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Imagining a world without money


lol joeuser you need to take a step back from that big ol ego you're hidin in there. you're not better than anyone even though its quite obvious you put yourself on a nice little pedestal. just be careful what you wish for cause YOU make your own reality.

EXACTLY! NOW you get it! I DID make my own world...I now live free and clear, no debt, and I keep myself supplied with fine smoke. I do what I want...because that's what I planed for. I AM better than most of the population and I'm not "ashamed" or too "guilty" to admit it. I made "my" reality...and I bet it's better than yours.

This is the point I'm always trying to make...give people the freedom and the responsibility to run their own lives. No perks for some and none for others. Everything I did..."I" did...nobody else. No handouts, an honest days work for an honest wage...that "I" decided how to save/invest/spend.

What's the problem? You seem to infer that I'm wrong in my thinking. I'm GOOD...at a LOT of things...I'm also proud of what I can do. Why aren't you? In school I took those standardized tests, like everyone else, and came out in the top 1% in a few areas. But in other areas I was in the bottom 50%. I said in another thread that we're all different, we all fit somewhere in a "bell curve". Go find it if you're interested.

Some people ARE better than others. Picking teams is the real life example. You START by picking the best at the game you are playing...you work your way down to the worst. And some people...you'd be better off playing a player short!

The trouble is...some people always get picked last...so the government decided they need a hand up...we need quotas...and that day was the end of any hope for continued American exceptionalism. It was the day drive and perseverance were replaced by quotas and affirmative action. Sex and race became more important than competence.

Actually, it was the beginning of outsourcing. Why keep a factory in America when there are all these laws restricting hiring? It's MY business...why can't "I" run it?

I'll stop here...I'm getting close to that line that shall not be crossed. You know...hurtful facts. I've reached the free speech limit.


EXACTLY! NOW you get it! I DID make my own world...I now live free and clear, no debt, and I keep myself supplied with fine smoke. I do what I want...because that's what I planed for. I AM better than most of the population and I'm not "ashamed" or too "guilty" to admit it. I made "my" reality...and I bet it's better than yours.

This is the point I'm always trying to make...give people the freedom and the responsibility to run their own lives. No perks for some and none for others. Everything I did..."I" did...nobody else. No handouts, an honest days work for an honest wage...that "I" decided how to save/invest/spend.

What's the problem? You seem to infer that I'm wrong in my thinking. I'm GOOD...at a LOT of things...I'm also proud of what I can do. Why aren't you? In school I took those standardized tests, like everyone else, and came out in the top 1% in a few areas. But in other areas I was in the bottom 50%. I said in another thread that we're all different, we all fit somewhere in a "bell curve". Go find it if you're interested.

Some people ARE better than others. Picking teams is the real life example. You START by picking the best at the game you are playing...you work your way down to the worst. And some people...you'd be better off playing a player short!

The trouble is...some people always get picked last...so the government decided they need a hand up...we need quotas...and that day was the end of any hope for continued American exceptionalism. It was the day drive and perseverance were replaced by quotas and affirmative action. Sex and race became more important than competence.

Actually, it was the beginning of outsourcing. Why keep a factory in America when there are all these laws restricting hiring? It's MY business...why can't "I" run it?

I'll stop here...I'm getting close to that line that shall not be crossed. You know...hurtful facts. I've reached the free speech limit.

you said it man it's not just like a game IT is a game. who knows maybe when you die you'll even get a big trophy for all the stuff you've accomplished for yourself. we're here to help other people, have some empathy.


you said it man it's not just like a game IT is a game. who knows maybe when you die you'll even get a big trophy for all the stuff you've accomplished for yourself. we're here to help other people, have some empathy.

You still don't get it... I don't want a trophy... I just want to be left alone to do what "I" decide I want to do. That's all. And I don't want to be "taxed" (stolen from) to give to someone else. Be it a corporation or another person. I want to be left to live my life my way.

