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I'm going to Amsterdam! but...


Active member
yea dude, dont force weed on her, she might have a negative experiences and hate the weed even more


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hello IC community :)

Well I'm in a bit of a predicament at the moment with a relationship, not a Yummybud relationship (Aw!) but still a problem and something some of you have most likely experienced at some point.

Well anyway I'll update you on the stats. I've been with this girl for 11 months so nothing too major. Anyway we had known each other for years through work and a few months after finally 'hooking up' she found out I was a toker after a boozed-up night on the town. She reacted much worse than predicted.

I did stop smoking for a few months but there's always a moment where you wonder why your punishing yourself for a reason in which you have nothing to contribute so I only ever smoke anymore with close friends and whenever I'm not with her.

Anyway to the point. We're going to Amsterdam shortly and I did make it pretty clear before it was booked I wanted to smoke over there. Somehow it got brought up again in conversation, probably from one of the many coffee shop oriented maps I have with certain ones highlighted.

When asked says "I don't like smoking", "It's drugs" or "I don't want to talk about it".

Right, well I definitely am smoking in Amsterdam nevertheless. But what I'm asking is can you think of a nice way to break it to somebody who has never had any experience with it?

There is no nice way really. Frankly if you want to smoke or do other drugs you should get out of the relationship. If you would rather be with her then you should give up the weed and/or drugs.

To stay in the relationship is going to require one of you to change. Too often we enter into relationships because the person is hot and/or the sex is good and even though we see problems we tend to think "Oh well I'll get him/her to change" or "I'll change for him/her". That's fantasy world stuff, for the most part people don't change who they fundementally are.

So I suppose the next thing you're going to tell us is your girlfriend is going to have a problem when you want to go visit the red light section of town? Sheesh, there's just no pleasing some women. :)


Active member
11 months aint shit. Dump the bitch, and then go to A'Dam alone and enjoy the fuck out of it!

Bring enough money for hookers and blow, and maybe some weed too!


Whenever she tries to consume any alcohol (even if you do too) take it away and say, "It's drugs! I don't want to talk about it!"


if she eats a brownie make sure its not a huge one. first brownies i ever made i put way too much weed in. it was awesome but it would knock out someone who didnt ever smoke. you want her to enjoy it. this probably also means not mixing booze and weed as shed prob get the spins and blame that all on the bud

Option B of course would be that you take me instead and we have a great time! huh? huh?


May your race always be in your favor
" I'm going to Amsterdam but.... it doesn't sound like you'll have much fun with the wet towel around your neck. Go along find a nice girl over there and discuss Dutch/American relations if you get my drift.


I don't know about amsterdam & I don't know how many cartons you can take without paying duty, but Marlboro cigs. when we in germany on the black market 100DM for 5 cartons! That would also probably be helpfull to find a girl over there!


Ditch the bitch and find someone else who shares you affection 4 cannabis. The coolest chicks smoke and remember if she smoke she pokes!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Tell her that there were two things you wanted to do if you ever visited Amsterdam.

#1 Smoke a ton of hash

#2 Bang a ton of red-light girls.

Tell her you'll sacrifice one, but not both. For her.

Now it's a compromise!



Sorcerer's Apprentice
Serious side:

My girl doesn't smoke. Never smoked. Doesn't really drink. Not her thing. When we met, I said, "Look, I smoke."

She said, "Not around me."

I said, "I'm high right now and I was high when you met me and many of the things you like about me are part of my high persona. You've never talked to me when I wasn't high."

Turns out she had an assumption that anyone who smoked would have bloodshot eyes and say "maaan.... I'm sooooooo.... wasted...."

When she found out that me high is me, she got over it.

When we first started dating she said "I don't let people smoke in my house."

When we talked about getting a place together I said, "Look, I don't smoke in your house because it's your house and I respect that." (I would smoke on her back porch.) "If we're talking about getting a place together, you should know that I do smoke in my house, and I plan to keep doing so."

She got the message.... living with me meant living with herb.

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