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Fuck Entropy.
Yeah... little strong on the salts for sure when I increased my inner-canopy air flow...

That tip and edge burn is what happened when I started my fan moving.

Things were fine.

So I changed them.

Killed the fan movement, and all new growth is pretty clean.

We'll see if I can break this system through incompetence or negligence yet...

If I get to finish a healthy crop, your system has done something pretty damn sweet D9.

Pretty damn sweet.


Fuck Entropy.
There's something happening here...

There's something happening here...

It looks like I'm getting some heat burn from the canopy closest to the lights. I tried to keep this area managed, controlled and thinned but the structure nearest to the lights is a wall now, and I can't defoliate it enough to open up the interior.

So I'm dropping EC by a lot, and have turned the fan on rotate to increase transpiration and hope it keeps the flowers cooler.



Are you flushing with your EC changes? Just curious...

My old eyes are having trouble picking out the damage you speak of, but you sure are watching them better than I did mine. I think she looks fantastic.

So your PPK works so well that "...but the structure nearest to the lights is a wall now, and I can't defoliate it enough to open up the interior." Why am I so delighted when I read that?

Are you having fun yet?


It looks like I'm getting some heat burn from the canopy closest to the lights. I tried to keep this managed and controlled, but the structure nearest to the lights is a wall now, and I can't defoliate it enough to open up the interior.

So I'm dropping EC by a lot, and have turned the fan on rotate to increase transpiration and hope it keeps the flowers cooler.


loking real good there, very interesting write up on the passive plant killer :)

was glad to see the clones stayed female in the end. would have been wierd to see proven females switch totally to male. anyway keep on keeping on, not long now eh?



Fuck Entropy.
My old eyes are having trouble picking out the damage you speak of, but you sure are watching them better than I did mine. I think she looks fantastic.
I only select the most flattering pictures of my ladies...

Really though, there are a few factors going on. There is slight edge and tip burn on some leaves characteristic of overferting. I'll go pluck a leaf and give you old eyes a nice macro. Gimme a minute...


So, I guess if this is the worst of it, it ain't that bad. Little more dramatic under HID, but here is my super scary damage:


Then there are flowers straight-up getting bleached by being right up near the cool tube. I did do some aggressive training, but these girls overgrew my skills. I'm dropping EC with RO to try and increase transpiration and see if I can keep these flowers a little cooler.

Are you flushing with your EC changes
Nope. I pulse way lighter than D9 (I updated my 'Pulse Tech Post' before I saw you were over here), so I don't even have the same flush back into my bottom res he described a couple of days ago in his thread.

I keep forgetting to buy that drill pump--what a slick idea; the machine still won't let me rep you again (apparently I don't show enough love to others) but when I can that post gets a (+) from me... But I haven't done any specific flushing. My only change out was when I pulled the crappy toxic hose.

(But maybe I pulled the trigger and placed an order Friday afternoon. Maybe I'll be switching nutes out next weekend or whenever it arrives. Maybe I'll definitely do a solid pH'd RO flush before maybe definitely switching programs.)

Here is a mediocre pic of that canopy-wall problem I am having. If you look through the cool tube, you can see how she's volunteered to wrap around the light for me. The girls hold hands in the back of the tent. It's cute.


@gaiusmarius: That pic is day 25 of flower. If this pheno is as early as some FLO run, maybe just over half-way there? I've struggled with problems for just under a year without healthy plants (N-G-W bastards) through finish... so I don't really know how long she runs in good health... Its been eleven and a half months of effort so, I guess even she runs another 35 days, relatively speaking, it is not long now.

On the reversion, I don't really know what happened, or if it happened. I don't even think about it any more. DJ Short has some pretty interesting ideas, and that may have made me nervous about stress and stability. That nervousness may have influenced what I was seeing. I haven't ever had any trouble sexing plants, but maybe for three or four days, I was just freaking out... Or maybe the off-gassing was pushing her over and what I saw was real... Didn't take pics, so it's all just a fading (bad) memory now.

very interesting write up


No Jive Productions
you are really putting on some bud now. looking good but you better do something about pulling those closest branches back from the light.

i would also cut back to around ec 1.2 for a while and at the same time do another strong round of DF'ing. for some inexplicable reason the buds take the heat better than the leaves.



