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impulse bought a home w/ land in the South...indoor or outdoor grow?

Hey guys. After deciding I wanted to live in the mountain of Colorado I impulse bought a home at an auction. I now live in the Mountains of "The South" (as of next month anyway).

The home is very very secluded on lots and lots of acreage. My only ambition for my grow is to enjoy creating my own strains; I'll give away my 400 HPS because it produces too much product in favor of a 150, if that is any indication of scale. I barely smoke, more into growing.

Should I grow indoor or outdoor? Both would satisfy my strain producing ambition just fine. I'm asking purely from a safety standpoint. I'm a gun guy so getting popped, even with no priors, would ruin my life. Firearms in commission of a felony, you know the game they play...

Initial thoughts:

- helicopter DEA tours seem rare in this part of the country.
- I've read about several cops scanning for HID lighting in houses resulting in grow busts..
- Less control over yield outdoors...two plants could produce two pounds...I don't want/need that.
- I grew indoor exclusively by trade for almost 8 years. Coco is all I know. I can barely keep basil plants alive in soil:biggrin:
- the soil is fantastic here. Very very few strains would suffer outdoors.

What do you guys think?



Active member
Don't worry about the DEA if you're in Colorado. They have bigger fish to fry.

I'm not sure about the firearms. Most every grower I know has some. Some wear them at all times. The police in my county don't seem to bother anybody. Almost everybody is growing and almost everybody hunts. I didn't think you had to pick between growing and hunting. Maybe you do though. Damn laws!


Active member
Congrats on the investment! I'm sure it feels good to own property!!
But Dang. I understand the temptation behind the choice.
The value for land in co compared to other places can seem crazy. I'm sure you got many x the acreage for your dollar....

But pos at the cost of freedom!
My advise tell no one anything ever! If u grow you are a public enemy AND the man WANTS to steal your land possessions and ca$h!!!!!
Shit in the south is NOT like Co!

Keep your head down n hopefully no one will ever kno what strange things are going down on your farm!

Be safe my friend, n oc
Big ups respect and happy growing.


Well-known member
I'm confused.did he buy land in southern Colorado or the Southern states? If you bought land in the south east then be very very carful.they don't play down there.it ain't called the dirty dirty for nothing!


ICMag Donor
If in the South...LED indoors until you know the area, watching for air/traffic patterns, then proceed outdoors.


Well-known member
What is said above, then outdoor, plant later in the season and plant in grow bags to control plant size, root bind them a bit to force an earlier finish as well. This way you don't end up with 2 lbs plants you don't want, say half July or so put out a rooted clone in a 4 inch pot or whatever, maybe you get a few ounces or so.
I'm sorry guys. I worded my post poorly.

I AM NOT IN COLORADO! I AM IN THE DEEP SOUTH! Very very very illegal to grow cannabis where I am.

Thanks for all the advise so far. Please feel free to change opinions based on this information lulz


Well-known member
I wouldn't grow ANYTHING indoors or out until you know the area very well.there's lots of illegal hunters and people fishing on other people's property down there.I know from experience. At least that's the way it was in Georgia.Good luck if you grow outdoors.your gonna need it!


if it smells like fish
deep south is a different ball game..get a feel for the place so grow inside for now...southern jails aint no fun...yeehaw... cold grits suck even worse than warm ones..
for what you want to do, I'd just buy a big armoire and run everything in it...after I tore my big grow down, I built one with a carbon scrubber, LED...one side veg and one side flower...the damn thing was huge, I also had a drying rack in it...I used magnetic child locks but those didn't work well enough for my kids to open it when I wasn't home...luckily, I had taken anything illegal (I'm in the south too) out before they found it, so it was empty...we do a lot of gardening, so I just said it was to start plants over the winter...

With a grow that small and with the small light, you can probably get by with the ac in the house...Just make sure you are stealth...my favorite grow shop was telling me about a guy that has six different cabinets in his house that he grows in and you can't tell by looking at them...or hell, build a hidden room...


Well-known member
i don't know which southern state you bought into, but here, they don't fly without word of mouth telling them where to look. they WILL go back over spots they have scored at before though. bunch of guys here are putting autoflower plants out in May, harvesting in July. LEO don't normally fly until August or September in these parts.


Active member
Dude, I'm kinda in the same boat down here in the dirty, dirty. Read and heed what Mr. Lahey said.

Flatland hillbilly rednecks down here are scary stupid sometimes. I've had plastic posted signs that were nailed on trees torn off, I've seen truck tire tracks that went across my property out to my ponds, and some idiot even shot my mailbox once. And the front of my property is only about 1/4 mile off a 4 lane highway. That shit is scary stupid to me.

If you are at all worried about your guns, stay indoor. All you need is Cletus's cousin, the sheriff deputy, to get wind of a couple plants on your property and you could be toast.

The only way I would even consider growing outdoor down here would be gorilla growing not on my property on maybe state land or something. Do indoors with a 150. I do. Way safer.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Indoors, go stealth, go coco. You grow for personal, and some projects
for crosses. No sell, small yields.

I do crosses/mums and flowering in two boxes total less than 8 square foot.
Dirty, dirty south.

Keep it inside, more control and less bugs and mold and other
outdoor troubles in a non legal state.

Grow tomatoes and squash in your yard to get that itch scratched.
Be neighborly without being too needy.

If you live solo, you can keep a couple grow cabinets secret inside.
Use magnetic ballast and keep your electric use down.

Timer on your water heater if electric, for example.

Go to her place for movie night and cuddles.

Guys troll public records to find new homeowners to poach for
various reasons, don't grow outdoors in a non legal state on
your own lot.

That's a Bozo no no.

Get a monitored alarm system, no network, no cameras, no auto police

And get a big dog too.

Sleep tight!
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