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im lost.....


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
now more than ever i need some insight from the IC community. the best way i can describe how i feel is a lost soul. i feel like a stranger to myself. i dont feel like i know myself and i am unable to make any important decisions due to the fact that i really dont know what i want. when i do make a decision it always seems to be the wrong one. i call it the costanza syndrom. every decision i make is wrong soo in theory the opposite would be the right decision but it never ends up being right. at this point these feelings are really affecting my quality of like. anyone ever felt or feel the same way? can anyone suggest a way to reconnect with myself? really dont mean for this to seem like a yummybud thread, i just need some guidance............


action without vision is a nightmare

vision without action is a daydream

to keep life interesting ya gotta reinvent sometimes make a lil purpose that incite some passion


i do find a few proper bowls and a cleaning of the pipes on the regular blunts the monotony of waiting for babylon to fall


Andinismo Hierbatero
being lost is all good billy, sometimes we go through stages in the netherworld, neither here nor beyond... you need exercise, a good diet, good music and a pretty lady, and patience.. I like you can laugh at yourself, we all have some constanza every now and then in us
peace and light to you


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
All who wander are not lost, all who are lost don't wonder.


Well-known member
i really dont know what i want

there you go, you put your finger right on the problem ... the ONLY important question to answer is "what the fuck do i want?"

hint: you don't have to get the answer right the first time, you just need to execute on whatever you decide ... on the path training, as it were. And adjust the path when you finally can answer the question satisfactorily.


i suggest you characterize yourself and rework it from the ground up. what do you need to stop doing? what do you need to start doing? this is everything from start exercising to stop mumbling.

get out more
dress better or whatever makes you feel better about yourself. (even overweight people look good in better clothes)
get a tattoo, pierce your nipples, take the bulls by the horns, do something different and whatever you want.

reconnect with lost friends, theyre like bridges to an unknown world, theyve developed as much as you have over a period of time, they may yield help in a form you would never have guessed.

write your goals down, short term long term.

im in a similar rut right now, recent break up, rethinking the whole illegal side of my life, except it's like a half year GIC, i just cant get out without incurring a loss, etc. im happy to be who i am, but it just seems nothign is going my way recently. ive started making sure everything is clean, im always showered, say it proud and strong, smile more...etc the small things add up to a pimp life. They really do add up into things that would never happen...again unless you spun enough energy to change things up.

i like to think cognitively about who i am, and then feel good about what ive achieved and am doing that makes me happy.

this leads into, try try try again because the way i see it, if youre a good person, and you can like yourself, only time will tell what's in store for you but you can set it up; you know the decisions you would make in imaginary situations, you know yourself best, need to reconnect with that core belief system, and who you like to think you are - unlikely that will change much even in the most drastic moments in life, be that person who never wavers from who your soul/belief system says you are, cause that's who you are. it's semper fidelis...

love yourself, love another

the iramble now with headset lol

ps. i remembered how to make my post shorter, remember all those army ads? "be all that you can be..."


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
discipline....what noone expects from us heads....its the key for me...day to day discipline...i learned this in the military...as much as i hated being in, in hindsight, the one thing that was good was keeping myself on track for whatever goals i had....regardless of all the good that comes from our sacred herb, if i do not FORCE myself to stay disciplined, i easily start to drift into melancholy(?)....now that im older, ive found great pleasure in small things...a week w no soda pop and healthy eating...saving myself 60 bucks in a week because of no pop or fast food....going for a two mile walk instead of watching a rerun of married w children....getting up from the couch ad doing dishes on a whim....little things like these ad many others help me feel like im doing good for myself and keeps my head in check....some things may take 5 minutes outta my day....what was the question again?

Think Green

Active member
Im in the same spot Billy, not sure where to go or how to get there. The thing that rings true in my ears is a saying from me dear ole' mudder... "don't fret my son, everything in this life is temporal, If you don't like it, wait a bit, it'll change"
Just my piece. Grouphug! :grouphug:


stoned agin ...
maybe try some immediate goals to improve your life, like getting out and taking a half hour walk every day, or improve an eating habit, and use a bit of the discipline subrob talks about. you see a positive change for a relatively simple effort, and it encourages you and you move ahead a step. then, once you got the motor started and running, you can pick out where to travel to :D


I feel the same, I think it's winter/bored/lots of pot..

I am going travelling/surfing for the next few months
.. Treat yourself to a vacation bro.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
thanks for all your responses guys. they all sound like good ideas but just not the right ones for my situation. i have just made such a mess i dont know what to start cleaning up.


Garden Nymph
More and more people are feeling like "lost souls" in modern times. I would ask what your age is, but I don't think this feeling is special to any age group. I have often felt like you do, too. The best thing to do is to re-evaluate your priorities, and determine what your goals, "needs," and desires are. Then, manage them as your priorities. What would you like to get done this year? What long term goals do you have, and what short term ones?

There is no such thing as, "I really don't know what I want." There IS something that you want, but there may be something else that is making you think, "Maybe not?" That is when you really have to ask yourself the question, "What do I REALLY want??"


Now in technicolor
I feel like that on and off. Sounds like the general onset of depression - not that you're doomed for life or anything, just a sign that you need to look to sit down and think about what you want - where do you wanna be in 5 years?

5 years is a long time, but without goals, it'll pass just like that. You can become fluent in a language in 5 years, master a skill, earn a degree, etc. You can do pretty much anything, but you need to sit down and figure it out now, and begin working at it step by step.

To keep sane, you need to focus on the small things. Wake up early, smoke a bowl and go for a walk in the city, meet new people on a whim (just start conversations), pick up new hobbies, etc.


thanks for all your responses guys. they all sound like good ideas but just not the right ones for my situation. i have just made such a mess i dont know what to start cleaning up.

Give us some insight into the situation?


My best advice is to travel, anywhere that is new and within your financial capabilities (the more foreign the better) and get some new perspective on things.

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