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I'm looking for reggae suggestions.....


el dub

Thanks so much for all of the suggestions. I'll be wading through as many as I can before heading to NorCal in early April. (Hopefully with some new discs.)

Btw, afarmerr: Manu Chau is one of our favorite artists. The first time I saw him was in Barcelona late one night when I was trying to score hash on the street. Manu and his gang just finished a set in a bar ad were headed to the beach with maybe a hundred people in tow. I scored a nice chunk of hash on the walk down and then spent the next three or four hours smoking, dancing and laughing and singing on the beach as the boys played acoustic instruments and sang songs of freeing the weed. By 3:00 am there were many hundreds of folks on that beach. Unfortunately, the wife was waiting for me in our hotel.

That was one of the best times I ever had in Spain and I lived there for a semester in college with a bunch of of spaniards who let musicians sleep on our floor after their local shows. hehe

Btw, who is this "Bob Marley" character? hehe



"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
Modern Roots Artists u gotta check out

Queen Ifrica
Rootz Underground
Jr Kelly
Richie Spice
Lutan Fyah
Taj Weekes & Adowa
Jr Gong (Damian Marley)
Tarrus Riley
Tony Rebel
Morgan Heritage
Beres Hammond
I Octane
I Wayne
Romain Virgo
Anthony B
Cocoa Tea
Jah Cure............i could go on but thats plenty to get u started!

Thats a good start and u can find plenty more......

This list should have u buzzing for hours ..
Im into dancehall reggae 2 ..where im from..its 85 percent jamaican ..u can hear anyone of these artist jus walkiing down the street ..music is a BIG percenrtage of jamaican lifestyle

Max Headroom

Well-known member
i love most everything from the JAHTARI label!

they combine reggae/dub with 8-bit/chiptune sound - a mindblowingly fantastic combination in my book! :D

maybe you'll like it too - check out their website - listen to their tunes and download quite a bit of stuff for free.

i recommend this compilation to start
(not sure if hot links are allowed)

El Fata - El Fata Ina The Dancehall
Soom T - Puff That Weed
Solo Banton - Coulda Never (Rootah refix)

are my fav's from this compilation.

everything by "disrupt" kicks ass :D

i'm sure this isn't everybody's cup'o'tea, but any old C64 sceners and lofi freax should find it pleasant ;)


Some good european and uk dub collectives.Heavy stuff:)
BR Stylers
Bush Chemists
Improvisators Dub
Iration Steppas
Jah Shaka !!!
King Earthquake

A Farmerr

New member
Got to suggest 'Kultiration' from Sweden. Most songs are in Swedish but some are in english too, aswell in balinese. There is some unique reggae vibe right there, experimental and such

:rasta: :rasta:

Mr dude

ooklah the moc
father psalms
dubkonscious sweet island reggea
all alive and breathing
passafire is cool too tho i would say they are full on reggea good band tho

Mr dude

are not i ment to say
ol roots never die
listen to the gladiators chatty chatty mouth
love burning spear
also gregory issacs the cool ruler

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