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i'm on day 4 without weed and it sucks!


New member
hello from miami :tiphat:

ive been a long time canna enthusiast but have never registered for any canna sites before because i always felt one can never be too careful with their security. i lurked way back on overgrow until they went down (any overgrowers know wtf happened to lothar??) and then began lurking icmag. i 'm familiar with so many of the interesting personalities here due to years spent lurking. i know i'm new to all of you but you all feel like old friends to me :)

long story short about the weed situation, its not a legally imposed thing or a dry spell. i've made the decision for myself for personal reasons. since im not growing or smoking anything for a long while i feel comfortable registering so i can be a part of the community. funny that the time i finally sign up is when im quitting .

the problem i'm having right now is i'm really missing my weed smokage. i need a place where i can go to for support whenever im jonesing! i googled 'day 4 no weed' in an effort to find some others in my shoes to kill some time with. the results were a bunch of webpages / forums with ex-users or attempting quitters that vilify pot, swear to never smoke again, curse the plant blaming all their lifes problems on it and just overall use pot as their scapegoat for all their problems. i can't relate to that as i love weed. i love everything about it. the substance itself, the type of people the plant attracts, growing it, smelling it, tasting it, looking at it, mmmmm. :) thats why quitting for me right now is very difficult. it is quite an exercise in self discipline. i'm not quitting because i dislike weed, my hiatus is a more practical matter. ive been smoking nearly two decades and plan to revisit my first love when the time is right. so i guess this is both my introduction in addition to a plea for help lol. i hope to battle the impulse to smoke by living vicariously through and taking part in the icmag community. see you around all! :wave:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
You need to smoke a bowl dude and stop fucking around. :)


I can't find mine. I got a little nugget and was going to puff for the first time in a couple months but lost it! I only puff occasionally but if I grow some i go crazy for a few weeks then quit for months. The stuff makes me feel dumb otherwise and tolerance sucks. If I can toke then function its time to quit.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I am buried in nugs, muhahah

Welcome to IC but you came to the wrong place to quit smoking weed....we aren't quitters around here!


New member
arrg - sux bro, hope you locate your nug man. lost weed is a tragedy and i feel for you :)
pure, i did say quit, but maybe that was the wrong term. i think extended break is more accurate :)
sotf, your post made me lol. :)
haze, basically it has to do with what i feel is in my child's best interest. i'm living in enemy territory right now, not all of us are fortunate enough to live in cali. i cant take the risk of growing here in my current situation. there is too much at stake involving custody arrangements between my son's mother and i and also my own freedom (my son needs me around so i cant be getting locked up or just up and run off to cali). since i cant grow, i cant smoke. i must do the responsible thing with the little amounts of money i have. i'm not a wealthy man and i got other financial priorities right now than buying weed such as my child's and my immediate needs as well as saving for his future (e.g., college education, etc.). so that's w'sup. duty calls. once my child is out of the nest and thriving i will then grow a ton of dope and make up for lost time. :)
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I'm sure you picked up some skills you can share in your time as a smoker. Being current is not mandatory here so welcome aboard and hope you enjoy yourself.

Good luck with the quitting, whatever your reasons.


two decades of toking...a long strange trip indeed! hey man, i am here if ya need a post for leanin'. I have posted a couple "I'm not likin' this not smoking stuff!" threads here before. I suffer from anxiety/depression (who doesnt!) but my toking is self prescribed. I definitely also live in "enemy territory" as well as my state has illogical/draconian pot laws. I always, every month or two, have a break thanks to having to go through unreliable pot dealers who run out OR being a married/college student/soon to be dad I have little funds and must divert my cash to something else. So, I am not in the identical same boat as you, but I understand.

What perplexes me though is your reasoning for quitting; do you really need to quit for the welfare of your child? Have you had previous legal troubles that make you a likely victim of a search of a grow? I mean hey, it is totally, totally your ball game, your business and absolutely not mine, but since you put it out there, I figured I'd dig a little.

It just seems to me that the most responsible thing to do as a toker is to grow your own. You aren't going through the trouble and risk of acquiring your supplies off of an external source, small grows produce low smell and consume little electricity, it's MUCH more cost-effective, especially after a couple harvests.

Do you think you might just need a break for the hell of it? I also have a horrible custody situation with my wife's daughter who lives out of state. We got screwed out of a proper allotment of parenting time because we are too poor to litigate in court and ex-daddy, with all the cash, threw a fit when we had to move 600 miles away for financial reasons.
I think it sucks that you might be at risk of a snooping ex. Maybe I'm lucky that this joker lives so far away.

I totally support anyone who wants to clear the mind and take a break-for any reason. It's hard for me, it's such an ingrained part of my every day routine. I don't think I am necessarily addicted to marijuana in the traditional sense, I am just a true lover of cannabis. People like us miss it when it's gone.

