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Increasing terpenes

Ok I'm no expert and only have a hypothesis that truly needs delve into by some more experienced people. To save a very long story and trial and errors to back up my hypothesis I will just skip to the point of this post. I have found that if you mist your grow with essential oils that contain terpenes that are present in cannabis and purified water that your plants will take the terpenes they want and increase them. By doing this I grew four different strains in same enclosed environment rubbing branches and they all came out smelling like the breeders description. Also if you add oils to your water your plant will take on the smell and flavor of those oils to a point. It does get quite complicated checking landraces indigenous plant life and terpenes of and referencing it with medical uses and also the full flavor profile but it does work and needs a lot of research done. I believe this is the way to bring the outdoor influence to the indoor grow for recreational cannabis and also the way to increase the medical benefits to fit your specific ailments. If you had brain cancer and found a strain with cancer fighting terps high in the correct amounts of THC AND CBD then you may have a rtriple threat to your cancer. Or take charlottes web for instance: It is high in CBD and low inTHC. It is also high in linalool which is said by medical research to combat seizures. So if you added orange oil wich has linalool you would increase the linalool which medicaly proven combats seizures then you would have a better medicine I believe. This is all just theory but I have tested the hypothesis


New member
From my understanding ... although cannabis has specific terpenes there is not enough to make it truly effective for treating so you would have to add the same terpene from another source to increase the amount to a more effective level. i.e. eating mango before smoking a strain high in myrcene will amplify the effects. (more couch lock)
New information is coming out on this daily so watch for the studies. I hope was helpful.


Active member
I'm very interested in this idea, Josch. I would like to hear more regarding the specifics of your experiments and maybe where you go next. Unfortunately, it looks like you got yourself banned after only a few posts. Anybody else?

Dog Star

Active member
Terpenes are very strong chemical compounds... i dont think more are better..

more like there is a fine border between this doses and our sacred herb give us
right amounts of terpenes in every moment we use her...

Think if you take too much that then can happend bad things.. maybe you could die
from some reaction on terpenes..

Medical look at web:
Terpenes are local irritants and, thus, are capable of causing GI signs and symptoms. CNS manifestations may range from an altered mental status to seizures to coma. Aspiration is a particular concern and can result in fatalities and long-term complications.


Active member
Organics are the best way of increasing terpenes and resin. Fish emulsions produced some of the stinkiest bud with eye popping resin.

Not stressing the plants and the right pheno always helps too.

I'm not into adding weird things to the roots. Seems like a cheap way of influencing the appearance of the end product.


Well-known member
The general gardening community has been talking for a long time certain plants that are planted in the same container (companion planting) with other plants can also raise up the terpenes in MMJ. I companion planted some Rosemary plants (used to make kitchen spice), and for the summer grow outside I will try Chamomile (white daisy like flower). The general gardening community calls it "the doctor plant" because it raises up the terpene level of whatever is planted with it. Anyway I'm experimenting and hope it works.

I wood

Well-known member
Malted barley or barley seed sprout tea both upped the smells and taste in my garden.
Both work about the same for pennies per gallon. Malted barley being much easier to use, no waiting.


New member
I did a terpene & inoculation brew project this summer on some (outdoor organic) strains. My husband did not use my brew on his (same seed/strain) plants. I suspect terpenes are like Windows: an operating PLATFORM. Thus, boosted terps equal boosted THCs and probably CBDs. Conclusive lab results will prove this theory very soon. :D
Will I create and use this brew next summer, not even having documented results yet? YES! Why? Because the terp heavy GCS vs the regular GSC upon grind, sniff, smoke flavor tests stack up like this: The terp heavy GSC is TASTE THE RAINBOW delicious. The other GSC is good, no doubt the base flavor is there in both. But the terp heavy GSC is Rembrandt quality. Can we boost terps, yes we can.
I began this anaerobic brew project as a way to inoculate and immunize my plants for health and was told my terpenes would be OFF THE CHARTS due to my ingredients. The overall plant health AND the terps is my reason for calling the experiment a success.


New member
I did a terpene & inoculation brew project this summer on some (outdoor organic) strains. My husband did not use my brew on his (same seed/strain) plants. I suspect terpenes are like Windows: an operating PLATFORM. Thus, boosted terps equal boosted THCs and probably CBDs. Conclusive lab results will prove this theory very soon. :D
Will I create and use this brew next summer, not even having documented results yet? YES! Why? Because the terp heavy GCS vs the regular GSC upon grind, sniff, smoke flavor tests stack up like this: The terp heavy GSC is TASTE THE RAINBOW delicious. The other GSC is good, no doubt the base flavor is there in both. But the terp heavy GSC is Rembrandt quality. Can we boost terps, yes we can.
I began this anaerobic brew project as a way to inoculate and immunize my plants for health and was told my terpenes would be OFF THE CHARTS due to my ingredients. The overall plant health AND the terps is my reason for calling the experiment a success.
did you get any info back on comparing your plants vs your husbands which did not use the material?


Active member
My buddy burns scented candles by his plants, and I tell him apart from the fire hazard it isn't doing him any favors in the flavor dept... but he would rather spend 500 on candles a year than 200 on a carbon scrubber system.... pretty stupid if you ask me... but he is certainly a noob.... I guess some things he will have to learn about it on his own....


Active member
Turpene production can be greatly increased with proper climate/lighting/trace element profile based on the cultivar's native terroir. Or by simply 'dialing it in' in the case of indoor hybrids.


Well-known member
I want to add a little.

Pine resin from my childhood home smells of lemon starch (used to spend every Thursday ironing my khakis). Pine resin from my current home smells like hospital and cheesy cat turds. Pine resin from Siberia smells like winter. Some varieties refined turpentine resins smell like a Bath and Beauty shop. None of them smell like pine. And none of them were grown with mans input.

So what is it that makes one distinguish the parcel of land a juniperus virginiana resin was harvested from? To this day my mother sends me tree resins from back home, and I always know what fields they were harvested from,and how far up the tree they were harvested from.

Very interesting. Is the resin the same as the beads of sticky, sometiems solid, sap that weep out of pine boards? Or do you do bho runs of pine needles or make charas??
I did carpentry way back and would always love finding a bead of sap on some interesting wood