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Imagining a world without money


Active member
the down side to no money is that when you want something you have to find someone that has what you want that also wants what you have to offer. sends you on a scavenger hunt for basic shit.

I think that would only happen when greed comes into play. if everyone contributed what they specialized in and no one expected something in return for their good honest work i think everyone would help each other just for the good deed... or maybe not


The matrix comment dead on.

I also believe that you may not need to hand pick citizens and "throw out" the bad in some sort of holocaust scenario. I believe (And could very well be wrong in this assumption, I'm aware) that "bad" people in society are a symptom of a bigger problem, and if the bigger problems were to be solved in an effective manner, we may actually have less "bad" people. Not no bad people, just less.

As far as being feminized, I'm not so sure. They've definitely made us weak and ignorant, but the whole "Real Man" thing to me is outdated anyway. Not that men need to run around in dresses and cry, but the whole alpha male thing is primitive. I hate the guys that try and start a fight because I looked at them and they have a women with them and want to "look tough". I look at lots of stuff, most the time in a stoned stupor. I believe a "Real Man" is just someone who is well rounded.

I also hope the reset is that close. I've been storing food water and ammo for years now, just waiting and hoping. If it does happen though, there's a really good chance we will be worse off than we are now for a great long while.


Money may be the single greatest invention of Man.

Fresco is what I call a "moron-savant". He has very high native intelligence and creativity, and is very articulate. His grasp of reality, though, is feeble to the point of delusion. I always marvel at this phenomenon, and wonder how it is that such brain power fails to translate into rudimentary common sense.

The greatest human tragedies in history were caused by people with a similar cognitive defect- people who wanted to impose their particular flavor of childish, simple-minded utopian social engineering on society.

Like Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, the Spanish Inquisition, etc, these folks hold dearly in their hearts the desire for people to be controlled, for there to be order imposed on humanity. They see the world as a messy, ugly place, and they want to clean it up by "helping" us stupid idiots to see the errors of our ways and to fall in line with the beautiful, orderly vision that their superior intelligence allows them.

Luckily, unlike those monsters I mentioned above, Fresco is completely ineffectual at actualizing his vision, relegating him to mere humorous crackpot status.

“Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.”

-Robert A. Heinlein


Active member
money would be great if they just got rid of a few things like interest for example. there should also be some sort of ceiling so that no one could end up stinking rich and have money they dont even need.


Both capitalism and marxism have there flaws.

Capitalism - Opportunities for exploitation and greed, poses as a meritocracy (does an ok job as one)

Marxism - Assumes equality of ambition, work ethic and morality; without additional reward for increased effort ambition to attain difficult jobs would fall

Neither system is 'fair' which is what I assume the idealist is aiming for.
- Not fair because ALL people are not created equally e.g. a portion of intelligence is inherited, not everyone has the same innate physical capabilities
- The opportunities people receive are not equal e.g. education
- Not fair because it is not a true meritocracy e.g. heart surgeon (saves lives) earning less than owner of diamond mine (digs up and sells shiny rocks)

- ALL jobs are not equal in how they benefit society, to give everyone same reward would be unfair
- Giving everyone same reward regardless of amount of work (time) is unfair