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I'm Voting Yes on 19 :) - Y for yes! Y for Yes! Y for YES. It's as simple as that.


Voting yes and promoting it to the fullest extent. I'm donating a lot of traffic from several of my large high-ranking Alexa blogs and getting a tshirt/sign for my yard. I'm also going out in the field and educating the ignorant, the fence riders, the hysterics, (basically the people above) into voting yes.

It will pass, we're still in the early phases and there are a lot of skeptics and people who are in shock about it.

If it hits ballot, it's in.. Thats what all my friends pretty much agree on. Not everyone is a grower, a doctor, a co-op owner, a cop, a priest, or a pastor. In fact, majority of CA aren't these things. It has a good chance of passing at least by slim majority.

That's why I urge you guys to IGNORE the media. Rand is BS.. they are paid by Public Safety First to cause voter hysteria.

Stop listening to the media and being pawned. Just tap Y for yes when it's time. You know the drill.

I explained this on weedtracker (greedtracker?) this morning when the no voting bitches were coming forward with their ill-founded arguments and their selfish 'but im only 18 and i wanna smoke but cant cuz i have to be 21' nonesense.

1. A chance at legalization wont come again for 4 to 10 years. We'll have to either wait for a lot of dinosaur conservative lawmakers to get termed out or finally put something together for us - could take a decade - and will have even more commercial interests in it than now. 4 Years for another ballot measure, and Mr. Lee said he's not going to foot the bill again.
2. Just get it over with now!
3. Hysterics - your prices wont drop. You will have to stay competitive and produce good product to stay afloat.
4. Jack Herer - What a great man was he. When he died, was probably with a smile on his face knowing this is a very progressive time and he probably died in peace knowing that legalization was coming. By voting no, Jack essentially rolls over in his grave for you and you are stealing from that peaceful rest. You are basically a traitor to this movement and a greedy sellout. Bottom line.

Right now interest groups are manipulating the media to stir voter confidence on the proposition.

I urge you to ignore and render yourself immune from the media, and tap Y for yes when it is time.


Y for yes when it is time


Y for yes when it is time

Or else you won't see legalization in your lifetime.

And I never want to hear one of you bitches complain about it being illegal again


Heres Why Jack Herrer and Dennis Peron are against this Bill. It is majorly flawed. Read it and educate yourselves!

Peron, co-author of Proposition 215, cites three "fatal flaws" in the Oaksterdamn U initiative . These can be described as limits, taxes, and penalties regarding minors.

Regarding the limits of one ounce and 25 square feet for personal cultivation:

"Imagine a law to “tax and regulate” alcohol that only allows for possession of up to one bottle of wine imprisoning those who exceed that amount, be it two bottles or a small collection of choice vintages. These limits guarantee confusion, harassment and black marketeering forevermore. We don’t control alcohol by imposing a 25 sq. foot limit on grape vines. But one extra gram or sq. foot of pot means jail and even worse; this initiative specifies that if accused of having too much cannabis the burden of proof is on you, not the state."

Regarding taxes:

"Singling out those who want to use marijuana for a huge excise tax is just plain unfair. It maintains cannabis as the most expensive, blatantly overpriced product on the market thus forcing most people to choose cheaper, more dangerous drugs with huge externalized costs to society as a whole."

Regarding minors:

"Sending teenagers to state prison for three years for pot is evil. This initiative mandates that 18, 19, and twenty year old minors serve three to seven year terms in California state prison for the crime of passing each other a joint or selling one another a small amount. Under this law if a 21 year old person passes a joint to a 20 year old he or she goes to county jail for six months. Likewise this measure has no exceptions for parents in their own homes from the “smoking cannabis in any space while minors are present” prohibition. We don’t lock up parents for having a glass of wine with dinner and we certainly don’t tell the kids to leave the house for the purpose of consuming any other substance so why start with cannabis?"

