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Imported Hashish in the US


Hi folks,
I wondered how common it is for an american to smoke some imported hash. I know it's pretty rare but sometimes it's available there. What kind of imported hash has the US to offer and how expensive is it when it's available?


Active member

Hum i don't know i'm in europe, but here you can find import hash but is really difficult, we had a lot of afghan, red lebanese, morroco Hash in the 80' but now you find morroco hash with 2% of THC and 98% of (i don't want to know)

That's why i smoke my own Hash, it's so much better and it's free ;)



Well-known member
In the late 70's, early 80's we got Red Leb, Blond Leb, Moroccan and Afghani hash all the time. Prices were $5-$7/gram. The last good import hash I had was around '86 and was from Turkey. It was sieved and pressed, gold/brown in color, had obvious bits of plant material and nicely aromatic. I think I paid $50 for a half oz, but don't hold me to that 'cause that was a rather fuzzy period of my life.

Any import hash since has been rare and underwhelming.



Hum i don't know i'm in europe, but here you can find import hash but is really difficult, we had a lot of afghan, red lebanese, morroco Hash in the 80' but now you find morroco hash with 2% of THC and 98% of (i don't want to know)

That's why i smoke my own Hash, it's so much better and it's free ;)


Cheers! I'm also from Europe (Germany) so I know the situation here. You can still find the real deal with the right connections but if you try to buy of the streets you're f****d. I got hooked up with some nice (real) black afghan last month :)



You're right norahm, we can find black afghan with good connection, but it's not afghan but paki ;)

Nope it was definitely real black afghan. My dad confirmed it and he smoked a lot of hash in his lifetime. It reacted quickly on the change of the room temperature and got very soft, when you broke it up it had a nice brown color and it melted in a way i've never seen imported hash do when you put a flame on it. The paki or border afghan i know looks a lot more grey when you break it and never bubbles or melts.

b2t: Is imported hash really that uncommon in the US that only one user can tell us about his experience?
the US is overly dominated by cheap domestic and canadian/mexican buds..there is simply not a big enough market for hashish apparently.

Sure it would be great to sample some hash made from the strains grown in the right region for cannabis indica to thrive in

the best thing to do if you love hash in the states is to make your own...the thing is finding strains that have similar profiles as the afghans. Norcal and Oregon are great because so much cannabis indica is grown up and down the coast that there is so much trim(trash) available to make into some very very strong smoke

lots of people ignore the trim, if you can find potent indica trim you are good to go. The cannabis clubs don't supply the really good stuff for numerous reasons...one its not cost effective, two its not smart to have really really potent product available for just every body...that's why almost every drug is cut to shit. All the more reason to grow your own and make your own...


its been a long time since i have even seen hash around here that was worth smoking . late 70s to mid 80s plenty of killer hash. if you here some one talking about hash around here now, you had better pass ,it will be over priced and worthless. now i wish i had a brick of that blonde hash we use to get .


Active member
I'm not sure a very important part of "afghan" in eu is Paki, you're lucky if it original black afghan ;)

it comes from the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan


Color me gone
I am in the US and can say that throughout the years imported hash has become less and less available. I believe it has to do with two things:

1. more people are growing their own stuff now more than ever and enjoy making their own hash because it only cost a little bit of your time plus you know exactly what your getting.

2. With the wars and danger of terriost attack I feel mail/shipping industry is being searched harder than ever which makes it more difficult to important decent amounts of hash. Who wants to risk prosecution when they or a friend can make some clean melty stuff themselves?
i have friends that are from Iran and Pakistan, both have families in those countries and never have a problem getting small stuff shipped over to the states...so again its all about who you know, maybe not many are risking shipping in quantity.

Afghanistan boarders Paki and Iran so you can't beat that, everything afghan goes two those countries first before making its way west


I had only even seen hash a few times before I started growing and making it myself, and now in medical dispensaries they have it out on display, I think that is all locally made.


These days, rare as hens' teeth.

These days, rare as hens' teeth.

In the late 70's, early 80's we got Red Leb, Blond Leb, Moroccan and Afghani hash all the time. Prices were $5-$7/gram. The last good import hash I had was around '86 and was from Turkey. It was sieved and pressed, gold/brown in color, had obvious bits of plant material and nicely aromatic. I think I paid $50 for a half oz, but don't hold me to that 'cause that was a rather fuzzy period of my life.