Please don't take my prying into your situation the wrong way or as negative in any way! I'm just interested as I have a similar situation with a weird custody situation. It's just strange as I am really just beginning my grow adventures in order to be /safer/ as a smoker. Once you're off your break, too...you should look into micro growing. You can build a small cabinet out of rubbermaid tubs that is total stealth and can keep you supplied for a small bump in the electric bill.

Good luck, peace and good will to you! Don't give up-and don't let these potheads on here lure you into giving in! Think of 'em like a bunch of tubby kids at fat camp trying to get you to sneak a snickers! It's HARD though with such impressive grows at every turn.
I dont condone smoking synthetic substances, but if you are having major issues you can get a "fix" to help wean you by getting some spice gold before it goes illegal. Its like $20 a half gram at the head shop near here but its not illegal currently and it wont show up on piss tests
Other than that, pick up a hobby, preferably one that you can do WITH your child.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hard to think of a better reason to stop a while, good luck Long, Getchmis Olsun! :)
Work out, try some circuit training, works wonders for the mind and body :)

Lifting is good too, but something about raising your heart rate helps the head.


All that k2 and spice shit is /weird/. It feels like you're getting stoned on something /like/ weed...definitely stoned, definitely not weed. I bought a gram for kicks and have mostly smoked little one hitters here and there of it, it's pretty decent but not great. Kinda like comparing nutra-sweet and sugar. hehe.


4 days without weed psh,.. this is not the message we want to send the world that people are hooked like that. for anyone not that familiar with pot it really doesnt do this to you unless you smoke heavily like several times a day large amounts. for the light one or 2 joint a day smoker it should never be an issue to stop even for a month. certainly never was an issue for me its always nice to take a break.


New member
hey all, just checking in :) well, im feeling a ton better today than i was yesterday when i signed up. no doubt the better mood and outlook is in part thanks to the good vibes from you all. :) i suspect after a few weeks roll by i wont be so fixated on stash but at the moment weed still pops into my head at least on an hourly basis (about as frequently as i would usually be smoking :)) i thank you all for your responses. it is really helpful to have this forum and all you guys to chat with. to those who suggested working out, right now i am doing a lot of swimming and some calisthenics too. i've never really been into weightlifting or bodybuilding so i'm completely ignorant as to how to do it properly (not injure myself and get results). i do have a few gym rat friends, maybe will need to have em show me around to see how i like it.

basspirate, i really like your post and you asked some fair questions. i didn't perceive any negativity from you and i really hope you don't perceive any from me when i say with all due respect i really just don't wish to elaborate further on my decision. it is what it is bro. i just feel like if we keep the discussion focused on that its just going to call for more detail than im comfortable with providing. i signed up because i know there are a lot of good smart people here so this is where i expect to get the most understanding and support. the quitter / drugfree forums dont work for me. i control the drug and the victim mentality on those kind of sites i cant relate to.


bromhexine- that's a foolish post. nothing personal, but marijuana definitely has addictive qualities. no, it doesn't smack you out like crack or meth or even booze but it DOES absolutely have qualities that people will habitually seek out. i think it's important to give new smokers/uninformed the full picture. i would compare MJ to something like coffee, fatty foods or television. it's not going to make you go out and rob a convenience store but it will put you in a sour mood if you're not used to taking breaks. several times a day large amounts of anything will do that. I personally smoke less than a gram per day, but over several sessions. I will admit though that 75% of my family is on anxiety and depression meds and I believe that I effectively self medicate for those problems. However, when I don't have some smoke, I get a bit antsy and pissy...not too bad, but it's noticeable. Also always 48 hours after quitting I have a night where I can't sleep. It's not wise though to deny these properties of marijuana. Hey, I can't blame you though; one thing I notice about the cannabis consuming population is that we often can't tolerate any negative as the waaaay far outweighing, amazing positives are ignored by the mainstream and instead completely demonized. I don't think MJs addictive potential is anything to write home about though.

Long Strange...nothing but respect man. Situations like that are sticky, you don't want any parties related to your situation to potentially getting wind of your activities or talking about shit like that to a pot enthusiast website. I have been there. I wish you the best of luck, you'll get nothin' but support from my end. Keep us posted on your progress with the break and things in general.


just wanted to stop in and say hi and that i am also taking a break for a bit. believe im on day 6 without. i tend to stop about once a yr for a month or 2 then back to my fav lady. lol. as a pretty heavy medicater (bout an oz a week or more) i have found that doing just about any pretty heavy physical activity really helps me to not think so much about it for the first week or so. what i normally do is go jogging with my dogs. gives ya something else think about when ur wanting to smoke and animals calm ya down when ur feelin antsy. well most times anyways lol. always seems to help me greatly and also helps drain some energy on those first few nights were sleeping is a chore in itself. anyways wish u the best of luck in your personal sit. i also give u mad props for manning up to try to give the kid the best u can offer him/her. cudos for that. so if u feel the need to chat with someone who is take a break feel free to chat my ear off. lol goodluck bro

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