Peron vows that if the proponents "buy" enough signatures to get the initiative on the ballot he will campaign against it:

"This initiative is bad for parents, students and, ultimately, the effort to get the state to stop ruining lives enforcing these draconian pot laws. Initiatives create permanent statutes. This one with its petty restrictions for personal users, prohibitive unfair taxes, and mandatory state prison sentences for teen agers need be nipped in the bud. We will campaign and vote against it should its proponents succeed in purchasing the necessary number of signatures to put it on the 2010 ballot. The tax revenue it will supposedly generate is a mere smokescreen for the kids it will regulate into three, five and seven year state prison sentences."



I'm tired of reading that stuff everywhere traveiso. State your own opinions. Stop acting like a mindless drone going around spreading what other people think.

If you can't tell us why YOU oppose prop 19 I'm sure no one is willing to listen.

Tell us your pros and cons of the bill, and tell us exactly why you think those cons outweigh making marijuana legal.


Regarding the limits of one ounce and 25 square feet for personal cultivation:
First of all, The one ounce limit is how much a regular person can sell or transport without a business license. You can possess as much as you want at your store/home. And you can sell as much as you want if you have a business license.

Regarding taxes:

"Singling out those who want to use marijuana for a huge excise tax is just plain unfair. It maintains cannabis as the most expensive, blatantly overpriced product on the market thus forcing most people to choose cheaper, more dangerous drugs with huge externalized costs to society as a whole."
Wow, talk about propaganda. Who said the tax was huge? You only have to pay a tax if you are planning to open a store that sells cannabis. If you grow pot and sell an ounce to your neighbor then you don't pay taxes. If you expect something to be legalized without it being taxed then you are not in reality. You will die waiting for FREE WEED, because it will never happen. In today's world you can't have something legal without there being taxes on it.

Regarding minors:
Initiatives create permanent statutes.
Wether you want to admit it or not marijuana is a drug. Kids don't get to use drugs, unless prescribed by a doctor.

If you are waiting for a bill that allows minors to use drugs then you are certainly a hindrance to the legalization movement. Because it will never happen. Drugs are illegal for minors to consume, unless a doctor prescribes it.

Initiatives create permanent statutes.
Initiatives don't create permanent statutes. Read Section 5a,b,c
This bill can be changed either by legislature, or the people voting at a statewide election.

The legislature can only amend the bill with less restrictive limitations!!!That means real legalization can only happen with this bill. It can never go backwards.

Stop spreading something you know nothing about just because someone else didn't agree with it.


I'm tired of reading that stuff everywhere traveiso. State your own opinions. Stop acting like a mindless drone going around spreading what other people think.

If you can't tell us why YOU oppose prop 19 I'm sure no one is willing to listen.

Tell us your pros and cons of the bill, and tell us exactly why you think those cons outweigh making marijuana legal.

anytime anyone that is going with the no stance post their thought you call it propaganda or you call, them stupid or greedy you just need to get over it people have the right to vote whatever way they want you guys are just bitter by the poll results. state yojur oppions and whatever happens happens but you don't half to make it personal and I guess dennis peron and jack herre oppions don't count they only paved the way to atleast get your meds but I'm sure theyh know nothing on the subject.


SmilinBoob, So your saying a 20 year old should not be allowed to smoke a Joint!. and he should be jailed for it!. LOL.! You sound like the DEA! Get your head out of your ass already. When did you take your first puff?. how about your buddies.? I'm sure you all started blazing younger than 21 years old. Do you feel you should have went to Jail for that. Hypocrite!

This BILL is majorly flawed. read it. Doesnt take a Rocket Scientist to figure that out!


Why R people buying into corporate/media BS about Prop 19? Why are idiots voting No?

Why R people buying into corporate/media BS about Prop 19? Why are idiots voting No?

I dont get it?

People in the MJ movement bitch for years about wanting regulation and legalization...

It's finally on the table, and wont be coming back for at least another decade. I picture 4 years to a decade. 4 Years for another possible ballot initiative, and up to a decade for law makers to put something together instead (actually, more like when pigs fly...)