We're ALL greedy, it's what we are.... Even you, if you think you deserve something from anyone else. You "deserve" what you decide to get or can get...nothing more. Being poor doesn't "entitle" you to part of mine. Especially MY labor.

If you want to feed the hungry...have at it, I'm sure as hell not AGAINST your doing it...but I do object from being FORCED to contribute.

Government is too big...WAY too big. It's involved in EVERY part of our lives and it's not supposed to be. It should be minimally involved.



the origins of money were to ensure you got out of the system what you put in. unfortunately people will always try and find ways to ruin something good.
Just remembered this thread while watching a documentary about Jacque Fresco...."future by design". He has some very vivid imaginations for the future, its too bad the majority would take a clean slate to implement.

He idealizes a completely analytical world where everything is known and every decision is processed in a logical manner; while that would be great, its requires every person in a position of power and control to relinquish everything that gives them that power. Even a single holdout would dominate and destroy any hopes of his idealized world.

The foundation of his world requires every bit of information known to mankind to exist in one central resource that is available and accessible to everyone. This resource is used to make every decision that could influence the society and its resources. The information has to be completely concrete and unbiased for Jacque's world to exist. The internet could very well be on its way to becoming the resource similar to what Jacque envisions.

Anyway, from what I gathered from the short film, the elimination of currency is a byproduct of the lack of scarcity in Jacque's world, not an element in its creation.


Active member
We would be exactly like computers, PB. Analytical decisions would all be dictated by the central "main frame" if you will. The only way for a human societies to survive such a scenario would be for each one of us to suspend free will.

These wild dreamers tend to not have a good grasp on reality and the human condition.
Whenever I hear them start this "what if" crap...I respond by saying that if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass when he jumped. But they don't and they won't. And as a result, bumping it's ass is part of what a frog is all about.

These idealistic nirvana seekers should invest more time figuring out what makes humans humans and work with that. Their ideals from the get go are flawed without taking the human condition into consideration.

PB, also consider that not only would the rich and powerful have to suspend their wealth and power, it would also require the dregs of our societies to increase the contribution they present to society. It would mean we are all seeking a common goal...a goal of all being equal. (which is all these idealists have in their heads to begin with..trying to equal us all out)


And the PROBLEM is...we're NOT all equal! Not by a long shot. And THAT is the problem with ALL these Utopian ideas.
What questions would someone need to assess a value to a person which they have never met and know nothing about?

To make any assumptions about equality, you must first have these types of quantifiable values to compare, so this should be a very very easy question to answer.

IMHO the only inequality in life is created by death.


Active member
In a free society a person displays his own worth. And there is nothing better, to judge the worth of a man, than his own actions.
I agree that a person can display their worth to a society in their actions, but a judgement on the equality of two people extends much further than the past and present in which the actions have taken place. Saying two people are not equal makes a huge assumption about the entirety of a life.


Active member
Imagine a world without stupid lazy assholes... I'd rather keep the money and get rid of them!

do you think getting rid of some lazy people is better then helping sick, starving, suffering, people below poverty and living in unnecessary shitty conditions just cause you dont want lazy people. i think money brings in more problems than lazy people do. if people could do the things and work the jobs that they were interested in they would be more motivated than working any job they can get just to make ends meet.

Without money...you'd have to do/make EVERYTHING you had...of you'd have to find someone LOCAL to do it for you. Without money you wouldn't have a car, internet, TV, most of your food, ALL of your toys...etc.

I'd rather "just survive" with a monetary system...then "live" with JUST what I can get locally...and in season.

Think carefully about what you wish for...I have a feeling you just may get it!

i think the point without money is to have everything you can think of and build without budget, not to take things away.


