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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Cannabis 101
wow some truly mouth watering photos guys thank you for sharing its been a min since i smoked some good quality hash ohhh i love it so much


Well-known member
Hi mates!

Here some goodness that fell down around here few months ago..:window:

Hey dima :)

absolutely stunning pictures, love them!

but if you don't mind i'd like to bring up a discussion about:

High Quality Afghaan Hashish 250 gr. slab.

Because this hash is what i know as border afghan... and i always was told that this is not high quality but the mid-grade that gets exportet... of course within that range quality differs a lot depending on the plants it's made of and of the things that it's cut with... but all of it is said to be adulterated with different stuff, mostly grease of animals (goats etc), and in my experience typical border afghan can be recognized by the fact that it's way too soft for it's (un)purity and also many times smells of solvents in the background...

i only once came across an afghan hash of this mid-grade range that was not adulterated, in the wili wortels shop in haarlem, this afghan was obvoiusly loose pressed dry sift of crude quality (therefor much harder than border afghan), it had the same typical afghan hash smell but more pure and dry, was way nicer to smoke than border afghan but still only mid-grade...

the highgrade afghan stuff i only have seen 2 or 3 times until now, it's quite similar in consistency to the border afghan on first sight, but approach a flame to it and you will see the difference (or view under microscope - this one is pure resin)... bubbles very nice, full melt quality, incredible hard hitting stuff, taste is also a bit different, less typical ghani, more minty or spicy sometimes but still carrying some of that typical afghan hash smell in the background...

would love to hear some opinions from experienced hash smokers...



Well-known member
Hey dima :)

absolutely stunning pictures, love them!

but if you don't mind i'd like to bring up a discussion about:

Because this hash is what i know as border afghan... and i always was told that this is not high quality but the mid-grade that gets exportet... of course within that range quality differs a lot depending on the plants it's made of and of the things that it's cut with... but all of it is said to be adulterated with different stuff, mostly grease of animals (goats etc), and in my experience typical border afghan can be recognized by the fact that it's way too soft for it's (un)purity and also many times smells of solvents in the background...

i only once came across an afghan hash of this mid-grade range that was not adulterated, in the wili wortels shop in haarlem, this afghan was obvoiusly loose pressed dry sift of crude quality (therefor much harder than border afghan), it had the same typical afghan hash smell but more pure and dry, was way nicer to smoke than border afghan but still only mid-grade...

the highgrade afghan stuff i only have seen 2 or 3 times until now, it's quite similar in consistency to the border afghan on first sight, but approach a flame to it and you will see the difference (or view under microscope - this one is pure resin)... bubbles very nice, full melt quality, incredible hard hitting stuff, taste is also a bit different, less typical ghani, more minty or spicy sometimes but still carrying some of that typical afghan hash smell in the background...

would love to hear some opinions from experienced hash smokers...


i agree, from the gold seal markings it appears to be low-mid border hash. here is a pix of the last great piece of real afghani i saw 8 years ago. it was reddish in color and snapped white-grey in the middle. turned creamy after a min or 2 in your hand and was very melty. here is the pix of the 1.25 kilo slab.


and the last few grs.[URL="http://www.icmag.com/gallery/data/500/28351fall2_006.JPG"]


Active member
They say its hard to find unadulterated hash even in Pakistan and Nepal these days unless you go out into the rural areas to the villages.


Green Mujaheed
Because this hash is what i know as border afghan... and i always was told that this is not high quality but the mid-grade that gets exportet... of course within that range quality differs a lot depending on the plants it's made of and of the things that it's cut with... but all of it is said to be adulterated with different stuff, mostly grease of animals (goats etc), and in my experience typical border afghan can be recognized by the fact that it's way too soft for it's (un)purity and also many times smells of solvents in the background...

Indeed, Afghani charas rarely comes with golden stamp, this is rather done in the tribal belt, with border hash for export. But even if border, it looks like a very nice one in my opinion.
Actually I enjoy good border with a tad of musky ghee/animal fat flavouring. Last time i was in A'dam I scored some so-called "Black Bombay", but it had all the caracteristics of border hash and wonderfull musky hints of animal fat. Each & every puffs brought in flashbacks & memories of my early smoking days when most of the Afghan available, rarely, was border indeed. A true time-travelling machine ! Wish I bought more of that one...

Once I scored some potent Afghan hash in Paris, sticky & pungent with a reddish color, and the same hues of yours MrHaze. Amazing material, no comparison with any kind of border hash.