Any import hash since has been rare and underwhelming.

These days, rare as hens' teeth. But back in the day (60's, '70's, '80's), it was always the Moroccan or Lebanese hash that was more prevalent in the USA, at least on the East Coast. The Lebanese civil war pretty much ended the availability of my favorite blonde Lebanese hash. Much of the Moroccan hash goes on a short trip to Europe, where it is still popular. Somehow, with the NATO Alliance forces in Afghanistan now, there should be more Afghani hash available State-side, but I haven't seen any. :)

FWIW: There are plenty of beans available that are purported to be from popular hash strains, so there is no good reason for any scarcity of good domestic hash. Methinks that those who make it keep it, which is what I would be inclined to do as well. Volume is constrained in the USA by every level of LEO persecution, and since the War on Drugs and War on Terror have merged, imported supply is limited. :tiphat:


I haven't seen imported hash in my life :( I'm not a novice smoker, but definitely from a different generation than the people who were smoking hash in the 80's.

Green lung

Active member
It not economically viable anymore and because of in security problems getting the hash into the US

In the 70's and and ending in the 80's smuggleing large quantities was a lot easier.

Increased LEO effortrs has crippled most of the seaborn imported "drugs" games ex. Imported hash, cocaine, Imported Marijuana (Thai sticks, columbian, jamacian).

The boats that still do get it through have moved on to a more lucatrive cargo (Cocaine).

Of course Mexican and Candian marijuana is still smuggled via land routes.


Kiss My Ring
spent last night screening fans and trim for pollen and was astounded by the amount garnered from just a few handfulls of dried leaves!
this kind of precludes me from looking anywhere for commercial options; which by the way are as David762 said are as scarce as hens teeth.
makes my self confidence swell knowing i can harvest my own (pride?...no.), rather a skill likely to be excercised and refined...yeah, refined. i like that.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
I wouldn't believe anyone who says that their hash is imported from wherever. People can and do say anything, and people believe the first thing they hear.

Smuggling by sea and air is not as easy now. Smuggling by military personnel is not as easy now. Outside of the port cities we barely get anything that dogs can smell from Jamaica, much less Europe, Asia, and Africa. Other drugs are more lucrative if you're going to take the risk of overseas drug smuggling. If Mexico or Canada were centers of hash production then we'd have hash no problem.

The hash found in my area through the 80's was all the same. It was OK and a special treat when available, but no stronger (and not much different except it was harder) than hand-rubbed hash from local hemp, which is 5-10% active plants at the most. But even that we would never mix with tobacco like crazed Euros.


Old School Cottonmouth
I've had it 3 times in the past decade I think.

All of them supposedly sent from soldiers at war.

I was told up until a handful of years ago they were not searching outgoing soldiers personal mail. But they found out they had a big drug problem and started doing it.

Not my scene but I do remember when the war was first starting (02-03) some very nice quality opium was being smoked on top bowls of weed in our areas local smoke circles.

I don't know much about hash at all, and when I eventually make it to A'dam thats all I intend to smoke.

The stuff I tried here was dark black, pressed hard, gummy, super potent, and burned slow with thick smoke. Ridiculously potent. I suspect it had opium in it. It had something in it because it cherried forever. Heavy and lethargic. Everyone that saw me instantly said "jesus christ you are stoned!" My girlfriend didn't want to smoke it because of how high I looked. I was told they came in flat, square slabs wrapped in cellophane with a red stamp on it. Someone said it was the red stamp of afghan freedom fighters. I don't know what that means though. I guess some sorta terrorist organization but since it was pocketed by soldiers doing house searches I don't guess I care.

The other was a lighter color brown. Between very tan and milk chocolate. It was soft and pliable like play dough. Burned fast with a lot of smoke. I was underwhelmed by the potency. Only took one bong rip and it was about as potent as a regular "dank" commercial weed. Nobody said where it came from.

We are just too far away, and have too much weed of our own to make it worth smuggling across the ocean. Most hash gets cut numeous times and sold as soap bar throughout Europe. In the states its just a novelty. Not a part of the market.

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