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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Active member
MrHaze and mriko, love your pics and infos...much appreciatted...

i ve seen this yesterday, not the best but very rare here:
Afghan via holland i have heard, a lovely hashish slab:







my 2 cents...:dance013:thanx for this thread:)


Active member
Nice pictures ElRubio, looks like the afghan I get my hands on quite a lot. Has a nice smooth smoke with a slightly spicy taste to it
Finally I managed to score some Red Lebanese. The taste is no where near anything else I've smoked before. If you like the taste you'll really like it. If you don't, you'll hate the taste. It's not my cuppa tea.


I've also got some of the purest maroccan hashish I've ever came across. It was sold to me under the name "Ketama Gold" But the stamp says "Glood Ketama". But no doubt it's like pure cold in my hands hehe. It has a very, very strong clear up high, hits you right in the head with no body load at all. It has a very nice scent of pepper if you smell it, but just a tiny bit. It has a very light pure maroccan flavour when smoked. I'm sure it's from Ketama somewhere as this connection it came from is very reliable and trust worthy. I'll let the pictures speak from now :)




For large close-up:

Happy smoking :)


Green Mujaheed
MrHaze and mriko, love your pics and infos...much appreciatted...

Love your pics too ! yum that's a very nice looking slab ! I wonder what the M.T.V sands for...

Irie !


I'm loving the pics and stories as usual guys :yes:

Here's some real nice Moroccan Caramello egg I got recently in the UK: it has a rich and intense flavour :yummy: and strong, long-lasting high :bashhead:


I used to see lots of hash from Lebannon in the mid 80`s in my neck of the woods. From blonde to dark black it was wonderful to have.

I`ve been making my own for quite some time now but I still miss that mid-eastern flavour and enjoy the differences of hash`s from across the globe.

Excellent pics once again!


Green Mujaheed
I used to see lots of hash from Lebannon in the mid 80`s in my neck of the woods. From blonde to dark black it was wonderful to have.

Alas, I had not yeat been itroduced to the wonderfull world of hashish at that time, but the 80s indeed saw huge amounts og leb hash reaching France. That was thanks to the war overthere to which lots of French soldiers took part. it these days, army was not yet professionalised so there were lots of conscripts going there to serve there national service time. And among those guys, lots & lots of them made it home with a few to many kgs of the local goodies in their luggages.
Wish it was the case with the Afghan war, but obvisouly it's not. Professional soldiers earn enough money so they don't need to bring back some stuff (I doubt they smoke anyway, there must be regular testing I think)...

Irie !
Interesting reading mriko! Next time I will go for some blonde if I manage to catch some. This leb was not my favourite because of it's very distinctive flowery-perfume kind of flavour, It's no my cuppa tea. Hows the blondes flavour like?
Lots of Christrian Lebanese came to Canada during the civil war and many brought with them their love of fine lebanese hashish....... and the connections to import it.

Since the end of the civil war, I have not seen ANY lebanese hashish. Strange????


Active member
europe's been moving with LEB hash the last couple of years. and a lot of turkish, which iv'e been toking.
war does'nt mean more hash. remember they bomb plantations given half a chance. peace means peace to grow feilds of weed.:)
but they always send us the mid grade at best and keep the best for themselfs sadly. but a bit of hash is always welcome:dance013:



High Class Grass
Heres a few pics of whats being smoked at the residence atm..
First a amazing moroccan...50 gram blocks with the number "2" stamped in...i suspect this might mean 2nd sieving? Its super creamy and mild in taste....very mellow and clean high..





This next one is really superb hashish. Intense smell almost like charras..i suspect this hash is made from afghani or pakistani strains....overpowering stone, but still very clean...simply one of the best hashes i have had in a long time...actually that goes for both kinds im showing here. This last one reminds me of a batch of moroccan from a few years back..its was a huge slab pressed to fit into a suitcase for smuggling as a "panel" in the suitcase...1st class hashish..




Stay Safe