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But really, I just post in this thread to make sure you're still alive, oo.

Where the hell is run four?

Too damn boring?

What about the new genetics?


Oh , I'm still here and read this site every day. D9's "thread" (more like an encyclopedia), this one and a few others gives me my vicarious fix.

Run 4 is coming...with new genetics. I've had a rough summer but things are calming down now.

See ya buddy,


Fuck Entropy.
Makes me think of a big hoard of drunk girls all hanging onto one another for support. Good stuff.

Not far from the truth. At all. I could extend the image a bit, but the words in my mind are making me gag. So... for the good of the people, I'm going to let it be.

Run 4 is coming...with new genetics. I've had a rough summer but things are calming down now.

Good news on all fronts.

I presume it's still in the cab. Any modifications?

Will you go for a more coarse media, and push the pulse rate up?

It was kinda fun.

Waiting for a repeat from an outside source...

I understand that this moves away from the 'pulse' idea that specifies low volume with a relatively rapid frequency.

But I'm not scared.

I believe the documentation associated with coco-pulse-feed tech D9 hit us with way back when is accurate within it's context.

We need to look at the outcome, rather than the process.

Regular light pulsing reduces the possibility of over-saturation, drying out phases, and PWT.

But the PPK's sub-irrigation/wick already does that.

I guess I shouldn't be calling my pulse feed a pulse feed, but instead a drench exchange.

(Because the mechanic is very different in both application and intent from a conventional coco-based pulse fed garden.)

The slits in the pot have been effective for preventing root ringing around the pot. And root ringing concentrates more roots on the very outside of the pot. My guess is that I want them distributed more evenly throughout the whole of the media.

If this wasn't the case, I'd consider only running a very bottom set of holes to allow the air being displaced by the 'drenching exchange' an exit, leave the walls solid, and possibly really run up the porosity of the media (start with 40%?) so that I could surface flood the media with a greater frequency, thereby changing out the root zone gasses at a higher frequency.

As you can see, this is very much not a pulse-feed methodology.


That's what I'm thinking now.

So you should build something like that.

And run with a totally new genetic.

So the results will be sufficiently chaotic that nothing truly can be understood.



Nah, I'm going to stick with the tried and true. Why try and reinvent the wheel? This setup yielded a ton of smoke...I still have 3 full jars. The next run is for variety only.

So everything will be the same, except for genetics. I'll try and pop my 1 feminized Barney's Vanilla Kush carefully stored in the fridge for over a year now.

And then I get to watch you inventive folks play with the design of the PPK to squeeze it for even more productivity.

And bitch about how boring it is.

And watch the TML fuck up another season.

And, and, and...I'll think of something.



Fuck Entropy.
I just posted this in the PPK thread, but it relates to some of the mechanics of this grow:

you mentioned back that you were running super high temps in your grow space... am I correct in that? If so that could maybe explain the fluctuations you saw. (more water transpired to help cool plant surfaces... stomata close too.... not as much growth... higher concentration of nutes jacks up EC and drops pH.... lower pH prevents takeup of some nutes.... concentration climbs higher.... water added.... EC drops a bit and pH climbs... maybe temps come down a bit, stomata open, transpiration resumes....) - just a guess?
Good memory, but that set up was torn down about a year ago.

This one was in mid seventies, with 60-70% humidity throughout.

I believe the rational of changeout for any recirculation system is true for a PPK.

If your nute profile hits the demands of the plants metabolism, you'll have less residue (i.e. it takes everything up.)

If we presume most of our best profiles are build on mineral tissue samples, we are looking at development over time. So our best profiles are over the whole of the life of the plant.

By running any recirculating system in perpetual, different plants are eating differently, and even out the spikes of the system. (i.e. chowing P during this phase, K over here... etc.)

What the PPK succeeds in doing, in my opinion, is keeping concentrations minimized in the media (i.e. keeping the root zone clean), by flusing continuously all concentrations out of the RZ.

So at various times, I had varioius EC measurements with different pH. So today, ec 1.0 might have a pH of 5.4, and two weeks later, EC of 1.0 might have a reading of 6.0.

