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Inappropriate Responses--


Freedom Fighter
I was watching TV with my son (26)...and someone came on, and I said, "I'd hit that!!"
Then my wife stuck her head around the corner...so I said..."I mean, if I was Single...or, like if you died or something--"
(No...I'm not a Sexist..I love my wife!!)
Anybody else got any good ones they fucked up and said??:tiphat:

i wouldn't say this is a response per se, but when i worked at a previous employer (not the one i'm currently working at) they did this "exercise" with the new training class to 'break the ice' and it was to draw a pig on this big piece of paper and depending on how you drew the pig, apparently it explained how your personality is (IE., if you drew 2 legs vs 4 legs it meant this, if you drew it at the top of the paper as opposed to the bottom it meant that, etc.)

anyway, everyone started scribbling away including myself, and needless to say the trainers didn't find my picture of a police officer too amusing


We are Farmers

i wouldn't say this is a response per se, but when i worked at a previous employer (not the one i'm currently working at) they did this "exercise" with the new training class to 'break the ice' and it was to draw a pig on this big piece of paper and depending on how you drew the pig, apparently it explained how your personality is (IE., if you drew 2 legs vs 4 legs it meant this, if you drew it at the top of the paper as opposed to the bottom it meant that, etc.)

anyway, everyone started scribbling away including myself, and needless to say the trainers didn't find my picture of a police officer too amusing

Amused or not how did they interpret it? :)


Freedom Fighter

i wouldn't say this is a response per se, but when i worked at a previous employer (not the one i'm currently working at) they did this "exercise" with the new training class to 'break the ice' and it was to draw a pig on this big piece of paper and depending on how you drew the pig, apparently it explained how your personality is (IE., if you drew 2 legs vs 4 legs it meant this, if you drew it at the top of the paper as opposed to the bottom it meant that, etc.)

anyway, everyone started scribbling away including myself, and needless to say the trainers didn't find my picture of a police officer too amusing

I would have had to do the same thing...it would be like a Dare or something!! lol
Amused or not how did they interpret it? :)

i had to re-draw it. lmao...but here's what my interpretation of my pig i drew in class:

Toward the middle, you are a realist.

Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.

With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.

With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.

The bigger the better. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener

The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You drew large tail, WOW!


Active member
dusto, are you hoping that your wife will insist on taking over the dog-walking duties? :laughing: :laughing: naughty boy!


Active member
I can tell a story on myself ...I think it fits OK in this thread...Back when I was a 20-something, my office was having a buffet lunch catered for the staff, in the conference room...we're all working our way down the line and looking over the various dishes. I pointed at one serving tray and said out loud to my neighbor: "Ya know what? That stuff looks like something I got sick on once."


Long story short a former girl friend and I found each other at a mutual friends house in Germany and rekindled our relationship. While traveling around Europe awhile we where in Paris France and in that moment after making sweet beautiful love while in after glow she was telling me all the reasons she Loved me, Well being a guy I kinda was hoping just to go to sleep, so she asked me what I loved about her? To this day these words haunt me so I said " GEE YOUR NEAT"


Active member
Worked for a company once, holiday event, you know the kind, everyone gets dressed up in clothes that they don't wear and haven't fit in years. So I see this cute girl from across the room, was a little young at the time myself... Anyways, I leaned over to my co-worker and said, "Damn that is one fine jap, she can light the candles on my menorah any time she wants." My boss quickly leans in from behind me and says, "I didn't know you were Jewish, oh and shes my daughter so shut your fucking mouth." I literally lold and went and talked to her. Turned out she was a bigger bag of douche than her father. Didn't matter, it was the worst job I ever had, I actually worked it out so when I "quit" I was laid off and collected unemployment while I found a better job.


Called the girlfriend on the way into her work, went to voice mail left a message I was there and on my way into the building and I would be looking for her. My friend says check out that chicks nice J-Lo ass and I proceed to go off on what I would do to the girl... We round a corner and my girlfriend is right there with her back to us reading something. She calls me later on and asks how long we were standing there, that sure was a long message and thanks for the nice J-Lo ass comments... Close one... :dance013:


A foot without a sock...
Being born without a 'filter',coupled with a heavy dose 'Don't give a damn' has gotten me into more than one pickle :laughing:

Been sick for over a week now and the chuckles did me well...Thx for the thread :yes:


SSM :joint:


Active member
On my last date with a woman I was seeing a few summers ago she asked me if she thought she had been gaining weight.
My response of "I was gonna say something but was afraid you would eat me." was not appreciated and shut that pussy down.
I live by the sword but am a smart-ass first and a man second.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
i have the best wife ever.. She knows how i am and how i talk, so i have said the id hit and quit that on tv without trouble :D. And i always say when were out i wonder what those nipples look like.. but my inappropriate comments are usually about the BIG uns. about how much i would or guys would have to spend on dinner to get some big mac & special sauce from the big un.. Along with the other comments that go with that.. :D Im sure i say a lot more just cant think of it.. peace n pufs