As we're with the Afghani, here a few pics of mine. Full melt from Mazar e Sharif & Shebarghan. Pics already posted in this thread, but I've found some other ones and they will be added soon !

Irie !


eyes that shine...
ICMag Donor
unknown gold seal arrived recently

unknown gold seal arrived recently

tasty soft black.Not the very best I've ever had but not too shabby either
iphone for scale---half bar is 250 grams

I clicked and dragged but it doesn't seem to be working for me.Things are different here with images


ah,got it
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Well-known member
Thanks for chimin in mrhaze and mriko :) great information!

Actually I enjoy good border with a tad of musky ghee/animal fat flavouring.

i know many smokers (who mostly don't grow themselfs and therefor depend on the black market and dutch cs) who really like border afghan and prefer it over clean mid-grade maroc every day... for me it's different, i want my hash to be pure cannabis - adding other things is cheating imho (although i could imagine there are some nice tasting oils that could be used to get incredible flavours)...

i don't smoke border afghan anymore... because i just don't like the fact of smoking animal fats or something like it (even if it isn't more harmful to smoke as the hash itself) i'll take a nice clean blond pollen over that everytime :)

in germany the border afghan is pretty common in the last years, as there are constantly soldiers returning from afghanistan, shame they mostly only buy the cheap stuff to make money...


Life is one big grow........
bob hit the nail!! uhhh fats....its my lung and i only wanna smoke resin, pure resin and not animals or even nasttier stuff....


Whats up Burning Red,
Thats some fine looking import...was it acquired in Eire?Whats the consistency like squidgy/hard..?I thought the only hash we got was soapbar or "pollen" which is just bars pressed into slates...Shit anyway!Smoking some bubblegum at the mo' its nice but still to pricey...:bongsmi:


eyes that shine...
ICMag Donor
hey there stoned16
yes mate,acquired in Eire.It's squidgy-rather nice for a change from all the muck

see a general increase in the quality of the green about too,good to see more and more being grown locally
take care mate



Green Mujaheed
i know many smokers (who mostly don't grow themselfs and therefor depend on the black market and dutch cs) who really like border afghan and prefer it over clean mid-grade maroc every day... for me it's different, i want my hash to be pure cannabis - adding other things is cheating imho (although i could imagine there are some nice tasting oils that could be used to get incredible flavours)...

Well, don't get me wrong Bob, between any kind of border and a clean Tirah or Mazar charas, I'll sure go for the clean one, there's no wonder about that !
Actually The animal fat flavour (note that I talked about flavouring only) doesn't necessarily comes from adulteration of any kind, but rather from the storage. Indeed, in tribal areas it is customary to store the gardah in bags made of goat skin such as this one pictured below. And it is during the storing that the fatty-musky flavour slowly penetrates the resin.

Irie !


Well-known member
Well, don't get me wrong Bob, between any kind of border and a clean Tirah or Mazar charas, I'll sure go for the clean one, there's no wonder about that !
Actually The animal fat flavour (note that I talked about flavouring only) doesn't necessarily comes from adulteration of any kind, but rather from the storage. Indeed, in tribal areas it is customary to store the gardah in bags made of goat skin such as this one pictured below. And it is during the storing that the fatty-musky flavour slowly penetrates the resin.

Irie !

Good day mriko :)

love that picture of the hash in the sheepskin, always found it to be very inspiring...

but i think with border afghan it's from adulterating and not the method of curing normally?

but anyways i wasn't saying it's bad to smoke border hash, it's just a question of taste, i for one don't like to smoke it - but i know many people who like it, and i would never tell them that they are wrong... it's kind of like the question of mixing weed/hash with tobaco to smoke it, i prefer a joint with a little bit of tobaco in it (10-30%, also depends much on the strain, pure sativas i like to smoke in pure joints more often than hybrids) over a pure one because i like the taste better with mixed joints - for many people this is a no go ;)

good vibes


Hi my amigo mriko

You are definetly a bottomless pit of knowledge when it comes to hash...

Best vibes to u and best wishes for 2010 :huggg:


Active member
Well, don't get me wrong Bob, between any kind of border and a clean Tirah or Mazar charas, I'll sure go for the clean one, there's no wonder about that !

Hey all:
nice post everyone and really nice pics and info mriko. Im in that way also.
I had the pleasure of taste it (that piece of Dima´s showed before), and i cannot rememeber the price but i think it was bout 6-8 per g. and was very pleasant for that price here.