(I had my meter set up in my control bucket).

(I had my RO top off to the bulk reservoir, and would add Jacks directly to that when the mood hit me, so it happened that I dropped down to EC 0 in bulk for the last two weeks.)

Since my bulk feed is always the same profile, it stands to reason that the plant is ingesting different profiles throughout growth.

I'll run any pH from 5.4-6.2 without hesitation, and it's worth noting that the readings never worked outside of this range.

My point is, I think, that the PPK doesn't change the metabolic process of the plant, but rather effectively manages what would otherwise be dangerous concentrations. By running a perpetual system, we further reduce these dramatic swings (provided that our starting profile is reasonable for our genetics.)

I follow some of the nute specific threads. YosemiteSam and Spurr (may he return is some new incarnation if he is not only temporarily gone) come to mind when I think on this idea:

I am a firm believer in close enough.

Rather than focus on chemistry that is beyond my pay-grade, I think in more mechanical terms.

Clearly, combining the two would generate the best possible outcome, but I would sincerely love to see someone with the scale and eye of YS push a PPK.

I fed like shit this run, and generated some decent results.

Take this methodology and put it in the hands of some one pretty serious about nute chemistry, and I think retarded thing's happen.

Maybe I'll get serious one day, and do it.

Aw, fuck that.


i dont know if you know but the pictures in the first page arent working
the ones where you explain what the hell a PPK is and how to make one
the really useful stuff :)


Fuck Entropy.
Davethenewbie... note taken of your name...

Bonzo has always done well showing his appreciations with a succinct smiley, buy you, my good sir, have bumped a thread without an update in just over a year.


As for the broken links: they attached to D's photo albums, and when he ran out of space, he started deleting his earlier photos.

That Bastard, apparently, has no regard for history or the fact that my Interpretation hinged on his albums. Bastardly. And now, my friend, there is no way of knowing what he did at the very beginning... did someone archive the original stuff?

(It's funny that I reported that the thread was on page 60 as I started this journal... now it's closer to page 300.)

Anyway Dave, I hope some of this is still useful for you. For me, the process of putting this thread helped me bring together some 'important' ideas and ended up bringing more clarity to my grow than if I had just followed along.

It should be noted that this was a voluntary journal, before D instituted the, "If you grow in PPKs, you owe me a log" mandate.

This was all drafted out of good will, before D became vindictive and demanding. Back when growing was fun. Before it became really boring.

Alright. That's enough of that.


And thanks for the bump.

(I can't even tell which parts of this post were sincere and which were sarcastic. Good luck to the rest of you... but lets err presuming kindness people.)


Rest my case.........Give up the pics........You know you wanna show us...........:moon:.....

A couple of questions about PPK design.. (as the internet has virtually no pics anymore)

#1. What size pvc pipe is best for media wicks? One larger 2" pipe in the middle or 3x 1/2" pipes in a triangle configuration? Is there a maximum size pipe to use as a wick?

#2. Does the height of the water level in the bucket dictate the moisture level of the medium? ie. the higher the water, the more moisture in the medium? How high can the media wick be in the actual medium pot?

#3. Could you use a rocket pot with a media wick cut into the bottom or do you need as much pressure between the lower bucket and upper bucket as possible?

Cheers Jimmy.


Still Learning
A couple of questions about PPK design.. (as the internet has virtually no pics anymore)

#1. What size pvc pipe is best for media wicks? One larger 2" pipe in the middle or 3x 1/2" pipes in a triangle configuration? Is there a maximum size pipe to use as a wick?

#2. Does the height of the water level in the bucket dictate the moisture level of the medium? ie. the higher the water, the more moisture in the medium? How high can the media wick be in the actual medium pot?

#3. Could you use a rocket pot with a media wick cut into the bottom or do you need as much pressure between the lower bucket and upper bucket as possible?

Cheers Jimmy.

this is delta9nsxs' original PPK thread. all your answers are in here. unfortunately, here too, all the pics are gone but the answers remain.

search PPK here at ICMAG, there are several more threads that do have pics.

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