kinda strong:laughing:
try snacking on potien before bed. maintains a more level blood sugar, which is a major cause of waking up at night. i i smoke sativas after 5 ot 6 at night, i get no sleep.

well decarboxylated hash oil works well as a night med.


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ICMag Donor
Indicas (and some sativas) work for my insomnia too. If I use enough, I might even get 7 or 8 hours of sleep in a night. I get that "hangover" effect when I have that much, though. I just feel slow and forgetful the next day, which isn't something I can get away with at my job.

To get around this, I make different batches of cannabis capsules containing mostly bud powder, leaf powder, and coconut oil. I adjust each batch to my personal tolerance so that one pill is enough to get me high, but not too high. One pill on the weekday evenings is usually enough for me to sleep 5 or 6 hours without getting that "indica hangover" the next morning. 5 or 6 hours isn't that great, but it beats the alternative (2 hours or less) I'd get without cannabis. When the weekend comes, I get as high as I want without worrying about the next morning.

I've read about people not dreaming, but I have vivid dreams every night that I sleep. I do take other supplements (melatonin, lecithin) that seem to promote dreaming. I actually dream much more with cannabis than without, since I get virtually no sleep without it.


Active member
I have found that smoking right before bedtime is not good for me. Too much brain parade.

Toke up, stick a movie in that I've seen before, fight the urge to read, play guitar, think of inventing crazy grow room shit and dare to be bored...
Eventually you'll get tired of noticing things in the movie you never saw before (unless you're a film-maker) and the brain parade shifts to...


My problem is staying that way because I have severe sleep apnea and a CPAP machine is not an option I can live with. I can't stand air being blown into my nostrils...
Maybe if I was a dog in a car I could do it.
Oddly enough, I started growing because most of what's available is crap and anything good is ridiculously expensive and hard to come by but what I'm growing are hybrids of mixed sativa/ indicas as I never really liked the couch-locky, drool producing straight indicas, which is what I should be growing for naptime. Guess there's no harm in being stoned stupid if I don't have to be functional anyway.
I need to add a fast flowering, long lasting wipe-out indica to fit that bill. Hangover be damned, because any sleep for me is better than the nap-an-hour, up for 2 deal I have going now.

Hopefully in my little grab bag of strains I will find a nice high that morphs into a coma inducing knock-out punch.
Might as well have a little sugar in my medicine.


Active member
indicas work well , better then benzo's

and you feel less fucked up then with benzos

i have taken 3 benzo's in my life , never again, ugh


Active member
I seem to remember reading something about how herb interrupts the brain's ability to have full REM cycles. This is from years ago and I could be completely off, but anybody have any more info?

I know that, personally speaking, I do NOT sleep as well when I go to bed real high as opposed to going to bed when the high is wearing down...I wake up feeling groggy, my brain muddled. its been years since I went to bed stone cold sober (sadly enough), so I can't really comment on that.


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ICMag Donor
I think I get the best sleep during the week when I'm sober all day and then have a pill (or other edible) at night. It's important for me to go to bed and try to sleep when the effects start to come on. Relaxing in bed while I'm slowly getting higher and higher seems to put me in the right state of mind for sleep. I still wake up through the night, but if I'm still high I can usually get back to sleep. Couchlock type indicas do seem to work best for this. They're not my favorite overall, but I'm using them strictly for sleep on these days.

I still get high recreationally on the weekends, of course. If I've been high for a while and it's time to go to bed, I generally just need a bigger oral dose to get to sleep. I keep my vaporizer by the bed and ready to go, so if I wake up early on the weekend I take a few hits and go back to sleep. I wish I could so that every morning, but that's not realistic if I have to work that day. I'm not sure, but I think it might get less effective for sleep over time if I use that much every night. Right now I'm keeping my tolerance down by using just enough during the week and having more fun with it on the weekends.
Sensi star is one of the more potent strains out there, so I can imagine it knocking you out (I have grown sensi star and breed with it). I have pretty bad insomnia, I can be drugged to the gills in the hospital and the nurses are like how are you awake and breathing? Everyone is different though. I'd love to find some weed that made me sleepy.
I think you need to put a lot of seeds in the ground and search for that one that is just right for you because it is out there. For me it was one particular afghani that I can no longer get. Haven't found an indica I like since.


smoking 1-2 hours before I wanna go to sleep or a high cbd strain seemed to work best for me

sleepy too soon after smoking high thc strain makes me have trippy dreams, feeling like I was awake or or in another dimension all night and no rest. waiting an hour or two after smoking and the thc effect to wear off makes for some nice sleep