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In Uk absolute best, if money is not an issue,comercial Led grow light for flowering


New member
Of the british made(or at least distributed from over here)units i've tried,the vipar led unit's are the best for flowering and the prakasa units better for vegging.Saying that both work fine for either but the prakasa will take longer to finish when used in flower.

1 thing about using led's,especially now it's getting colder is keeping the temps up.Ends up costing you a fortune that you wouldn't be spending if you just had a hps.

Thanks for that mate, I will check them out, I know what yr saying about keeping temps up, I had that issue once before when I flicked to 12/12. I got round it somewhat buy having my T5 cab used for a couple of mothers(small) n clones, directly underneath with a quite thin base to my flower cab above, and it did keep the temps up enough, not optimum but its surprising the heat generated buy a T5 thats locked light tight for 12 hrs, I had to bore a couple of holes in the flower cab base/clone cab roof, n put in some thin pipe bent so no light could enter, but but the heat could, it kept the base of the flower cab warm so the compost didn't get cold in my small pots .all in all it did keep the temps from soaring in the T5 cab, n the temps ok in the flower cab, like I say certainly not perfect, but it did do the job. so Im planning on doing the same on my next set up, thanks again for yr info:joint:


New member
this became a led vs hps kinda thread , so many people got some many opinions.i'm just curious how many actually tried real led panels.
heres the thing guys , Toosweet asked for the best LED , i'm saying it again LED panel in the uk's , he didnt ask for the best hps or whatever.
These kinda threads always turn out like those vegetarian talks that your friends come and try to convince you that meat is not good for you , even if they ate 20 years str8 only meat , now they've became some gurus of food. ;)

Hhaha thats a good piont coolbud!
Tho these days (n Im not a vegi) Meat is pretty bad for you just cos of the shit they pump it with , organic free range n wild fish however, is an important part of our diet, its the animal we are, we not evolved away from it either, we are designed to assimilate animal protein tho not the amounts we eat , hahahha hows that for going off topic , lol sorrrry people, , its the sativa Im ingesting , it makein me feel all hippyfied , hee hee:woohoo:


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Seeking for led grow light

Seeking for led grow light

Hello everyone, I'm from Germany new to the site and just want to say Hey! so Hey!!! I'm looking forward to get some help from you guys here.
I plan to get a led for my 4'x4' tent,compare with some Chinese LED and USA LED.housing looks the same,not sure if the led layout is the same.but the price is really different.so whom can tell me where should i take my led ?thank you very much. :dance013:


Andinismo Hierbatero
You should not go with LED.
Those lights are still not in a stadium for growing dope.
All those reports here from the forum are a mass + people lie about their crops or maybe those users are LED-seller in true.

Go for HPS or HCI Lamps.

A very interesting but expensive light is the e papillon 315w HCI. I believe its the most efficient growlamp worldwide with a nice spectrum.
Otherwise standard electronic ballasts for HPS from 250-1000w

Forget about LED, or wait at least another 10 years.

but, if you still want to go with them check Hydrogrowled for example.
best regards

wait, so you advice someone against sales-men talk, and then you sent him straight to hdl? really?...

also, you advice against led when it is evident you have zero experience with them. so basically your advice is at best a simple uneducated guess.

aside from that, your pll grow looks really good, but even pll in terms of 'plug-and-play easy-of-use', falls way behind led.

As a former LED grower I can attest to the fact that LED sucks for buds---especially any buds below the tops of the top colas.

? There is a post on this forum from a week ago or so where the grower pulled over a LB a light off the Black Dog Platinums...sure, some folks may be able to pull a little more? But still - seems to be evidentiary support to the contrary.
(I'll know here soon enough either way - and be running 6 BD Platinums along with 6 1k HPS'...same genetics. Same room. Should be easy enough to see the delta :))


New member
haight solid state?

haight solid state?

I myself am thinking of a smaller grow area after many years of success with a 250 hps, sms fan controller, hempy bucket and a wardrobe!

I now want to grow in a more passive enviroment and as i've always fancied a micro grow I'm considering a haight solid state panel, hempy bucket set up (love the hempy..silent and good yeild, I use canna coco and canna nutes u cant go wrong) it will hopefully be enough my needs.

Quick point... My very first grow many years ago was with a dutch pasion powerplant auto under cfl... it can be done.

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