MrHaze, that brick is great mate... im sure you enjoyed it hehe



New member
hey guys :) what a stunning thread going on here! thank you all for these mouth-watering pictures.

this my first post now , and will make sure there are plenty more to follow

here some pics of real malana cream , adquired in bhelang valley (upper malana,1hour walk from town) around mid october last year.

sorry for the crappy picture quality ... will make some more propper ones later , of the whole collection. and then upload when im on a little faster inet connection

big boom to all you serious smokers out there!! pleasure to be here

ps. this actually no import , it all being smoked in its motherland! hehe :)
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Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
i agree with you bob, most afghani hash seems to be laced these days.

on new years eve a friend of mine brought some of that typical afghan that can be found everywhere in holland. It's like modeling clay and i really wonder what gives the hash this texture. It s not really meltly, bubble very little, but looks like real good hash if you re not a hash connoisseur

still i just smoked a tiny bit and recognise that fuelly/oily contaminant taste i ve found in the others afghanis. didn't finished it, and no way i ld smoke this one again.. nepal xxx was wayyyy better.

also some friend sent me a 5E/g dark afghani from delft coffeeshop, was same as the one before, but i smoked it. gave me a headache and really weird body feeling that i ve never felt with weed or hash, so it probably had something in it. not pleasant.

i also had the border hash from blue bird, like 3E/g, was the most modeling clay textured hash i ve come around. you could roll it like european roll afghan, in long strings, but the weird was you could make a 8 cm string, it would stay really hard and not bent if put vertical. crazy stuff, not really good to smoke.

Back on the pictures

some morrocon eggs, nice looking, and def the best and strongest morrocon i ve comed across, despite some others very nice looking and almost full melt i ve tried.

Taste is morrocon like, earthy, with some very nice herbal hints. high is really powerfull, a bit on the couchlock side. i used it for medical pain relieve after an eye surgery, i slept for 36 hours, just woke four or three times, hit the pipe, and go back to bed :) and i m a heavy toker, usually nothing puts me to bed, even most indicas.
damn i wish i had more of this one (first time i really mean that about a morrocon hash i guess)


Before Burning

After Burning


Active member
hey mates!
dont get me wrong titoon, although im not a "hash conoissuer" like you said (joke mate hehe), i know and agree with you about solvents and contaminants in the mostly afghan hashes, but i had had a little of this afghan piece, and i could not note that "added" flavors like other pieces in A´dam...i hope can get little bit more to send you a sample ;)

Nice moroccan on the picture, lately there is some kinds of different plant in maroc, jamaican, mexican,... and some iceolators too.

Charas parvati and chai


big ups


Well-known member
hey mates!
dont get me wrong titoon, although im not a "hash conoissuer" like you said (joke mate hehe),

hehe :D no, you my friend are an hash enthusiast :D

i know and agree with you about solvents and contaminants in the mostly afghan hashes, but i had had a little of this afghan piece, and i could not note that "added" flavors like other pieces in A´dam...i hope can get little bit more to send you a sample ;)

Well, you brought some of that to the last cata as well, i thought it was one of the best border afghans i have ever seen, but still didn't want to smome it because it had this very typical border afghan smell...

imvho, this hash had also something added to the pure resin...

but like i said, that doesn't state so much about quality, it's just a matter of taste...

btw here the last border afghan i bought and smoked myself:


as you can see, this one is clearly not as good as the one you and dima showed, that really is the most typical commercial afghan... i think it was obtained in germany for around 5 e/g...

good vibes *lights up a spliff of some fine maroc* :D


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
El rubio, of course you are one hell of a hash connoisseur...

by that i m refering to anyone that have smoked enough imported hash, seen them, made some hash, so able to know what the stuff is about :) i m not sure i m one myself, but i had seen and smoke enough hash to know that this afghani was laced, it was pretty obvious to anyone that knows a bit the hash ^^

the one you got i m not sure i could tell ! but mine looked nowhere near good as that...

For the volcano addicted, Nepal XXX, just after first bag, new years eve!! when i opened the hash was making huge bubbles (1cm diameter), looked liked some bubbling brown soil... very strange !
the taste is amazing, i still can t find why the xxx has this curry/colombo taste, while smoking it has nothing of that.
I m so sad that the rest of the xxx i was expecting was lost.... hopefully i should find some in nepal :)


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