I've been trying to find a way for a society to function without a form of currency, but I always end up in the same place. Stuck. Although it is a wish of mine, to have a currency free, peaceful world, I can't find a way to make it happen without something far to extreme to even talk about in groups of people, and I don't believe the extremes are the answer either. They would just cause more problems. It will either take years and years, or some sort of apocalyptic event for even a chance of a better world. The corruption and ignorance has spread far to deep.
Then on top of that, the almost useless education systems of the western culture help to perpetuate our ignorance and greed.Then thanks to money hungry media fatcats Ideals are slightly distorted every year in the name of profit, things like racism, greed, and ignorance are becoming the "In" thing.(or always have been). It almost doesn't pay to be "good" in modern society. That is, if you can even define "good" any more at all, given it's a perspective based idea 99% of the time.
But the ranting aside, (Sorry, got carried away a bit) I believe that any revolutionary ideas are doomed to be forgotten as quickly as they arise, because the rich folks run the country, and they don't want to give up their money.


do you think getting rid of some lazy people is better then helping sick, starving, suffering, people below poverty and living in unnecessary shitty conditions just cause you dont want lazy people. i think money brings in more problems than lazy people do. if people could do the things and work the jobs that they were interested in they would be more motivated than working any job they can get just to make ends meet.

i think the point without money is to have everything you can think of and build without budget, not to take things away.

And what would YOU like to do for a living? Test weed? Test video games? The PROBLEM is...there are plenty of ESSENTIAL jobs that aren't "fun"...nobody wants to do them. That's why we have 40 million illegals here. Because 40 million Americans have decided that those jobs aren't "good enough" for them. So, they go on welfare and I have to support them.

WTF? So you think if money "goes away"...then everything become "free"? (face palm)

I've been trying to find a way for a society to function without a form of currency, but I always end up in the same place. Stuck. Although it is a wish of mine, to have a currency free, peaceful world, I can't find a way to make it happen without something far to extreme to even talk about in groups of people, and I don't believe the extremes are the answer either. They would just cause more problems. It will either take years and years, or some sort of apocalyptic event for even a chance of a better world. The corruption and ignorance has spread far to deep.
Then on top of that, the almost useless education systems of the western culture help to perpetuate our ignorance and greed.Then thanks to money hungry media fatcats Ideals are slightly distorted every year in the name of profit, things like racism, greed, and ignorance are becoming the "In" thing.(or always have been). It almost doesn't pay to be "good" in modern society. That is, if you can even define "good" any more at all, given it's a perspective based idea 99% of the time.
But the ranting aside, (Sorry, got carried away a bit) I believe that any revolutionary ideas are doomed to be forgotten as quickly as they arise, because the rich folks run the country, and they don't want to give up their money.

You don't get it...we're in the matrix. Only instead of being a battery in a pod...we're "worker bees" and just as expendable.

Unless you can hand pick your citizens and throw them out when they become a problem...you're stuck with all kinds of people with different abilities and wants all doing their own thing. It's like herding cats.

They've "feminized" us to keep us in line. They've locked away the "real men" in prisons. We're being directed/programmed...every day. Our "education system" perpetuates this brainwashing.

Yes, we need a reset to fix things...it may be closer than any of us can imagine.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
the down side to no money is that when you want something you have to find someone that has what you want that also wants what you have to offer. sends you on a scavenger hunt for basic shit.


Active member
And what would YOU like to do for a living? Test weed? Test video games? The PROBLEM is...there are plenty of ESSENTIAL jobs that aren't "fun"...nobody wants to do them. That's why we have 40 million illegals here. Because 40 million Americans have decided that those jobs aren't "good enough" for them. So, they go on welfare and I have to support them.

WTF? So you think if money "goes away"...then everything become "free"? (face palm)

if you think i want to test weed and video games all my life, out of all the things there is to do in this world(and out of), then i can understand why you cant "imagine a world without money."

I never said a fun job, i said something they are interested in and i hope there are other people in this world that find helping others "interesting"

I dont think the Americans think the job isnt good enough for them i think the MONEY isnt good enough.

If our world already operates with a currency and we have "40 million illegals here, Because 40 million Americans have decided that those jobs aren't "good enough" for them So, they go on welfare and I have to support them" it seems the money is the problem. the illegals couldnt come here for the money and people on welfare would have to do more or something to support themselves because no one would be handing them money if it doesnt exist. they would have to contribute something to society to get something in return.