Why does it seem like the only people who are saying they will vote no are:

1. Idiot kids that are under 21 that whine about the age being too high OH BOO FUCKING HOO CRY ME A RIVER! Smoke inside your garage or get a medical permit to supercede the recreational use law. That is one of the stupidest most assanine reasons to vote no on this potentially once in a lifetime opportunity

2. Doctors, Med MJ Clinics/Producers and growers - Listen guys, Med MJ will still be around. YOur clinic now can expand it's business model to recreational sales! Just get the permit and be in compliance. I don't see what's so hard about this???

3. Irrational fears of corporate takeovers. - Well if you don't own .COM you better start collecting them. Whoever has the good ones will obviously be heading the biggest commerce out there. It's not always about the domain name either, it can be about location, the popularity of your estbalishment, etc

4. Price drop fears. Honestly who believes this RAND corporation bullshit? Weren't corporations and the media the same organizations that spoon fed us Reefer Madness propaganda in the early 1900's?

Stop believing the MEDIA!!! THEY ARE NOT ON OUR SIDE! They are trying to manipulate and sway voter confidence. Billionares are pumping the media here like PUPPETS. Like cat tails in the wind, swaying back and forth.. Giant industrialists and big drug gangs with deep pockets.

There is nothing but a whole new green industry opening up from this. No = the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, the cartels cut off more heads, more patient harassment, more medical marijuana fraud, more rip off doctors, more Al Capone type gangsters living in Hollywood Hills mansions running the fraud Medical Marijuana scam.. Crappy rip off docs.. Why do we have to hide behind a medical condition to use a plant? this is BS. The docs are crocks. Then we have to pay the county or state $150 for this special hologram card that grants immunity? Nearly $200-250 a year for true immunity! That's ridiculous.

Yes = More jobs, people can have fun in marijuana horticulture as a hobby at home, more products, opens the door to hemp, etc.

Who gives a FUCK about all those drug cartels, oil barons, pharmaceutical empires, medical marijuana crooks, irrationally paranoid growers, etc.. FUCK them.

It's about the PEOPLE. Us, the little guys. We want our freedom finally.

Once again:

Yes on 19

Personally I think if a black man can become president on 'change' than we are in for change. 19 is going to pass. that is the end of my rant. Thanks :)


Richard Lee's plan. What do you think? Wake up people!

Oakland City Council Looking to Close Patient Gardens
This is what happens when you buy city council members, you can convince them to grant you a legal monopoly of the medical and recreational cannabis market by outlawing personal medical gardens under the pretense of public safety and allow 4 giant commercial gardens to come in, set their own prices and force dispensaries city wide to choose from one of these 4 gardens. Im guessing rich lee will own at least 2 of them.

If Oakland city council members are worried about public safety, they might want to consider their own safety first. Destroying the livelihoods of thousands of Oaklands most well connected people will have its consequences. If you want to open a 100,000sqft warehouse in Oakland in an attempt to monopolize the medical or recreational pot market, buy fire insurance.

If your a grower in Cali and support prop 19 read this and let me know how you feel....

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New ordinance in Oakland would legalize big industrial pot farms
July 13, 2010 | Michael Montgomery

Flickr photo by Neeta Lind

The city of Oakland could become home to some of the world’s largest government-licensed marijuana-growing operations, with permits to distribute products around the state, according to a draft ordinance released yesterday.

The city’s public safety committee meets tonight to consider the plan to permit four industrial-scale, “medical cannabis” cultivation facilities.

The ordinance does not limit the size of the indoor operations, but says the council has received proposals ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 square feet.

“The cultivation of medical cannabis in Oakland has not been regulated and occurs entirely in small-scale home operations or larger-scale illicit warehouses,” reads a report submitted to the committee by city council members Rebecca Kaplan and Larry Reid. “These unregulated operations have led to public safety hazards, including fires, burglaries and home invasions, health risks to patients, and related response costs to the city.”