Fuck Entropy.
Already on it boss...

Already on it boss...


Did a bunch of DF after the pic.

Don't know where to pull the branches. Might have to straight up cut most of it out. Should have been done earlier, but live and learn... I might let them flower out, as they've set back everything behind them pretty far... but that happened over just three days.

Bud set is dramatic on a daily basis now (it seems)... at least relative to total failure.

And I'm only half way into flower...

I've added back straight RO for the last ten gallons. Bulk res is EC 0.2, and lower reservoirs are at 2.62 on both sides... But before the addbacks, I was at 3.6. I cycle about 4.5 gallons every two days at the 2.4 EC range, so I expect to be down around 1.2 in about three to four days with just pH'd RO... 'cause the lower EC plus the oscillating fan should really make for an increase in transpiration.


8 HR. UPDATE: I'm down to EC 2.2 in the root zone res. I must have bumped the cyclestat, cause my feed pulse times were down to 25 minutes with a 45 second pulse (I think the settings was thirty seconds every hour last time I checked). So there's my flush for you OO, I guess. Right onto the floor. Garden temp (momentarily) 85 with a RH of 67% from the spillage. Plants look happy for it. I've been thinking about RH dialage in the future, and this reinforces that idea.


Fuck Entropy.
I've added back about 15 gallons of straight RO to the system, and my base reservoirs are still reading at 2.0.

So maybe a real flush is in order soon.

Or maybe I can just keep leeching it out.

Or spilling it on the floor.


Fuck Entropy.
Well tomorrow is the pics from day twenty eight, or the end of week four.

But you'll have to wait for tomorrow for that.

I had to fix a hole in the floor of my tent. So I had to take everything out. First time since I've put the girls in there...

Dumped everything. Cleaned out the lower res. Defoliation like a mo fo.

Put everything back in. Had the genius idea to shim the light side edge of the bottom of the buckets and gained an inch or two off the lights. (I also cut out a huge pile of baby buds that were too cooked for words...)

Current EC in lower reservoirs is like... nothing... between 6-9. That's .006 on most of your scales...

Lets see about this inverted leaching, huh?


Fuck Entropy.
Sorry to disappoint the dedicated followers of this thread--yeah, I'm talking to you--but the stupid, worthless, two-timing camera is MIA.

AGAIN. (This time, I think it might be for real man, for real...)

So just imagine some sickness. I'm kinda stoked. But not convinced by this inverted leaching just yet.


Fuck Entropy.
On my front steps. Really?

On my front steps. Really?

I had two boxes on my front steps today.

The first was about 12x12x12, in a brown box, with a return address to JRPeters Laboratories.

Pretty cool, pretty discrete.

When I picked it up, I found this super-awesome other one:


Okay, maybe not so super-awesome.


When I stop posting, look for the UPS man who runs my route. He's probably beat me over the head with a Louisville Slugger, jacked premature buds, and then delivered me to the swamp. When they foreclose on my house, the bankers gonna be like, "Where's the mortgage payment... oh, man, I gotta (hire someone) to clean up brains?"

Aw, shit.

Time to move, I guess.


Time to move, I guess.
I cant tell if you are really freaking out or just fucking with us so...

Freaking out- relax man, UPS drivers cant read, dont give a shit and its not like the box says "I am being delivered to a MJ grower...report to police and get a free cookie!"

fucking with us- move to Canada. Our cops are easily distracted by Tim Hortons coffee and doughnuts...

Where's the plant pics?


