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im not a hippy

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Active member
so why do ppl seem to think that i'm a hippy?

i have nothing against hippies...i relate to lots of things hippyish.

it annoys me sometimes tho when ppl automatic assume that that i'm a hippy.

i'm planning to move back to alaska and live off the land, and say screw society...very very soon, but thats about all i have that relates at all to being a hippy...(ohh and i grow weed...legally)...i guess that's hippyish

my attitude about this world is more militant...more like rage against the machine...but i don't have the desire to protest or spit words at the system....even tho i have alot to say.

....i don't like GD, or phish, or string cheeses...ppl auto assume that i do????? i love roots reggae tho, and aside from that i mostly listen to rap...well i say rap i guess i mean eminem.

it doesn't seem like very many ppl relate to my way of thought and attitude tho....or they do and i don't know where they are. (i know a few here do)

so where do i fit in?...ohhh yeah outcast :tiphat:

i'm a *censored* fanatic (HUGE FANATIC), i can't stand ppl in general or society, i love guns, i love hunting (big game), i love fishing, i 'm an aging pro level freestyle bmx rider (im 39 and have ridden for over 20 years), i'm a backcountry skiier and snowboarder, and snowmachiner, i grow weed, i wear huge ass camo pants and black hoodies only, i used to commercial fish in alaska, and i used to work in the oilfields in north texas...i manage a manufacturing company in the colorado mtns right now....i grew up in wyoming.

i have never felt like i quite fit in anywhere (well in AK i did), but then i think and look, and i'm obviously finding a way to not fit in anywhere...no matter where i am i try to make sure that i don't have things in common w/ ppl and i don't ever want ppl to talk to me, and even when they do i often just look at them as if i didn't even hear them say anything....lol (reffering to strangers talking to me)

i guess this became more than explaining why i'm not a hippy.....

i always get a kick out of what the "weed nazis" think about me.
To get back to the warning that I received. You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish. That the brown acid that is circulating around us isn't too good. It is suggested that you stay away from that. Of course it's your own trip. So be my guest, but please be advised that there is a warning on that one, ok?


Feeling good is good enough.
"Well, dude, sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you. But why d'ya have to use so many cuss words along they way?"



Active member
..."bear bacon" is the bomb btw!!!

i bet i could become billionaire if i could sell and mass market bear bacon


i bet i could become billionaire if i could sell and mass market bear bacon
You would make more cash selling bear-bile to the chinese,is it only black bear you eat?You ever tasted grizzly?


yes ppl eat bear...duh :tiphat:

i've hunted bear most my life, and never killed one that didn't get eaten.

..it's delicious btw...really gamey and greasy tho....not unlike swine (which i wont touch)

Well you learn something new every day :)
Dammit now I want to try some...


Active member
You would make more cash selling bear-bile to the chinese,is it only black bear you eat?You ever tasted grizzly?

yep....true that.

asians are invading alaska and killing blackbears left and right and leaving them to rot w/out their gall bladder....

those gall bladders are worth like 10 grand over there....i'd love to get into game and fish and track those fuckers down and.....
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