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Im worried about heat detecting police helicopters


Active member
My tv pulls more than 400 w n puts off more of a heat signature than a 400 w light...as do a half dozen other household items. Stress about something else


Not much to worry about I would say, in winter how many people use more than 400 watt space heaters?

I'm sure my pc makes almost as much heat when I'm gaming... Combined with my plasma tv I don't need much additional heating during the winter, lol

Baked Alaskan

You might want to look up the laws concerning this, I think Leos need a warrant to use heat detecting devices. Please don't take this as fact, it is something I heard years ago.


it's not helicopters you have to worry about now-a-days, it's drones. helicopters you can hear, drones, not so much.


Well-known member
A single 400 watt light is not going to produce a noticeable amount of heat. If you were working with 5k then it might be a valid concern. 400 not even a blip on the radar.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I would echo what every other person on here is saying. I wouldn't worry about the heat signature of a 400. Instead make sure you have proper ventilation with a carbon scrubber so there isn't any smell. Also, size your light accordingly for the footprint that you intend to use. Instead of running a traditional horizontal setup I would highly recommend going vertical to maximize the bulb's potential and utilize it most effectively. If you are sure you want a 400 over a 600 I would get a magnetic ballast and run a ceramic metal halide with a 4000k spectrum so you can veg and flower with the same bulb. If you really want to get fancy you can switch bulbs mid flower to a traditional HPS. Lastly, take a breath and reflect on how serious you are about growing your own if you are very worried and extrapolate to when you have 4-6 plants so you won't be a nervous wreck. I don't say that to be mean but just realistic. I remember growing in NC and how it was always in the back of my mind.

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