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In need of some Romantic ideas


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ICMag Donor
Well cause of my "hobby" I have been out of the dating game for too many years. I had all but given up on women.
I recently had a Lady come into my life, she is at the tail end of a divorce, and has a couple of kids. She made it clear when we first got together that she saw other guys...We have been getting together about every month for a day or two for about 5 months now.
One day I ran into her at her work and she gave me a smile that melted my heart....I knew on that day that I had developed feelings for her that were deeper than just the casual sex that we have been having.

And not healthy for me knowing that she see's other guys to....its hard to sleep when you know she is with someone else....I have enough stress im my life w/o women problems.....I'll have to deal with it but it's tough.

Anyway like all women she wants to romanced....besides the obvious Flowers and good deeds...Im all ears for some romantic ideas.



Active member
This sounds negative I know but it sounds like you are setting yourself up for a broken heart.
Unless she feels the same way, and I think if she did, she wouldn't be dating other men, you are asking to be hurt.

You won't be able to "romance" her into having the same feelings that you do.


^^^ POMH is correct, I would have a serious sit down with her about the steps you and her want to take in the relationship. That way you will know what to expect (1 guy...you, or playing the field) if she wants to play the field, I wouldn't waste a romantic evening on her (not meaning to be rude or mean) save that for the one who wants you and you only.



My little pony.. my little pony
I always felt the best place to reveal inner secrets to people you care about was on Springer.



Priceless pic Verite. ROTFLMAO
I absolutely agree with the above opinions. Save the romance for the one who is worth it. Enjoy your friend while she is around and try to forget about her when she isn't. Start dating other people.....


My dad once told me, "Son, the two things in this world most likely to get you in trouble are organized religion and women." He also told me..." you need to keep a bucket of rocks at hand. If you see a woman coming start throwing them till she leaves, you'll be way better off."



she has kids already? single divorced women with kids = BIG TIME TROUBLE.
just have sex with her as much as possible and thats it.. dont pay any of her bills,. dont get hooked on her, ... you will be sorry :badday:


Active member
ICMag Donor
All points are well taken!
But I have already had the broken heart and the emotional roller coaster!

She has two boys 10,12

They story is a bit more complex than I care to type, but lately we have been hanging quite a bit...I dont really see the other guys as much of a threat as she has been with me and not them!

We have had some serious conversation and she just doesnt want to be cornered right now....we are just going to give things some time and see where we end up.

I was just looking for some womens perspective on stuff thats romantic, since Im a little rusty in that dept.



i would suggest you casually inform her you'll be "on a date" the next time she wants to get together:wink: then def. dont see her that night and let her "assume" you went on that date. see how she reacts after the date or when she becomes informed. if she gets shook about it..maybe theres something there and that may make her wanna a commitment...if not....your still in same position you were before except a little wiser for the wear knowing she just wants to be fuck buddies:wink:
good luck man..let us know:D


My little pony.. my little pony
Imo she sounds like shes sowing oats after being married. If she likes you she'll hang around.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
Verite has the bottom line covered.

Whitebubba has the security side in full view.

Regicide has a good plan of leverage.

pieceofmyheart tells it like it is,...... or the way Janis would see it.

The two sons? FamilyPotGuy knows they play an important position in the game.

Spreading Seed's dad had alot of experience with women.

Sonshine Wurship is right, "IF" there is or will be another woman you haven't met yet.

Throw a coin.

Heads she stays,

Tails.....well that's self explanatory.

You are the one now who has to decide, especially with our hobby at stake bro. You've been a true camper........damn good luck your way my friend.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
If you can cook then cook her a nice meal and smoke some kind afterwards. Then maybe kick back and watch a flick and who knows what else may happen.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
You all ready have the advice in hand but if you need something special you can try this. Go buy a nice dress that you know is her style not take the dress to the shoe store and ask the nice cute counter girls if you have any shoes to match this dress now take the dress and the shoes to the under garment department and find the hottest lady there and ask if she has anything to go with this dress and shoes now go to the jewlery store (Five and Dime) and ask the cutest girl there if she has any jewlery to match this dress and shoes and undergarments (the entire kit cost is up to you I've gone under a c note and well over so you be the judge). Now tell your lady that you want to have a nice evening out and as she is in the shower getting ready lay the clothes out on the bed as if they were made for her.

After 22 years my friend,I can tell ya this little plan will incite a fire down below if done correctly,but do understand if she is just now getting over a divorce a (one on one) relationship I would guess would be the last thing on her mind but as I said only you know,but hell if it doesn't work out you just showed 5 or 6 hot girls that you got STYLE and that in it self seperates the men from the boys any time and those girls will remember you when you go back to the store's I can say this from experience. To bad I'm well you know. :pointlaug

My 2 Cents


Naw just get some Nacho's and a bottle of MD 20/20,thats the stuff that no Woman can resist,lol.JKN .I would do what REGICIDE said(Reg didnt say blow her off,just to say you have a date) and just kinda of blow her off a little without being rude and say you have a date,that will get her.Then go buy a pair of VictoriaSecrets panties and put them where she'll find them,oh yeh and make sure there atleast i size smaller than she wears,Woman hate when another is skinnier than them,lol :bat: .But all kidding aside i hope it all works out for you and you get to be what you want with her.Peace and stay safe,DancesWithWeed


FamilyPotGuy said:
Just curious, how old are the kids anyway?

I thin familypotguy is one of the other guys! Asking how old the kids are, soon he'll be asking hair color, ect! I hear a :dueling: coming! hahaha

Ya if shes just getting out of a divorce it could be tricky. Maybe shes just looking for the rebound relationship? Not trying to be negative but there are too many women messing things up with men I've seen latley. Its too bad we (men) are all pretty much slaves to them (and their lady parts :woohoo:) but thats how it goes I guess...beats being gay :joint: .


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
massholebmx said:
Its too bad we (men) are all pretty much slaves to them (and their lady parts :woohoo:) but thats how it goes I guess...beats being gay :joint: .

We spend 9 months trying to get out and the rest of our lives trying to get back in.

Damn The Luck



Active member
ICMag Donor
Aint that the truth Mr Wags!

Things are going pretty good for us now...a few beers, some Sour Diesel and a Viagra for me and she is in orgasim heaven! LOL!



funny as hell. Thanks for the laughs everyone. I sure needed one lately.


Active member
OK, here we go. First of all, just because a woman is divorced and has kids, it doesn't mean she's trouble. That’s like saying all Iraqis are terrorists. There are different kinds of baggage. The one to consider is emotional. Have they worked through it? Are they bitter? Getting high is a beautiful thing as well as not getting high. Just like the silence between notes, (in music) is just as important as the notes themselves. My point is that sometimes it's necessary to abstain from altering your consciousness in order to fully experience your emotions and grow. Sport f***ing, for me, is impossible. There seems to be an undocumented tendon that connects the heart and genitals. That being said, I left a 9 year relationship, several months ago and once again am single. This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to work through. Theoretically, if you're looking for a relationship, don't sleep with them at first, and choose carefully. Baggage can prevent this. Before you begin your journey to relationship bliss, work through your stuff and be ok by yourself. Build the temple and they will come. I read and walk quite a bit, so I ask women I'm dating if I can come over and read to them or go for a walk. The 2 women I’m dating LOVE being read to. If they fall asleep I let myself out. Always be a gentleman and let the lady make the first move. These days that is not uncommon. Build trust. A gift of massage is nice as well. I personally would skip the aforementioned MD 20/20 and nachos.

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