No Jive Productions
nyah! nyah! nyah! you be ready now, bro!

isn't it ridiculous? i've used all gh's stuff, botanicares whole line, techniflora, ionic, and a bunch of other expensive shit and none of it grew weed better than the program you are about to use.

may i suggest 450 ppm jack's and 300 ppm calcium nitrate as a starting point to determine which way your solution is going to run.

i have found that it is best to resist the urge to adjust ph. this stuff is well buffered for ro water. it should mix initially at 5.3-5.4 with ec 1.5. it will float around a little from there in the operational side of your system.

even if it ph's lower don't add anything as it will soon adjust.

i just took a plant out of veg to move to flower and harvested one.

the veg res had 8 weeks of operation with no changes and the flower res approx 8.5. the veg res was 908 ppm at 5.8 and the flower res was 926 at 5.2. there is not a valid reason to touch those ph numbers.

i have gotten to the point where i don't pay much attention to the ph meter. the ph is always in an acceptable range.

you are going to like this stuff.

i see you've been updating the index. very nice linking things like that. it flows well. you write well. you are a hell of a lot more organized than i would have been. having it put in condensed form will help new folks tremendously. thank you very much!



Fuck Entropy.

No one is fucking with you, man. I'm straight up freaking-out...

Just kidding.

I'm not stressing. My life is super wrapped up tight. Our conversations here are the only ones that go on. I went home for lunch, and they were there. Ghosted it all in doors with no neighbors home from work. UPS must see more than this with the regularity. Big, awkward, heavy things.

And while I was caring it up the stairs, I though OO would just hit that AH3, get tingly between the ears, and let life come. Be like the oldone...


You do the work, and I'll make an index.

After the clean out for tarp repair, I've been on straight RO for a few days. My PPM/EC meter is an inline, sitting in the lower reservoirs, so I mixed based on volume instructions into the buck reservoir. Plenty of time to get it dialed... I just wanted to give the ladies some snacks after their fast.

Although I am confused, because the instructions do not specify oz by volume or oz by weight. D9, you don't have to clarify, I know where you covered it in your post. I might do some first person measuring and weighing just to make sure I have it dialed.

Hey, none of you told me it was blue.

Guess it's okay. I mean, I kinda like blue. Sometimes. You know...

As for the pics, the girls have been sleeping since the camera returned. Photos in 12 hours or so?


Fuck Entropy.
Promises, Promises, Promises:

Promises, Promises, Promises:





I mentioned that I've been struggling with cloning this genetic. Off of another ten thousand cuts, I have one rooted in a mPPK/D9 Sterlite setup with coco. She is luxurious. Okay, maybe that's a lot of an exaggeration, but she's healthy and I'm happy.

So I presumed the red hairs were from the shuffling around, but I busted out the old microscope.

50% cloudy already.

On day thirty.

There's something happening here... what it is ain't exactly clear.

You know, some of it's kinda cloudy.

So, with some of the clone problems I'm having, I guess I'm going to start looking for some back up genetics, maybe try and figure out a way to pop some seeds, and all that... but if I can keep this line alive and get some cuts to root, and she actually finishes in 45 days (breeder's description when outdoors) when healthy... no more days without, huh?

Look, made close-up:



sweet plants bro, congratulations. Look at all those triches. You must be delighted. 45 days!, must be nice...I'm at day 83.

Have you tried any samples yet?

Stop smiling so much your face will crack,


Fuck Entropy.
It never occurred to me to shim the buckets away from the lights... I just kept LSTing the closest branches. Well they turned into pinky thick hemp-fiber-stalks. When I pulled everything out to patch the floor, I tried to train the already trained burnt material, and ended up splintering a pretty good chunk of it...

Or I could have just said: I have some popcorn from 28 days of flower drying right now. It needs a few more days before it'll be even approachable... and then it will definitely be green...

I started using moisturizer over the last week to keep the wrinkles at bay. They say smiling is good for you. But so is peanut butter... as long as you don't eat it all-day-every-day.


Fuck Entropy.
With a name like Smuckers, it's gotta be good.

I'm pretty happy with the plants right now. I'm starting to look forward to another run with this genetic (again, presuming I can convince it root), hopefully in a different space with some different training now that I've seen her stretched and healthy.

I've got a non-reverted clone in a 'mPPK' (the cloning system you described) that I hope to mom up over the next few weeks. I might even make a nesting 3.5/5 gallon... or stacked 3.5 for her. It's going to take at least a month of veg to get her sized up though.

Anyway, there's plenty of room to get it dialed, and I'm definitely happy with how this little experiment has worked out so far.

Thanks again, D9, for the time and energy that's gone into this system.