But the plan doesn’t restrict operations to Oakland. “Responsible transfer permits” would allow registered dispensaries anywhere in the state to purchase medical marijuana from the city’s pot farms. “Sales would be subject to the recently approved sales tax on medical cannabis providing additional revenue for the city through sales taxes,” reads the report.

In addition to improving public safety, the report suggests the plan could help revive the city’s anemic finances, raising anywhere from $3 million to $38 million in permit fees and sales taxes.

Experts say licensed marijuana-growing operations of this size and purpose do not exist anywhere in the world. Even the pot-friendly Netherlands only legally permits small-scale marijuana cultivation for distribution to consumers.

“I am not aware of any indoor-growing facility of that size or one whose product is meant to be consumed,” said Jonathan Caulkins, a Carnegie Mellon professor who co-authored a recent RAND Corporation study on marijuana in California.

Dale Gieringer, who heads the California branch of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said he could think of only a few government-sanctioned, outdoor pot farms that were larger than the indoor facilities being considered for Oakland.

“This is a very big deal,” he said.

The plan is raising a few eyebrows, even among legalization advocates like Gieringer. He said the ordinance envisions a “monopoly” for marijuana growers while also maintaining a virtual stranglehold on distribution (the plan would increase the number of legal dispensaries in Oakland from four to six).

“There are certainly more than four brands of wine and beer in Oakland and there are certainly more than four brands of cannabis,” Gieringer said.

But the supporters predict the plan would lead to lower prices and help wipe out illegal growing operations.

“Permitting larger-scale cultivation will allow for lower production costs per pound by creating economies of scale,” reads the committee report. “Lower production costs will allow regulated cultivation facilities to undercut wholesale prices of cannabis grown in unregulated operations.” Still, the report estimates dispensaries will continue to purchase at least 20 percent of their product from boutique growers who cultivate within a 96-square-foot legal limit.

Berkeley’s City Council is also considering industrial-scale marijuana cultivation and Mendocino recently passed regulations allowing outdoor pot farms to expand capacity to 99 plants per land parcel.

It’s leading some observers to wonder whether the battle for the statewide medical marijuana market – and accompanying tax dollars – is intensifying among local governments, well in advance of the vote this fall to legalize marijuana use in California.

Of course, much depends on the actions (or inactions) of the federal government. The feds still classify pot as a schedule one narcotic and DEA agents continue to raid some farms that claim to be operating within the state’s medical marijuana laws.

KQED's Forum program devoted an hour today to the Oakland ordinance.


If you vote yes you are selling out for government "safety", which always ends up fucking the people over.

We have a good balance with 215, it is not perfect, but it is not the bastard child that this "Regulate, Control and Tax Act of 2010" is.

They throw you scraps and you jump all over it like the good government lap dogs you yes people are. Stand up and Demand REAL legalization.

Act2010 is legalization in name only.


If you vote yes you are selling out for government "safety", which always ends up fucking the people over.

We have a good balance with 215, it is not perfect, but it is not the bastard child that this "Regulate, Control and Tax Act of 2010" is.

They throw you scraps and you jump all over it like the good government lap dogs you yes people are. Stand up and Demand REAL legalization.

Act2010 is legalization in name only.

^^^ Well said do it right the first time. Prop 19 LOL what a scam. It's a shame the bill is so poorly written. Ahh well another BIG HELL NO!! will be checked to that box


I urge you to ignore and render yourself immune from the media, and tap Y for yes when it is time.

Ahh But I am you as you are me and we are all together.


We are the Media my friend..

I think the Rand "Occasional Paper" was just to get us debating again... Otherwise we had already decided to do just do what we want and F*** the Law as usual. I mean we are here and we will be there!

Cool enough that Prop 19 Passes and Cool enough that it doesn't The people have to still be "The People" Laws are just Insurance for those who are in power and need some security against those they Exploit.

Think Jack Herer in 2012! We can make a Man's Dream Come True! We Owe them!!!!
